6 Ways to Use Cloves for Toothache For A Faster Pain Relief


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Cloves for Toothache
src: neeshdental.com

Toothache is not just painful but quite taxing on one’s life. The pain is definitely something that can be relieved with over the counter remedies but isn’t it better if the same can be cured with natural remedies? Cloves for toothache have been in practice since quite some time now and if you are wondering how to apply it, we got you.

Not just cloves on their own, even the application of clove oil has been associated with beneficial impacts.

In this article, we are going to be discussing the various ways you can use cloves for tooth pain and how it is beneficial in curing the problem.

How Effective Cloves Are For Toothache?

How Effective Cloves Are For Toothache
src: medicalnewstoday.com

Cloves are believed to be loaded with beneficial compounds that help in getting rid of the pain as well as any form of inflammation. That being said, it is also witnessed that clove oil tends to have a temporary impact on the toothache but is quite fast in impacting its benefit.

So, if you are seeing immediate relief, cloves soothe toothache quite effectively.

Apart from the analgesic (R) and anti-inflammatory (R) properties, cloves are also loaded with beneficial antiseptic (R) properties along with proper digestive properties.

Cloves are also loaded with beneficial antioxidant (R) properties which further prevent free radical damage in the body. The combined benefits of the eugenol, acetyl eugenol, and caryophyllene are what help in inflicting the benefits that help soothe a toothache with cloves.

When it comes to how cloves oil remedy for toothache works, the process is not actually not that complex as it might like. If you are here wondering how the same effective helps in relieving the pain of a toothache, it is mainly because of the active compound, eugenol.

Eugenol along with a few derivatives of it helps in numbing the pain caused by the toothache and also aids in getting rid of the inflammation and any traces of infection around the tooth.

The application of clove numbs the pain and even soothes the ache to help relieve the pain for good for extended periods of time.

How to Use Cloves for Toothache?

How to Use Cloves for Toothache
src: blogspot.com

Cloves can actually be used in a multiple number of ways to get the necessary relief from the toothache. The same isn’t just restricted to one method and the same is because of the efficacy to soothe a toothache with cloves.

In this section, we have come up with some of the best ways to use cloves for toothache.

1. Ground cloves for Toothache

Ground cloves for Toothache
src: thespruceeats.com

Ground cloves are actually quite beneficial in getting rid of the toothache. The process of its administration might seem a bit hectic but trust me; it works like magic to soothe the pain in the tooth or teeth.

What to do?

  • Ground some cloves in a blender
  • To 1 tablespoon of the ground cloves, add 1 tablespoon of olive oil and make a paste
  • Using cotton, apply the ground clove paste on and around the inflamed tooth and the one aching
  • Leave the cotton inside the mouth for 15-20 minutes
  • Take it out after that and rinse your mouth thoroughly after that.

How often?

  • 2-3 times daily

2. Clove Oil for Toothache

Clove Oil for Toothache
src: biome.com.au

The clove oil for toothache is possibly the most commonly used methods, mainly because of the easy application and process associated with it. If you have been wondering why and how it does work, again, it is all because of the eugenol. The combination of clove oil and coconut oil can also be used for the treatment.

What to do?

Start off with oil pulling with some coconut oil by swishing the liquid around the mouth for 10-15 minutes

  • Once that’s done and you have rinsed your lukewarm water, the next comes the clove oil
  • Put some clove oil into a cotton ball
  • Apply that cotton on the tooth that’s aching and leave it on for 20-30 minutes
  • Rinse off your mouth following that to get rid of the stench
  • Better, rinse your mouth with some saltwater to get rid of any kind of infection lingering in the mouth cavity

How often?

  • 2-3 times in a day

3. Clove Oil Compress for Toothache

Clove Oil Compress for Toothache
src: undergroundhealthreporter.com

If you have been listening cloves being good for toothache, you definitely need to try out the clove oil compress method to gain the necessary impacts. The compress does help in relieving the pain substantially. This method is also quite beneficial for the people who don’t really like the pungency and taste of the clove oil.

What to do?

  • In a bowl, add 1 tablespoon of coconut oil or olive oil
  • To that, add 3-4 drops of clove oil and mix everything together
  • Dip cotton into it and soak it completely
  • Place it on the affected tooth and apply it in the surrounding inflamed area as well
  • Bite onto the cotton with your teeth. This applied pressure is known as the compress
  • Leave the cotton in for 20-30 minutes
  • Rinse your mouth thoroughly following that

How often?

  • 2-3 times in a day

4. Clove Tea for Toothache

Clove Tea for Toothache
src: livestrongcdn.com

When it comes to the fact that cloves soothe toothache, there are varying methods in which one can achieve the same. But, then again, you are not always sure whether or not the same is actually going to be effective enough. That being said, it is believed that clove tea is an amazing alternative to the mainstream remedies because of its subtle flavour and pungency but the similar kind of benefits in combating the pain and inflammation associated with the same.

What to do?

  • Add 1 glass of water to a saucepan and add 1 teaspoon of cloves into it
  • Bring it to a boil and steep it for 5 minutes till concentrated
  • Strain the liquid and add 1 teaspoon of honey to the liquid
  • Drink this while still warm

How often?

  • 1-2 cups of tea daily

Note: it is always suggested to not overdo the consumption of clove tea, mainly because of the fact that the clove tea has the capability of thinning down your blood because of its anti-coagulant properties. If you already have thinner blood consistency, it is best to avoid drinking this altogether to avoid casualties.

5. Whole Clove for Toothache

Whole Clove for Toothache
src: www.organicfacts.net

The usage of simply just whole cloves is yet another one of the easiest ways to relieve the toothache. The beneficial properties of the cloves help in temporarily not just relieving the pain but also combats the inflammation that accompanies it. If you don’t want something over the top and want to stick to the common alliances, trying whole cloves is just as good.

What to do?

  • Crush one or two pieces of clove
  • Place it over the affected tooth and keep it there with your teeth
  • You can keep it in for 1-2 hours until the pungency of the cloves are still there

How often?

  • 2-3 times in a day

6. Gargle with Clove Powder Water for Toothache

Gargle with Clove Powder Water for Toothache
src: medicalnewstoday.com

Gargling is yet another effective remedy with cloves for toothache. The swishing motion with the clove water not just helps get rid of the toothache, it also does help in getting rid of the infection around the area which is often a common cause behind the inflicted pain.

What to do?

  • To a glass of warm water, add ½ teaspoon of clove powder and mix together
  • Gargle with this concoction to get rid of the prevailing bacteria and help with the pain as well

How often?

  • 1-2 time in a day

How Long Does Cloves Last For Toothache?

How Long Does Cloves Last For Toothache
src: livestrongcdn.com

As mentioned in some of the prior sections, the effects of cloves for toothache pain is temporary and won’t beneficially cure it right off the bat and that too for the good. It takes up a substantial amount of time for it to start showing its impacts, anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour.

The beneficial effects of the clove oil do last for a few hours before it starts wearing off again. If you want to get relief from the toothache, it is best suggested to administer the cloves multiple times throughout the day.

Clove Oil for Toothache Side Effects

Clove Oil for Toothache Side Effects
src: healthylnb.com

Along with its fair share of benefits, the clove also does impose a few side effects that you need to look out for.

Some of the common side effects of cloves for a toothache include:

  • A possible allergic reaction which is characterized by the presence of hives, redness and inflamed the skin and it is necessary to consult a doctor or stop the usage of cloves immediately if those symptoms are visible.
  • Individuals who tend to already suffer from hypoglycemia are strictly advised to steer clear off of the clove oil mainly because it imposes further blood glucose lowering properties which can end up being fatal for the body.
  • Consumption of clove oil is believed to induce lactic acidosis. This is often characterized by the numbing of the muscles and tissues along with consistent pain and dizziness. If you experience something similar, it is best to discontinue consumption.
  • As mentioned before, clove oil has anticoagulant properties which are associated with the possible thinning of the blood. Be very cautious with the amount you are consuming.

Where to Buy Clove Oil for Toothache?

Where to buy Clove Oil for Toothache
src: draxe.com

The usage of Clove oil for toothache is quite predominant but is you here wondering where to source the best kind of clove oil? Well, clove oil is predominantly found in the medical stores and even the normal stores as well. If you are here wondering what would be the best kind of clove oil to indulge to relieve the pain, the organic kind is the best.

It is also necessary to ensure that you get the 100% oil pure oil variant without any kind of unnecessary addition to it. This is what helps gain the kind of results you want to relieve the pain of your tooth.

Cloves for toothache is not a folklore, it is an actual fact. The amazing compounds present in the cloves are what helps in getting rid of the pain for good and help in numbing the area too. If you have been wondering of which ways work best when it comes to be able to soothe a toothache with cloves, the processes are abundant.