15 Home Remedies To Stop Coughing At Night – Get Some Sleep In


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There is a difference between being sick and coughing all the time without any kind of possible cause to it. If you have been waking up in the middle of the night with a persistent cough day after day, chances are that there could be something causing it that you aren’t aware of. Opting for the home remedies to stop coughing at night can be helpful in avoiding putting strain on the throat.

As mentioned before, there could very well be a number of factors influencing the condition of the nighttime cough. It is always best to get the problem checked by a doctor to avoid any kind of further issues.

In here, we are going to walk you down some of the best remedies for coughing at night that will provide with relief eventually.

What Causes Nighttime Cough?

Src: vrlclicks.com

As we did mention before, nighttime cough could very well be indicative of a number of underlying health condition. If you have been consistently suffering from this, it is definitely time to take it seriously and opt for the varying ways to relieve a nighttime cough.

Some of the common causes behind the condition include:

  • Allergies
  • Asthma
  • Cold
  • Emphysema
  • GERD
  • Chronic bronchitis
  • Flu

How To Stop Coughing At Night?

When it comes to the coughing at night remedies, the options are actually quite extensive. It all does come down to how you administer then that matters at the end of the day. It is quite important to ensure that you don’t go overboard with the remedies and also simultaneously consult the doctor if the condition does get out of hand and doesn’t stop.

Let us take a look at some of the effective tips for nighttime cough relief, shall we?

1. Opt for a Humidifier

Src: homesweethomemag.com

Often times, what happens is the fact that the air that we are breathing in is too dry and ends up making us cough through the night. The air that you are breathing in does hold a lot of importance on your health.

Dry air has been found to end up making the coughing worse through the night. Installing a humidifier helps ensure that you add the necessary moisture into the air and don’t have to end up breathing the dry air all the more.

The only line of precaution is to ensure that you don’t end up spreading in too moisture around because even that does have the capability of ending up causing the growth of molds which further end up causing problems altogether even more.

It is best suggested to aim for the humidity of around 50% in the bedroom to start with.

2. Herbal tea

One of the best ways to stop coughing at night without medicine is by opting for herbal tea. The same has been found to have beneficial impacts in helping soothe the scratchiness of the throat and even get rid of any accumulated phlegm that could further be causing this issue all the more.

It is also best to opt for the herbal teas that possess beneficial antioxidative properties because that has been found to help even more so.

Green tea is possibly one of the best options when it comes to this because of the presence of the Epigallocatechin gallate which helps in imposing the beneficial antioxidant (R) properties on the body to boost the overall immunity to help ward off the problems associated with the condition of nighttime coughing.

3. Hydration is Key

Often times, not many people realize this but dehydration could be a contributing factor to the condition of coughing at night time. If you have been struggling to keep the hoarseness of your voice in check, there are chances that your hydration levels in the body are compromised. One of the best tips for nighttime cough relief is by ensuring that you do drink the necessary amount of water throughout the day.

This ensures to keep your body hydrated and prevents any kind of issues related to the unnecessary coughing during the night time.

4. Decrease the Allergens

As we did mention before, allergies are one of the common causes behind the condition of nighttime coughing. If you want to keep the same in check and want to know how to top coughing at night naturally, the best way to do so is by ensuring that you opt for ways that will keep the level of allergens in check in the house.

What this does is ensure that you don’t inhale in the allergens which result in inflammation, irritation and coughing during the night time.

The best to keep such allergens away is by keeping the house vacuumed and cleaned all throughout. Make sure that you hoover and even wash the bed sheets in hot water every week. Additionally, taking a quick shower before bed often helps in getting rid of the external allergens from the body as well and can get rid of coughing at night.

5. Keep Your Head Elevated

Many people aren’t aware of this but gravity often does pose as an enemy when it comes to the nighttime coughing.

Often times, if you are already suffering from post nasal drip and accumulated cough and you are swallowing it through the day, chances are that you will get and experience the wrath of it during the night time. All the mucus that you do swallow during the day does end up getting clogged in the back of your throat causing irritation.

Propping your head up on a high pillow ensures to act against the gravity and prevent the unnecessary coughing that you do experience during the night. This also does come a lot in handy in keeping your stomach acids in the place and preventing them from causing irritation in your throat by rising back up.

Be very cautious with this because you don’t want to end up hurting your neck in the process as well.

6. Steam Inhalation

Steam inhalation is yet another one of the best home remedies to stop coughing at night. If your coughing is being triggered by cold and cough or even flu, chances are that the unwarranted accumulation of the phlegm and the mucus is what is causing it all the more.

It is best to ensure that the steam that you are inhaling isn’t too hot and won’t end up scarring the inside of your tissues. Ensure that everything is bearable and won’t end up causing any kind of issues with the insides of your body.

If you yourself are struggling with the prospect of getting rid of the nighttime coughs, it is best suggested to opt for steam inhalation. It is always best suggested to ensure that you do take the temperature into consideration quite well.

7. Manage Your GERD

Src: agoramedia.com

GERD, otherwise known as Gastroesophageal reflux disease, is a condition in which the stomach acids and the bile juice end up causing irritation to the food pipelining. There could very well be a number of reasons affecting this condition but, if you do want to peek into a proper reason behind the same, the main reason why it causes the cough is because of the unnecessary irritation in the throat region.

If you have been dealing with this condition from time to time, now is the time to change it for good. It goes without saying that sleeping on an elevated pillow to help ensure that the stomach juices stay where it’s supposed to.

Alternatively, another amazing way to combat this condition is by ensuring that you maintain a very healthy diet and make positive changes to your lifestyle.

8. Keep Things Handy

Often times, the nighttime cough gets worse just because of the fact that we don’t have something to tame it in our close vicinity. It goes without saying that if you are struggling to keep things together because of the vigorous coughing during the nighttime, the best way to combat that is by keeping things handy.

If you have a bedside table, just ensure to keep some of the essentials on it like water, medicines, or even the cough medicine that has been prescribed for your persistent coughing.

Having this ensures that you can take immediate action to mitigate the issue and get rid of the problem for the time being.

Often times, consistent coughing makes the condition worse, so the faster you opt for the remedy to soothe the coughing, the faster it will stop and won’t get worse.

9. Saltwater Gargle

Src: mindblowings.com

Yet another one of the effective remedies for coughing at night relief is with salt water gargle. Irrespective of whether you have flu or suffering from any kind of throat infection as such, gargling with the warm salt water helps to soothe the scratchiness of the throat and even gets rid of the causative agents behind the infection.

Given the fact that salt has antimicrobial properties, it has been found to have beneficial impacts in getting rid of the microbes that could be causing the coughing fit altogether. Make sure to not swallow the saltwater and just gargle and spit it out.

The other thing to ensure is the fact that the water should be lukewarm and not scalding hot because the same can end up causing lesions in your throat.

[Read: 13 Health Problems That Salt Water Gargle Can Cure]

10. Quit Smoking

Smoking is yet another one of the causative agents that could very well be a contributing factor to the condition of nighttime coughing. If you have been struggling with this condition and you are an avid smoker, chances are that you have your causative agent right there.

The nicotine from the cigarettes hamper the lungs and can even cause irritation in the throat region. So, if you have been struggling to sleep through the night because of the constant coughing, the best way to tame that is by quitting smoking for good.

11. Consider Over the Counter Medications

Yet another one of the effective home remedies to stop coughing at night is by relying on the over the counter medications. The two specific forms of medications that do come in handy include the expectorant and the cough suppressant.

The expectorant helps in loosening up the excess mucus deposition and clears up the airways to prevent further irritation around the throat region.

Not just that, even the cough suppressants have been found to be good enough to help tame the persistent cough that has been causing problems for your sleeping patterns in the nighttime. The suppressant simply blocks out the cough reflex, thus helping ensure that you don’t cough your lungs out at night.

12. Eucalyptus Oil

Essential oils are quite amazing in relieving the cough and the irritation that you have been feeling all along. If you wish to keep the same in check and have been looking for ways to stop coughing at night without medicine, eucalyptus oil can definitely help achieve that for you.

The only thing that you do need to ensure is to look out for a fact that the oil that you are using is genuine. Just ensure that you pour a few drops of the essential oil in the air diffuser and keep it switched on during the night.

Inhaling the air as such does help ensure that you have a cleared airway and won’t have to struggle to breathe through.

13. Get the Treatment for Asthma

Src: clevelandclinic.org

Much like how you opted to eradicate the other causes behind the condition, the best way to get rid of this is also by ensuring that you find ways to treat the condition of asthma as well.

When you find effective ways to keep your asthma tame and in control, you can also see the changes in your coughing patterns as well. It is always best suggested to ensure that you do opt for ways that would help in treating your asthma or have the remedies that would help in keeping it in control when you are coughing your lungs out.

14. Liquorice Roots

Licorice roots are actually quite effective in treating the condition associated nighttime coughing. If you have been experiencing vigorous coughing during the night, try and drink some licorice root tea because that has been found to be of quite help. All that being said, if you are personally struggling with this even more so, stick to the candies that contain the licorice in them.

15. Chicken Soup

You might not realize this but if your persistent coughing during the night time is because of the cold or the flu, the best way to get rid of the same is by having rounds of chicken soup at night for dinner.

Owing to the fact that chicken soup is loaded with beneficial nutrients and such, it has been found to have beneficial impacts in helping get rid of the accumulated phlegm that has been causing the constant coughing all the more.

When is it Time to Start Worrying About Night Time Cough?

Owing to the fact that the nighttime coughing itself isn’t a good trait, it is also best suggested to ensure that you do lookout for ways that could be a sign of concern when you have been coughing up every night.

We often take small incidents as such for granted, thinking that they wouldn’t necessarily matter and heal the next morning. If you have been coughing up consistently, it is necessary and mandatory that you see a doctor for it.

If your cough is not subsiding even with the medications and the natural home remedies, it is time to consult a doctor and get the same checked out.

Not just that, if you find the discharge of blood as well with the coughing, it is mandatory that you seek out proper professional help to look into the matter before it gets way worse than it should.

These are some of the common instances in which you need to seek doctor help without thinking of anything else at all. Owing to the fact that coughing is a sort of irritation caused to the throat and the area around, it is important that you get to know about the underlying condition so it is easier for you to find effective ways to treat the condition before it gets too late.

The home remedies to stop coughing at night can actually be of a lot of help in getting rid of the irritation and uneasiness caused to the throat and the region around. If your coughing is getting persistent, don’t think twice and just seek a doctor without further ado. This will help ensure that you don’t technically have to worry about the future repercussions it brings along with it.