diabetes and heart diseases

How Are Diabetes And Heart Diseases Associated

Diabetes and heart diseases are organically linked in terms, data and research there is a direct proportional relationship between having diabetes and heart ailments....
Possible Side Effects Of Cold Showers

18 Health Benefits Of Cold Shower – Kick-Start Your Body Functions

Taking a cold shower in the early mornings can be a traumatizing experience. But, what if I told you that the health benefits of...
How to lucid dream

How To Get Lucid Dream? 10 Health Benefits Why It Is...

How often do you dream and are your dream something you remember the next day when you wake up? Chances are that if you...
brain fog

Brain Fog – Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

How often do you find your mind reeling around in accessory things and not focusing on one? Happens quite often, doesn’t it? Brain fog...
get rid of excessive burping

9 Ways To Get Rid Of Excessive Burping That Work

The constant belching sound is making it hard to stand around in the public, isn’t it? Burping itself is often considered rude and not...

18 Best Exercises For Balance – Get Your Posture Fixed

How much of a clumsy Bambi are you? Do you find yourself tripping and falling around the space because of the lack of balance...
Mindful eating

Mindful Eating – Learn About The Tips, Strategies And Benefits

How often do you have your mobile phone or your laptop with you while you are eating? More often than what we would like,...
ways to develop self trust

15 Ways To Develop Self Trust – Boost Your Self Confidence

Self-trust is hard to build. Owing to the fact that majority of us do suffer from issues with self-esteem and lack of self-confidence, chances...

Top 11 Tips On How Not To Treat Diabetes Wrongly

Diabetes is almost an epidemic which continues to affect over 40% of people and despite all progress in medicine, we are still unable to...
home remedies for vitiligo

17 Home Remedies For Vitiligo – Even The Blotchy Skin

The person that you saw across the road with uneven white patches all across their skin is suffering from Vitiligo. And no, contrary to...

14 Easy and Effective Ways to Boost Mood Instantly

Have you been feeling depressed lately? Been thriving for ways to just lift you up or looking up ways to boost mood effectively and...
Ways to help memory lapses

18 Ways To Help Memory Lapses – Boost Your Memory For...

How often does it happen that you remember something and then forget about it the very next moment? Memory lapses are quite common and...
Home remedies for hay fever

12 Home Remedies For Hay Fever – Get Them Sneezes Out

Do you find yourself sneezing your lungs out during a specific season? Hay fever is a very common condition that people who are prone...
maintain good kidney health

12 Ways To Maintain Good Kidney Health – Know The Dos!

Our kidneys are responsible for filtering out 180 liters of fluids in our body every day. And, if you have not been taking them...
home remedies for laryngitis

15 Home Remedies For Laryngitis – Get Rid Of Scratchy Throat

If your friends are saying that you sound like a broken record and that too for a few days, chances are that your voice...
Baking Soda for Constipation

Is Baking Soda for Constipation – Does it work?

Been suffering from constipation for quite some time now? Have you ever thought of baking soda as a possible remedy for the condition? Baking...
food swaps for weight loss

18 Food Swaps For Weight Loss – Switch To A Sustainable...

We are all stuck fighting a battle between losing weight and eating something that is tasty. For the most part, it is a misconception...
Shigellosis treatment

Shigellosis Treatment – Everything You Need To Know

Have you been feeling a sharp and shooting pain by the side of your stomach accompanied by constant trips to the washroom? Chances are...
Get rid of stress at work

15 Ways To Get Rid Of Stress At Work – Don’t...

How unlikely do you feel like your work is overwhelming you? Do you often steep out of sleep during night because of a daunting...
Natural remedies for old scars

15 Natural Remedies For Old Scars – Fasten The Healing!

While some people wear the scar like armour, there are some who don’t necessarily enjoy sporting a mark that serve as a reminder for...
Coping with vivid dreams

5 Ways Of Coping With Vivid Dreams – Overcome The Terror!

Dreams can either be pleasant, confusing or full of terror. With so many variants, there is technically no in between when it comes to...
Best Pre-Workout Foods

14 Best Pre-Workout Foods For Better Results – Boost Your Stamina

With so many available food and nutrition options, it is necessary that you do keep a track of what you eat before hitting the...
Reasons you are not losing weight on low carb diet

12 Reasons You Are Not Losing Weight On Low Carb Diet...

Wit h the ketogenic diet plan taking the world by a storm, more and more people are inclining towards low carb weight loss methods....

12 Ways To Get Positive Energy In Your Life – Welcome...

Our life is full of stress and struggles given the kind of tough lifestyle that we lead from day to day. In order to...
Ways to stop overeating

20 Ways To Stop Overeating – Get Rid Of The Unnecessary...

It doesn’t matter if you are eating “healthy” or “unhealthy”, overeating will tend to have similar negative impacts irrespective of what you are eating....
what happens if you sleep on the floor

What Happens If You Sleep On The Floor? 11 Unsung Benefits...

When it comes to our sleeping patterns, chances are that nothing is set in stone. While some need firm pillows and a cozy mattress,...
Deal with night sweats

8 Ways To Deal With Night Sweats After Menopause

It is understandable if you sweat and feel suffocated during the summer days but what if the same kind of symptoms of night sweat...
home remedies for reducing body odor

17 Home Remedies For Reducing Body Odor – Ditch The Deodorant!

Body odor is not just bad for you; it creates an extremely awkward situation for people as well. While deodorant is often the go-to...
Why I cry for no reason

Why I Cry For No Reason? 6 Possible ‘Reasons’ Behind The...

How often in a month do you cry? Is it once, twice or way more than that? Do you find people calling you an...
best ankle braces

12 Best Rated Ankle Braces For Enhanced Support

While the majority of the people tend to have the notion that ankle braces are only meant for athletes and players, that is a...