infected belly button piercing

All You Need to Know About Infected Belly Button Piercing

Belly button piercing has been considered as one of the most common body piercing trends after ear piercing. However, there are the chances of...
health benefits of earthing

10 Health Benefits Of Earthing – Feel Connected To Nature

How often do you walk out of your house in the morning barefoot to walk out on the grass? Often known as the process...
cucumber for acne

Cucumber for Acne : Best Ways to Use Cucumber for Acne

Almost all people faces the health problem of acne at some point of time in their life. Acne develops due to the excess oil...
Remedies for Ganglion Cyst

13 Remedies For Ganglion Cyst For Faster Recovery

Been witnessing a sudden tumour like outgrowth in your joints and muscles? The first thought that comes to our head is what if it’s...
Natural remedies for old scars

15 Natural Remedies For Old Scars – Fasten The Healing!

While some people wear the scar like armour, there are some who don’t necessarily enjoy sporting a mark that serve as a reminder for...
Cloves for Toothache

6 Ways to Use Cloves for Toothache For A Faster Pain...

Toothache is not just painful but quite taxing on one’s life. The pain is definitely something that can be relieved with over the counter...
how to lose weight with PCOS

How To Lose Weight With PCOS? 15 Science Backed Ways For...

PCOS, you might have heard this term quite a lot around. An abbreviation for Polycystic ovarian syndrome, PCOS is a very less talked about...
Deal with night sweats

8 Ways To Deal With Night Sweats After Menopause

It is understandable if you sweat and feel suffocated during the summer days but what if the same kind of symptoms of night sweat...
brain fog

Brain Fog – Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

How often do you find your mind reeling around in accessory things and not focusing on one? Happens quite often, doesn’t it? Brain fog...
World Heart Day

World Heart Day: Protect Your Heart to Live Longer

Today the whole world is celebrating the World Heart Day, which is organized every year to spread awareness about the health of the heart...
Increase body temperature

15 Ways To Increase Body Temperature For Optimum Health

Hypothermia is an actual condition which does slow down body activities drastically. Whatever the conditions be, in order to increase body temperature, it is...
Spiritually Awakened

Are You Spiritually Awakened? Know All About Getting There – No...

Spiritual awakening is a huge transformation in one’s way of viewing and living life. That being said, one needs to be a silent spectator...
treatment for hypertension

Natural treatment for hypertension

High blood pressure or hypertension is a common condition in which the long-term force of the blood against your artery walls is high enough that...
Lower hemoglobin A1C level

How To Lower Hemoglobin A1C Level? 10 Effective Ways

Diabetes is one of the most prevailing diseases all around the globe. You would be shocked to know that there are several people who...
water intake

10 Ultimate Ways to Increase Water Intake for Healthier Well Being

Let’s recall something. What was your water intake yesterday? How many glasses of water did you drink yesterday? Did you even keep track of...
how to remove fluids from lungs

How to Remove Fluids From Lungs

The condition of fluids in lungs is medically known as pulmonary edema. Edema means swelling which is caused due to the leaking of the...
How to Stop Food Cravings

15 Easy Tips on How to Stop Food Cravings for a...

Did you just get done with your meal a few hours back? Suddenly started craving food, especially unhealthy food yet again? When it comes...
essential oils for urinary tract infection

13 Essential Oils for Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) for Faster Recovery

The efficacy of essential oils in the treatment of the varying amount of disease is not a new concept. You must have used essential...

8 Best Home Remedies for Anxiety

Even though some people think that anxiety is good as it helps in keeping us alert as well as aware, the problem of anxiety...
headache behind eyes

How to Get Rid of Headaches Behind Eyes

Headache behind your eyes or a tension headache is one of the common types of headaches which causes mild, intense as well as moderate...
complications of diabetes

Know Some Complications Of Diabetes Which Can Be Avoided

While we all have heard of the prominence of diabetes among people worldwide. Type 2 diabetes is the most prevalent one which not only...
Surya Namaskar

Amazing Benefits of Surya Namaskar

Surya Namaskar or the sun salutation is an amazing way to strengthen your muscles. Since the ancient times, Surya Namaskar has been used to...
remedies for heel spur

15 Remedies For Heel Spur For Quicker Recovery

Have you been feeling a sharp shooting pain on the underside of your feet, in the heel region? While many people often tend to...
home remedies for stomach flu

16 Home Remedies For Stomach Flu – Get Relief At Home

Have you been experiencing and unsettling feeling in your stomach? Stomach flu is a very common condition that affects an individual at multiple points...
applying oil on belly button

Benefits of Applying Oil on Belly Button

Natural oils are considered highly helpful in Ayurveda. Various oils such as essential as well as carrier oils done a great job in providing...
how to get rid of dizziness

How to Get Rid of Dizziness

If you feel the problem of lightheadedness or the feeling disorientation, you are most likely suffering from the problem of dizziness. You might also...
Burning Sensation in Throat

6 Possible Causes Behind Burning Sensation in Throat and 10 Remedies...

Do you sometimes experience a burning sensation in your throat? Something that happens all of a sudden and is not that prolonged but is...
botox side effects

Botox Side Effects: How Effective Botox Works to Reduce Wrinkles

The appearance of fine lines as well as wrinkles on the face as well as body is a common health problem and most probably...
Acid Reflux

Best Ways to Use Yogurt for Acid Reflux

Heartburn or acid reflux is considered an intestinal problem which occurs when the esophageal sphincter gets contracted while swallowing foods and the digestive acid...
Fitness motivation tips

7 Useful Fitness Motivation Tips For You

Fitness plays an important role in shaping your body and keeping you at good health. But you need a little motivation once in a...