how to get your voice back

How to Get Your Voice Back

Putting an extra strain on our voice chords due to various activities such as screaming loudly at various concerts as well as amusement parks,...
reasons for being cranky

12 Reasons For Being Cranky All The Time (5 Ways To...

How often do you end up screaming profanities into the air? Screaming and hissy fits – do they seem familiar to you? Finding the...
Body ache causes

What Does it Mean When Your Body Aches? 10 Body Ache...

Body ache is never comfortable. Not only does it affect the quality of life, it also ends up making everything painful and unbearable. That...
Why I cry for no reason

Why I Cry For No Reason? 6 Possible ‘Reasons’ Behind The...

How often in a month do you cry? Is it once, twice or way more than that? Do you find people calling you an...
Coping with vivid dreams

5 Ways Of Coping With Vivid Dreams – Overcome The Terror!

Dreams can either be pleasant, confusing or full of terror. With so many variants, there is technically no in between when it comes to...
remedies for heel spur

15 Remedies For Heel Spur For Quicker Recovery

Have you been feeling a sharp shooting pain on the underside of your feet, in the heel region? While many people often tend to...
benefits of coconut water

Important Benefits Of Coconut Water

Coconut water has been considered as one of the best thirst quenchers all across the globe. Various athletes recommend drinking of coconut water after...
Health benefits of spring

10 Health Benefits Of Spring Cleaning – Work Your Way Up

Cleaning is not everyone’s favourite thing to do and that is completely okay, if you do come to think of it. When you do...
reduce face fat

Important Ways To Reduce Face Fat

The accumulation of fat on your face does not show that you are obese, but it also decreases your confidence level. Additionally, it reduces...
Strategies to reduce healthcare costs

12 Strategies To Reduce Healthcare Costs – Show Mercy To Your...

With the rising technological advances in the medical and healthcare field, the expenses surrounding the same are on a rampant rise too. Unless you...
Intuitive eating

Intuitive Eating – Know The Benefits And The 10 Principles

We are all so subjected to losing weight and maintaining a healthy body that we tend to lose the grip on what’s good and...