18 Ways to Get Rid of Ingrown Hair at Home


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Ingrown hair

All kinds of hair in our body have their definite way of growing out from the follicle. Once that is disrupted owing to a number of causes, it tends to curl back and start growing inside creating an obstruction on the exterior of the skin. This small bumps caused due to an unconventional growth of hair are what are known as ingrown hair. This kind of condition can affect any part of the body, especially on the face after shaving or the genital areas after grooming.

  1. What is an Ingrown Hair?
  2. What Does an Ingrown Hair Look Like?
  3. How to Get Rid of Ingrown Hair?
  4. Home Remedies for Ingrown Hair
  5. Why Do You Get An Ingrown Hair?
  6. How to Prevent Ingrown Pubic Hair?
  7. When to See a Doctor for Ingrown Hair?
  8. Food for Thought With Some FAQs

What is an Ingrown Hair?

What is an Ingrown Hair
ImageSource: www.shefinds.com

Ingrown hair are the naturally growing hair which changes the direction of their growth and start growing inwards owing to any kind of obstruction. These types of hair tend to grow into the skin instead of out of it which creates an obstruction within the affected area causing it to grow into a small bump, sometimes even filled with fluid and pus.

The ingrown hair normally tends to heal on itself but if you are looking for ways to treat ingrown hair, it is best advised to stick to the home remedies and not go out of the way with any form of medicine, until necessary. If you keep finding the situation around the area getting worse, it is most likely because of an additional infection of the hair follicle in which case it is best to opt for direct medication to get rid of the signs and symptoms attached with the ingrown hair and the infection surrounding it.

What Does an Ingrown Hair Look Like?

Ingrown Hair Look Like
ImageSource: www.assets.nhs.uk

Majority of the time, the appearance of an ingrown hair can’t be distinguished from that of a pimple. They are characterised by small red bumps around the skin which doesn’t inflict any noticeable amount of pain if not meddled with. The skin around the area of the ingrown hair tends to itch and cause a lot of irritation.

Some of the major symptoms of ingrown hair include:

  • Irritation on the skin
  • A pimple like red bumps on the skin
  • Lingering pain when pinched
  • Boil like sore with pus inside
  • The reddish appearance of the affected area

How to Get Rid of Ingrown Hair?

Get Rid of Ingrown HairGetting rid of ingrown hair is not rocket science at all. There are a number of easy home remedies that effectively help in curing the issue right from its roots and works to keep the same away for as long as possible. Since ingrown hair are primarily seen in men after shaving and in both genders after grooming their genitals, it is always advisable to do the same with care and precision so that there are no forceful rendition of the curled hair to start growing inside the skin.

Make sure to not put a lot of pressure on the face with the razor because the same can cause adverse effects. If need be, use a trimmer with the lowest settings for a much smoother shave. If you are witnessing ingrown hair in your pubic region, it is best to stop grooming because the same can worsen the condition even further. So, if you want to remove ingrown hair, it is best to stick to the list of home remedies that we are going to be recommending in the next section.

Home Remedies for Ingrown Hair

Remedies for Ingrown HairIngrown hair can often time be treated using the natural home remedies without any kind of lingering side effects. Home remedies might take longer to inflict their effects but can definitely create an impactful and long lasting impression which is exactly what you need with the treatment of ingrown hair.


Check Out These Effective Remedies For Ingrown Hair

    1. Aspirin
    2. Apple Cider Vinegar
    3. Baking Soda
    4. Shea Butter
    5. Epsom Salt
    6. Sugar
    7. Toothpaste
    8. Black Tea Bags
    9. Warm Compress
    10. Rubbing Alcohol
    11. Witch Hazel
    12. Cucumber
    13. Potato Peels
    14. Oils
    15. Pumice Stone
    16. Honey
    17. Diy Scrubs
    18. Essential Oils

1. Aspirin

AspirinAspirin is a great home remedy for curing the issues concerning ingrown hair. The salicylic acid present in aspirin helps in getting rid of the dead skin(R) that surrounds the ingrown hair for it to grow naturally and not into the skin.

What to do?

  1. Mix two tablets of aspirin in one or two tablespoons of warm water to make a smooth paste
  2. Add a few drops of honey to the paste
  3. Apply it to the area of the ingrown hair
  4. Leave it on for 10 minutes
  5. Wash it off with cold water

2. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar
ImageSource: www.steptohealth.com

If you didn’t know before, apple cider vinegar (ACV) is a natural anti-septic (R) which is the primary reason it is beneficial for the treatment of ingrown hair. It is a very effective and painless remedy for ingrown hair removal and works wonders for restricting the same from happening in the same area. The anti-inflammatory properties of the apple cider vinegar help in combating the redness (R) and the swelling that lingers in the affected area of the ingrown hair.

What to do?

  1. Mix one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and one tablespoon of water
  2. Soak a cotton pad or ball in it
  3. Apply it to the affected area and leave it on
  4. Wipe away with a clean cotton pad if required

3. Baking Soda

Baking SodaBaking soda has infamous anti-fungal and anti-microbial properties (R) which is what makes this a favoured remedy amidst the others. It helps in removing the fungal infestation around the pus filled hair follicle which can have an adverse effect if left untreated.

What To Do?

  1. Mix one tablespoon of baking soda to one or two tablespoons of water and make a smooth paste
  2. Apply the paste to the affected area and leave it on for 5 minutes
  3. Wash off the dried baking soda off with cold water
  4. Repeat this twice a day for better results

4. Shea Butter

Shea ButterIf you have been suffering from ingrown hair and razor bumps and want to reduce the growth of ingrown hair, shea butter is one of the most effective remedies to look into. It softens the harshness around the area and prevents the possibility of the clogging of the hair follicles (R) which is one of the most important reasons for ingrown hair.

What to do?

  1. Apply a thin layer of shea butter and massage it into the skin after shaving

5. Epsom Salt

Epsom SaltEpsom salt is an amazing natural exfoliater which helps in removal of the dead skin around the ingrown hair. Not just that, it even has mild anti-microbial properties which clean the area as well. Keep applying Epsom salt until the hair comes out completely but if you are finding that your skin is getting irritated and becoming red, it is best to stay away from it.

What To Do?

  1. For the normal parts on the face, gently rub the Epsom salt over the affected area to exfoliate the place
  2. For the rest of the body and the pubes, add two tablespoons of Epsom salt in the bathtub and take a warm relaxing bath in it

6. Sugar

SugarSugar is one of the best exfoliators which is what makes the sugar scrub one of the best scrubs in the lot for the ingrown hair treatment. The sugar scrub helps in wiping out the dead skin in the area which clogs the hair follicle so that the hair can easily grow without any kind of obstruction.

What To Do?

  1. Mix two tablespoons of coarse sugar and add two tablespoons of olive oil
  2. Add 10 drops of any essential oil of your choice
  3. Mix well and apply the paste and rub it on the area of the ingrown hair
  4. Wash it off with a wet flannel

7. Toothpaste

ToothpasteThe best remedy for ingrown hair definitely accounts for toothpaste. There are possibilities for a number of people’s skin reacting to the acne ointments which is why the white toothpaste (not the gel ones) are the best alternatives for the ointments. The only downside is the fact that after the ingrown hair removal, you need to wipe off the toothpaste.

What To Do?

  1. Apply a generous layer of toothpaste on the area of the ingrown hair
  2. Leave it on for a few minutes
  3. Wash it off and repeat the process multiple times throughout the day

8. Black Tea Bags

Black Tea BagsBlack tea bags are yet another remedy to get rid of ingrown hair. This variant of tea is rich in tannic acid which is a great ingredient for the ingrown hair treatment. It is known to remove the redness and the inflammation that is often caused because of the ingrown hair. It helps soothe the side effects that come with the problems of having ingrown hair.

What To Do?

  1. Soak a black tea bag in warm water and leave it in for one minute
  2. Rub the moistened tea bag all over the affected area for 3-4 minutes

9. Warm Compress

Warm CompressWarm compress is an amazing way to get rid of ingrown hair and simultaneously reduce the growth of ingrown hair. It helps in hydrating and moistening the skin around the ingrown hair which helps in bringing the ingrown hair closer to the surface and gradually getting rid of it.

What To Do?

  1. Moisten a compress in warm water
  2. Apply the warm compress on the affected portion and leave it be for 5-7 minutes
  3. Repeat the process till the hair comes closer to the surface

10. Rubbing Alcohol

Rubbing Alcohol
ImageSource: www.shopify.com

Rubbing alcohol is known for its anti-septic and disinfectant properties. Treating the area of the ingrown hair before administering any kind of ingrown hair treatment can effectively sanitise the area and ensure to keep the possibility of infection away.

What To Do?

  1. Soak a cotton pad or cotton ball with rubbing alcohol
  2. Apply the same all over the affected area and then start with the application of the remedies

11. Witch Hazel

Witch HazelMuch like any other store bought toner, witch hazel works the same way on the skin. It helps soothe and bring down the redness caused by the ingrown hair. It is a natural astringent that possesses anti-septic and anti-inflammatory properties.

What To Do?

  1. Soak a cotton pad with witch hazel
  2. Apply it over the affected area for a few minutes till the irritation dies down
  3. Repeat this a few times throughout the day

12. Cucumber

CucumberCucumbers are not just hydrating in nature but have an anti-inflammatory effect on the skin which is definitely great for ingrown hair treatment at home. It helps reduce and fight the irritation and itchiness that comes along with ingrown hair. It helps reduce the redness and the possibility of infection which is yet another added bonus. Cucumber even has slight proportions of vitamin C which just adds to the benefits.

What To Do?

  1. Cut some slices of cucumber and chill them in the refrigerator
  2. Rub the chilled cucumber over the affected area of the ingrown hair

[Also Read: How to Use Cucumber for Acne]

13. Potato Peels

Potato PeelsPotato peels are a great source of hydration and rejuvenation for the skin (R). It even inflicts anti-inflammatory properties on the skin which is very beneficial in the ingrown hair treatment and removal. The high levels of starch present in the potatoes also help in drawing out the ingrown hair from within to the surface of the skin. It simultaneously nourishes and hydrates the skin as well.

What To Do?

  1. Peel a potato and apply the peel on the area of the ingrown hair
  2. Secure the peel by covering it with a band-aid
  3. Keep it on for 24 hours straight

14. Bio Oil, Coconut oil or Castor oil

Bio Oil, Coconut oil or Castor oilOne of the worst enemies of ingrown hair is dry skin. The condition of ingrown hair removal becomes a lot harder when the skin is dry and scratchy. In order to ensure the successful removal of the ingrown hair, you need to ensure that the skin in and around the affected area is supple and smooth. Bio Oil, Coconut Oil, and Castor Oil help moisturise and nourish the area with its essential oils which are an amazing thing for the treatment process.

What to do?

  1. Dab some bio/coconut/castor oil on a cotton pad or ball
  2. Apply that all over the area of the ingrown hair
  3. Repeat this process multiple times throughout the day

15. Pumice Stone

Pumice StonePumice stone helps in removing the unwanted and the dead layer of skin in and around the ingrown hair. This is essential to losing because it is what restricts the natural growth of the hair and the hair grows inside the skin causing a pimple like an appearance on the exterior of the skin.

What To Do?

  1. Wet a pumice stone under the water
  2. Gently rub the stone across the area of the ingrown hair
  3. Wash off all the extracted dead skin cells

16. Honey

HoneyHoney has multiple benefits when it comes to ingrown hair treatment. The anti-bacterial property helps in fighting the possibility of infection in the area. Not just that, it also hydrates and moisturises the area which helps in ensuring that the roughness doesn’t induce more irritation.

What To Do?

  1. Apply a generous amount of honey on the area of the ingrown hair
  2. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes
  3. Wash it off with cold water

Scrub for Ingrown Hair

Scrub for Ingrown HairOne of the primary remedies for ingrown hair treatment are scrubs. While these kind of all natural scrubs are most of the time already available in the market, there is no better way than to make them at home. The scrubs not just heavily exfoliate the skin but also ensure to remove the dead skin that clogs and prevents the growth of the hair in its natural form. These homemade scrubs are easy to make, is healthy for the skin without the interference of any kind of harmful chemicals and most of the time, you will even have all the ingredients sitting around in your home as well.

17. DIY Scrubs for Ingrown Hair

DIY Scrubs for Ingrown HairDIY scrubs at home can easily and effectively cure the problems relating to ingrown hair and its removal. If you have tried an innumerable number of methods to get rid of ingrown hair, its time to opt for a different method for the effective results and there’s nothing better than a good DIY homemade scrub.

a) Salt

SaltSalt is an amazing exfoliater which is exactly why it works wonders for ingrown hair. Not just in the ingrown hair removal, the salt even helps improve the blood circulation in the area which further promotes the removal process. In order to exfoliate like a pro, make sure to not rub the salt directly because that may cause scarring.

What To Do?

  1. Mix two tablespoons of salt in half a cup of warm water
  2. Dissolve the salt and apply it with cotton on the affected area
  3. Leave it be and don’t wash it off
  4. Repeat this till the ingrown hair comes out

b) Sugar

SugarSugar is probably one of the most versatile when it comes to DIY scrubs. It is a common ingredient in the majority of the scrub formulas and all for the right reasons. It is known for its amazing exfoliating characteristic which is what makes it a good remedy for ingrown hair treatment at home.

What To Do?

  1. Mix two tablespoons of sugar to one tablespoon of honey
  2. Mix it till the sugar dissolves halfway through
  3. Rub the mixture over the affected area for 2-3 minutes
  4. Don’t put a lot of pressure rather do it gently
  5. Wash away with cold water

c) Oatmeal

OatmealOatmeal is an amazing exfoliater owing to its grainy structure. It helps in getting rid of the dead skin cells and the clogged pores which often makes the skin worse and makes it more prone to possibilities of ingrown hair.

What To Do?

  1. Ground half a cup of oatmeal in a blender
  2. Add two tablespoons of honey in it
  3. Mix well and form a smooth paste
  4. Rub it gently over the affected area to get rid of the unwanted dead skin layer

18. Essential Oils for Ingrown Hair

Essential Oils for ingrown hairDry skin is one of the primary habitats for the growth of ingrown hair. If you are planning on plucking it to get rid of the ingrown hair, it is time that you think again. Plucking can often have adverse effects which is exactly why you should stick to other remedies that won’t leave behind side effects on the skin.

Essential oils are one such amazing remedies for ingrown hair removal. These help in soothing, moisturising, hydrating and at times, exfoliating the skin as well. These are exactly the reasons why you need to switch it up with these enlisted essential oils which have a number of beneficial effects on treating ingrown hair.

a) Tea Tree Oil

This is one of the most sought after essential oils mainly because of its health benefits. This specific oil has a high concentration of terpene alcohol content in the oil, it provides with amazing anti-bacterial properties (R) which is amazing for the treatment of ingrown hair. For best results, mix 10-15 drops of tea tree oil to a jar of shea butter and apply this mixture throughout the day for the best results.

b) Lavender Oil

Lavender Oil is popularly known around for its amazing smell and soothing properties. It helps alleviate the signs and symptoms related to skin inflammation and irritation which is exactly the case with ingrown hair. It is always best to mix a few drops of lavender oil into a jar coconut water and beat the mixture till its smooth and pasty. Apply it before and after shaving.

c) Doterra Oil

Much like the health benefits of every other essential oil, even doterra oil helps in the removal of ingrown hair without inflicting any kind of side effects. It helps moisturise and hydrate the area of the ingrown hair and prevents further worsening of the situation. Mix it with a creamy base and apply the same all over the affected area.

Why Do You Get An Ingrown Hair?

Do You Get An Ingrown HairThe growth of ingrown hair is primarily induced when a hair is obstructed and bluntly broken off in an uneven manner. Instead of growing normally like a hair would from the follicle, it tend to start growing in the opposite direction, into the skin. There are several other causes of ingrown hair as well which include:

  • Unevenly broken off hair during shaving
  • Clogged pores during to excess sebum secretion
  • Lack of exfoliation of the skin

How to Prevent Ingrown Pubic Hair?

Even though the formation of an ingrown hair can be cured by not waxing, shaving or plucking the hair, these methods are not always practical. Following these methods might help you in preventing ingrown hair.

1. Use Uninfected, Single-Bladed Razor

Using the razors which are built to reduce the risk of forming infection while shaving, can prove highly effective. It is also important to replace your razor with a fresh one if it is old. Using infected blades can increase the risk of infection of various diseases including ingrown hair.

2. Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is a great method to remove all the ingrown hair for a long period of time, although this solution may require a lot of money. Laser therapy removes all the hair by going deeper into the skin. Although laser removal cannot prove effective on light-coloured hair or blond hair, the result of laser therapy is highly effective and semi-permanent.

3. Clean the Pubic Area Well

Cleaning the pubic area might be useful before shaving can be highly useful. To do this it is important to wash the skin with mild soap and apply the lubricating creams or gel, which are specially designed for sensitive areas.

4. Opt for Non-Razor Removal Option

It is useful to not choose the chemical hair removers as they can highly irritate the sensitive skin, according to the experts. Opting for permanent hair removal method such as electrolysis can be helpful as it uses the electrode and eliminates all the roots of the hair. Electrolysis, however, also requires few treatments for few weeks as well as months.

When to See a Doctor for Ingrown Hair?

See a Doctor for Ingrown HairIngrown hair can pretty much be treated at home with the suitable remedies. It is not a matter of concern till there is no major involvement of infection in the area. It is necessarily important to ensure that you go and consult a doctor if the situation is persistent and prevails even with after administering the required remedies.

If you find that the infection is getting worse and not healing even after several days of application of medicine and home remedies, it is time to switch it up and go consult a doctor to get the problem checked out. The doctor effectively samples the skin on the affected area to assess the damage caused and administers the required medicines to heal the infection.

Ingrown Hair can be a pesky little problem which can either heal itself over time or needs special assistance (remedies) to heal properly. It is necessary to maintain a clean and healthy hygiene to ensure the removal and treatment of the same. Keep your skin exfoliated, clean and rejuvenated for not just a healthy and supple skin but also as a precautionary method for the ingrown hair.

Food for Thought With Some FAQs

Food for Thought With Some FAQs1. Does Ingrown Hair Itch?

A: Ingrown hairs can definitely itch and cause irritation on the affected area and later convert to form into an infection if the situation is not treated right at the root. The reddish appearance along with the possibility of the infection all contribute to the itchiness of the ingrown hair.

2. Do You Get Ingrown Hair From Waxing?

A: Ingrown hair are a common complaint of many people after doing waxing. Since this condition is caused by the induced pressure on the hair which is forced back into the skin, waxing can definitely induce the possibility of ingrown hair.

3. How Long Does An Ingrown Hair Last For?

A: This question doesn’t necessarily have a generalised answer to it primarily because the removal and treatment of ingrown hair depend on an individual’s personal hygiene. It is important to exfoliate and moisturise the skin on a daily basis in order to keep the possibility of ingrown hair at bay.

4. Can You Pan Ingrown Hair?

A: Much like avoiding popping a zit, one should also avoid popping an ingrown hair, primarily because it doesn’t help with the situation much and rather leaves behind scarring on the affected area. It is best to opt for the natural remedies for ingrown hair rather than straight up popping it.

5. Can You Die From Ingrown Hair?

A: This question itself is a bit farfetched. So, to answer this question, no, a person can’t possibly die because of ingrown hair. Yes, there might be complications if the situation is left untreated for a longer period of time with lack of proper hygiene but even then, death isn’t what it necessarily results in.