14 Effective Essential Oils for Psoriasis that Helps Relieve the Skin Disease


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If you just stumbled upon this article, I am presuming you are more or less aware of what psoriasis is, right? If not, it is a type of skin disease that causes an irregular build up of skin which later results in its scaling and drying accompanied with irritation and itching. So, do the essential oils for psoriasis actually work?

This autoimmune disease inadvertently causes inflammation and irritation on the skin along with redness that leaves the skin rough and very scratchy in the end. It is believed that the uncontrolled and sped-up process of skin production is what primarily causes this problem in the first place.

In this article, we are going to be discussing some of the most effective essential oils to treat psoriasis and how the same actually benefits and heals the problems relating to this skin disease.

What are Essential Oils?

What are Essential OilsEssential Oils are the concentrated extract of the naturally occurring oils in a component. It can be from either a flower, plant or even the skin of a fruit. These are a combination of essential aroma compounds which have impactful benefits in healing a number of health conditions, be it for one’s inner health or even for the skin.

Essential oils, because of their amazing medicinal properties have impactful benefits in healing a number of skin diseases, psoriasis being one of them.

How Essential Oils Help in Treating Psoriasis?

How Essential Oils Help in Treating PsoriasisEssential Oils have effective anti-inflammatory along with moisturizing and soothing properties which combined help in relieving the symptoms attached with the skin disease of psoriasis.

The primary problem that people affected with psoriasis suffer from is the constant redness, inflammation and itching which negatively affects one’s quality of time which is why it is necessary to opt for natural means rather than medicated ointments and such that have a possibility of inflicting side effects on one’s skin.

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Check Out These Effective Essential Oils For Psoriasis.

14 Best Essential Oils for Psoriasis

14 Best Essential Oils for PsoriasisNow that we have more or less talked about the common norms of essential oils as a remedy for psoriasis, let us walk ourselves through the common types of essential oil that showcase promising results.

1. Tea Tree Oil for Psoriasis

Tea Tree Oil for Psoriasis
ImageSource: www.organiclifestylemagazine.com

Tea tree oil is designated as one of the most effective essential oils to treat psoriasis because of its anti-bacterial, anti-fungal (R) as well as anti-inflammatory (R) properties. Although the tea tree oil doesn’t necessarily cure the disease of psoriasis, it helps uproot the symptoms that come along with it. It also helps prevent the infection that is often caused because of the constant scratching of the scalp.

What To Do?

  1. Mix 3-4 drops of tea tree oil to any carrier oil (coconut oil)
  2. Apply this mixture on the affected parts and let it seep into the skin

How Much?

Do this every other day or even everyday whenever the skin becomes very dry and you have a knack for scratching the area.

2. Lavender Essential Oil for Psoriasis

Lavender Essential Oil for PsoriasisLavender essential oil is one of the other talked about essential oils to cure psoriasis. Apart from the calming property, the lavender oil is also beneficial in healing the redness and inflammation that often accompanies the problem of psoriasis. Much like the tea tree oil, even this is loaded with beneficial antimicrobial properties (R) which come in handy for the psoriasis treatment.

What To Do?

  1. Mix a few drops of lavender oil to any carrier oil
  2. Apply this on the affected areas of psoriasis and gently massage it in with clean hands
  3. Leave it on and let it seep into the skin

How Much?

This can be done daily but make sure that you are mixing it with a carrier oil. Not just that, it is also necessary to stay wary of its application during times of pregnancy or breast-feeding.

3. Chamomile Essential Oil for Psoriasis

Chamomile Essential Oil for PsoriasisThe chamomile essential oil for psoriasis is definitely yet another remedy that actually works wonders (R). If you are suffering from pain and inflammation owing to the skin disease, try and switch up your lifestyle by including the chamomile oil to treat psoriasis of the scalp and the other parts of the body.

Chamomile oil tends to help shrink the blood vessels to avoid the symptoms of further inflammation (R) and such that could further worsen the condition of the patient. It also prevents the possible induction of infection on the skin surface that could arise because of excessive scratching.

What To Do?

  1. Mix 4-5 drops of chamomile oil to any carrier oil
  2. Apply this mixture on the affected areas on the scalp and other parts of the body
  3. Let it stay and steep into the skin

How Much?

Since this is a topical application, there is no harm in applying this on a regular basis to keep the skin moisturized and heal the dry and scaly skin.

4. Bergamot Essential Oil for Psoriasis

Bergamot Essential Oil for Psoriasis
ImageSource: www.lifebeyondorganic.com

Bergamot, apart from its usage in the realm of desserts, this citrus fruit also has a number of beneficial effects in the treatment of skin diseases like that of psoriasis. Bergamot essential oil (R) is often used as a skin cleanser which helps purify the skin and get rid of any of the remnant irritations that could be causing problems in the day to day lifestyle of an individual.

What To Do?

  1. Much like any other essential oil, mix a few drops of the oil to a carrier oil
  2. Rub it over the affected areas of the scaly skin and leave it on

How Much?

Do this every day to enjoy the maximum benefits of the essential oil in the treatment of psoriasis and even other kinds of skin diseases.

5. Frankincense Essential Oil for Psoriasis

Frankincense Essential Oil for Psoriasis
ImageSource: www.organicfacts.net

Frankincense essential oil (R) is loaded with beneficial antioxidants and other natural compounds like that of a-Pinene, Limolene and a-Phellandrene which help combat the unnecessary inflammation that one witnesses when they extensively suffer from psoriasis.

This is one of the best holistic approaches to its treatment because it actually does help in healing and reducing the irritation that comes along with this skin problem.

What To Do?

  1. Take a double boiler and add half a cup of shea butter into it
  2. Add the same quantity of beeswax into the mixture and melt it completely
  3. Once that’s completely melted, add a few drops of Frankincense essential oil to it and mix it thoroughly
  4. Store it in a jar and apply anytime throughout the day to keep the scaling and drying of the skin at bay.

How Much?

Keep the mixture in a jar and apply it whenever you feel like your skin is scaling or drying a lot.

6. Rose Essential Oil for Psoriasis

Rose Essential Oil for Psoriasis
ImageSource: www.organicfacts.net

If you are in the lookout for one of the essential oils for psoriasis itching, the rose essential oil (R) is the one to go for. It has antimicrobial as well as anti-inflammatory properties which work together to provide with beneficial results in healing the dry and scaled skin on the body because of psoriasis.

What To Do?

  1. Mix 2-3 drops of rose essential oil to any of the carrier oil
  2. Apply this topically on the affected part of the skin because of psoriasis
  3. Leave it on and let it seep into the skin

How Much?

Do this any time you feel like your skin is becoming way too dry and too itchy for you to bear.

7. Geranium Essential Oil for Psoriasis

Geranium Essential Oil for Psoriasis
ImageSource: www.naturallivingideas.com

If you didn’t get the memo before, the primary reason behind Psoriasis is the production of excessive cells over the skin which leads to inflammation, dryness and finally scaling. The application of Geranium Oil helps improve blood circulation and even imposes anti-inflammatory effects (R) on the skin.

Since geranium oil has the property of slowing down or arresting blood flow, it is best to stick to topical application of it for the improvement of the skin diseases. Make sure that you always do a patch test before applying it over the scaled skin.

What To Do?

  1. Mix 4-5 drops of geranium oil to half a cup of coconut oil
  2. Apply this mixture on the affected areas of the Psoriasis and leave it on

How Much?

Repeat this process twice or thrice daily till you see the results

8. Peppermint Essential Oil for Psoriasis

Peppermint Essential Oil for PsoriasisPeppermint oil (R) is one of the best essential oils to treat psoriasis because of its soothing and cooling property that we get from the menthol present in the peppermint is what helps relieve the constant irritation and itching that accompanies as a symptom of psoriasis.

Even though there are not much side effects of peppermint oil, it is always best to dilute it with some carrier oil and apply it on the affected areas of the scaly skin.

What To Do?

  1. You can either mix a few drops of peppermint oil with some other carrier oil or apply it.
  2. Alternatively, you can also add a few drops of peppermint oil to a spray bottle filled with water
  3. Spritz this on the areas that are itching and causing irritation

How Much?

The spray bottle remedy with peppermint oil can be done whenever you feel like the itching and irritation has intensified and you need to tone it down a bit.

9. Helichrysum Essential Oil for Psoriasis

Helichrysum Essential Oil for Psoriasis
ImageSource: www.draxe.com

Helichrysum oil is extracted from the evergreen flower under the same name. It imposes beneficial effects on healing a number of skin diseases, psoriasis being one of them. Even though there are not many studies and researches concerning this oil, the results are promising which is definitely what makes up for the claims surrounding this oil.

What To Do?

  1. Dilute it with a mixture of other carrier oils (almond, coconut, olive oil etc)
  2. Apply this on the areas that the skin is scaling and dry the most and leave it on

How Much?

Apply the oil twice daily till the scaling, dryness and irritation goes away for good.

10. Bitter Apricot Essential Oil for Psoriasis

Bitter Apricot Essential Oil for Psoriasis
ImageSource: www.organicfacts.net

Bitter apricot oil has beneficial effects in arresting the excessive skin cells growth that happens in patients who suffer from psoriasis. Even though the study (R) doesn’t necessarily involve any clinical trials, the results did insinuate the possible effects on the causative reason behind this skin disease.

What To Do?

  1. Mix 4-5 drops of bitter apricot essential oil with some carrier oil
  2. Apply this on your reddened and inflamed area of the skin and leave it on

How Much?

Apply this on the affected parts of the skin twice or thrice daily for effective results

11. Sandalwood Essential Oil for Psoriasis

Sandalwood Essential Oil for Psoriasis
ImageSource: www.tipshealthline.com

Sandalwood oil has combined anti-inflammatory as well anti-proliferative (R) properties which work together to provide with beneficial effects in treating the redness and inflammation that accompanies psoriasis. Its medicinal and therapeutic effects help in relieving the consistent irritation and itching that often times accompany this skin disease.

What To Do?

  1. Apply a few drops of sandalwood oil and massage it into the dry and scaly skin
  2. Make sure to do a patch test before you end up applying it on the irritated part of the skin

How Much?

Do this twice daily for noticeable results.

12. Patchouli Essential Oil for Psoriasis

Patchouli Essential Oil for Psoriasis
ImageSource: www.thehealthsite.com

This specific essential oil is extracted by the process of steam distillation of the patchouli leaves and has beneficial effects in not just treating psoriasis but other skin diseases like rosacea and eczema as well. There are no specific explained properties of this oil but its benefits is what set it apart from the other variants of oil.

What To Do?

  1. Mix a few drops of patchouli essential oil in half a cup of any carrier oil
  2. Pour and store it in any applicator bottle
  3. Apply it on the dry and scaly skin to rejuvenate and get rid of the dead skin cells

How Much?

Apply the combination of oil twice a day on the affected areas and leave it on so it seeps into the skin.

13. Myrrh Essential Oil for Psoriasis

Myrrh Essential Oil for Psoriasis
ImageSource: www.organicfacts.net

Myrrh is a form of resin which has had its prominence as one of the essential oils to treat psoriasis because of its amazing healing and therapeutic properties. It also has anti-cancer properties which might not seem beneficial in this prospect but having that knowledge is beneficial in knowing the kind of results that it produces.

It also has antimicrobial properties which are often times beneficial in preventing any type of infection that could arise because of consistent scratching of the dry skin.

What To Do?

  1. Blend a few drops of myrrh essential oil with any kind of carrier oil of your choice
  2. Apply this on the dried and chapped skin, be it on the scalp or even the other parts of the body
  3. Leave it on and let the oil seep into the skin to moisturize and heal it from within

How Much?

Repeat twice or thrice daily till you notice promising results

14. Clary Sage Essential Oil for Psoriasis

Clary Sage Essential Oil for Psoriasis
ImageSource: www.organicfacts.net

The clary sage is often treated as one of the underrated essential oils to treat psoriasis of the scalp. It projects both anti-inflammatory as well as antiseptic properties which together has beneficial effects in treating the flare-up on the skin that is often caused because of psoriasis. It even prevents the possibility of developing an infection during to excessive infection.

What To Do?

  1. Add 9-10 drops of clary sage oil in your bathtub and soak your inflamed areas of the skin
  2. You can also a few drops of it to some warm water and apply that on the areas of the affected skin with a cotton cloth or so to let the active ingredients in the oil to work its magic.

Essential oils for psoriasis is one of the best approaches to healing the skin issues without inflicting much worse side effects which is often witnessed with several of the other remedies. The only thing that comes with this holistic approach to healing is to always patch test before you actually end up using them on your affected area of psoriasis on the skin.