
Effective Earache Treatment and Home Remedies

Earache or the problem of pain in ear may cause due to various reasons and sometimes cannot be resolved just by the consumption of...
how to cure frostbite

How to Cure Frostbite With Effective Treatment

Frostbite is the name, which has been given to the condition occurs when the skin is exposed to extreme cold conditions for a long...
How to Cure Vertigo

Vertigo: Causes, Symptoms & Home Remedies

Have you ever felt the environment around you is spinning? It can be a sign that you are suffering with the problem of vertigo....
wasp sting

Wasp Stings Treatment: Home Remedies to Get Rid of Wasp Stings

Wasp stings is a common health issue appears especially in warmer months as well as during people stay outside for a prolonged period. Even...
OCD treatment

OCD Treatment: What You Should Know?

OCD or obsessive compulsive disorder triggers a pattern of thoughts and fears which leads to the appearance of repetitive behaviors, which then starts to...

Chlamydia: Symptoms in Men, Women, Causes, Treatment

The problem of sexually transmitted disease is increasing day-by-day and it is becoming very important to spread the awareness about safety as well as...
epsom salt for boils

Important Tips to Use Epsom Salt for Boils

Skin boils are formed due to releasing of toxins as well as infection to the clogged hair follicles as well sweat glands. This bacterial...
home remedies for shaking teeth

Home Remedies for Shaking Teeth

Loosening of teeth can be caused by various reasons. The condition is known as periodontium, in which the organs surrounding teeth such as gingiva,...

What is Bronchitis?: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Bronchitis is known as the condition of swelling as well as inflammation of the bronchial tubes, which are present in the mouth, nose as...

Trichomonas Infection: Common Sexually Transmitted Infection

Trichomonas infection or trichomoniasis is one of the common sexually transmitted infection which is most commonly caused by a protozoan organism, known as Trichomonas...
World Heart Day

World Heart Day: Protect Your Heart to Live Longer

Today the whole world is celebrating the World Heart Day, which is organized every year to spread awareness about the health of the heart...
black cherry juice

Benefits of Black Cherry Juice for Health, Skin, and Hair

rCherries have always been highly useful for various health benefits it provides to your body. That is also the reason, black cherries have been...

Tendonitis: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Tendonitis, which is also known as Tendinitis is a disease which occurs due to the inflammation of the tendon. Most commonly the injury takes...

How to Remove Dead Toenails: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

The problem of the dead toenail is quite common and almost all the people suffer from the problem of loosening of dead toenail at...
oral thrush

Oral Thrush: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Thrush is one of the common health problem, which occurs due to the development of yeast infection. The condition of oral thrush is also...
lip piercing

All You Need to Know About Lip Piercing

Getting your lip pierced is one of the famous beauty trend these days. A large number of young people try to get their lip...
when do babies start teething

When Do Babies Start Teething?

Every stage in the development of your baby is indeed a different kind of happiness. However, the same cannot be told in teething process....
applying oil on belly button

Benefits of Applying Oil on Belly Button

Natural oils are considered highly helpful in Ayurveda. Various oils such as essential as well as carrier oils done a great job in providing...
how to get your voice back

How to Get Your Voice Back

Putting an extra strain on our voice chords due to various activities such as screaming loudly at various concerts as well as amusement parks,...

Everything You Want to Know About German Measles or Rubella

The problem of Rubella or the German Measles is creating a lot of problems in India as there is no availability of vaccine in...
Acid Reflux

Best Ways to Use Yogurt for Acid Reflux

Heartburn or acid reflux is considered an intestinal problem which occurs when the esophageal sphincter gets contracted while swallowing foods and the digestive acid...
cucumber for acne

Cucumber for Acne : Best Ways to Use Cucumber for Acne

Almost all people faces the health problem of acne at some point of time in their life. Acne develops due to the excess oil...
lump in armpit

Lump in Armpits – Causes, Diagnosis & Treatment

The most popular reason behind occurring the lump in armpits is the swelling of lymph nodes present beneath your armpit. The situation can occur...
Apple Cider Vinegar for Acid Reflux

Best Ways to Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Acid Reflux

The problem of acid reflux occurs when the digestive acid in the stomach flows back to the throat due to improper closing or sudden...
itchy ears

Itchy Ear : Causes, Symptoms and How to Get Rid of...

The condition of the itchy ear is one of the common conditions and can be caused due to a lot of reasons, according to...

Home Remedies for Rash on Inner Thigh

Rash on inner thigh is considered as a symptom which may occur due to various reasons. Rash turns your skin red, itchy and inflamed....
Surya Namaskar

Amazing Benefits of Surya Namaskar

Surya Namaskar or the sun salutation is an amazing way to strengthen your muscles. Since the ancient times, Surya Namaskar has been used to...

8 Best Home Remedies for Anxiety

Even though some people think that anxiety is good as it helps in keeping us alert as well as aware, the problem of anxiety...
lump behind ear

How to Get Rid of Lump Behind Ear

Formation of a lump on a body is always dangerous and can be a sign of something serious. Lump behind the ear is classified...
get rid of pink eye

How to Get Rid of Pinkeye: Home Remedies for Pink Eye

Although pink eye sounds highly scary, this condition can be treated easily by taking a few important precautions as well as following important points....