foods high in potassium

Best Foods High in Potassium

The main purpose of potassium in the body is to maintain the balance between fluid and electrolyte in the body. It is also important...
oral thrush

Oral Thrush: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Thrush is one of the common health problem, which occurs due to the development of yeast infection. The condition of oral thrush is also...
itchy ears

Itchy Ear : Causes, Symptoms and How to Get Rid of...

The condition of the itchy ear is one of the common conditions and can be caused due to a lot of reasons, according to...
infected belly button piercing

All You Need to Know About Infected Belly Button Piercing

Belly button piercing has been considered as one of the most common body piercing trends after ear piercing. However, there are the chances of...

Chlamydia: Symptoms in Men, Women, Causes, Treatment

The problem of sexually transmitted disease is increasing day-by-day and it is becoming very important to spread the awareness about safety as well as...
Clubbed fingers

Everything You Need to Know About Clubbed Fingers

Clubbing of fingers is known as changes in the shape of the fingers as well as nails, which may cause due to the thickening...
Baking Soda for Constipation

Is Baking Soda for Constipation – Does it work?

Been suffering from constipation for quite some time now? Have you ever thought of baking soda as a possible remedy for the condition? Baking...
chin lump

All You Need to Know About Chin Lump

The problem of chin lump is the swelling of the part of your body under your skin on the facial as well as other...
Box Breathing

Box Breathing Technique – A Beneficial Requisite For Stress Management

Stress is aligning itself into our daily life and digging its way deeper into our lives, isn’t it? You’d be surprised to know that...
signs you have toxic liver

12 Important Signs you have Toxic Liver

Important signs you have toxic liver for liver is a vital organ in our body. It is the main function of liver to filter...
home remedies for wisdom tooth infection

12 Home Remedies For Wisdom Tooth Infection – Say Goodbye To...

We often get told that the appearance of wisdom tooth brings along the wisdom we have been waiting for. But, the truth is that...
septum ring

All You Want to Know About Septum Ring Piercing

Piercing has started to develop as a new fashion trend. Body piercing is considered as a great symbol of showing your trendiness across the...
Get rid of stress at work

15 Ways To Get Rid Of Stress At Work – Don’t...

How unlikely do you feel like your work is overwhelming you? Do you often steep out of sleep during night because of a daunting...
diuretic foods

Best Natural Diuretic Foods

Diuretic re required by the body to get rid of excess fluid or salt. People are suffering from diseases such as high blood pressure,...
Best Pre-Workout Foods

14 Best Pre-Workout Foods For Better Results – Boost Your Stamina

With so many available food and nutrition options, it is necessary that you do keep a track of what you eat before hitting the...
Pros and cons of alternative medicine

10 Pros And Cons Of Alternative Medicine – Is Contemporary Medicine...

Alternative medicine is that one branch of medicine that majority of the people have second guesses about. While the pros and cons of alternative...
water intake

10 Ultimate Ways to Increase Water Intake for Healthier Well Being

Let’s recall something. What was your water intake yesterday? How many glasses of water did you drink yesterday? Did you even keep track of...
lump in armpit

Lump in Armpits – Causes, Diagnosis & Treatment

The most popular reason behind occurring the lump in armpits is the swelling of lymph nodes present beneath your armpit. The situation can occur...
Benefits Of Camel Milk

13 Benefits Of Camel Milk That Will Leave You Surprised

For the most part of our life, we are either dependant on human milk, cow milk and the packaged milk powder. But, did you...
Elimination diet

Elimination Diet – Benefits, Tips, Foods And Side Effects

Have you recently been starting out with a diet process? Chances are that you might be doing an elimination diet without even knowing about...
Lower hemoglobin A1C level

How To Lower Hemoglobin A1C Level? 10 Effective Ways

Diabetes is one of the most prevailing diseases all around the globe. You would be shocked to know that there are several people who...

12 Benefits Of Epsom Salt Bath You Didn’t Know About

All of us love taking baths, don’t we? But, how often do you step back and do something thinking about your health? Epsom salt...
Remove Nicotine From Your Body

9 Useful Ways To Remove Nicotine From Your Body

The number of people suffering from various diseases due to tobacco consumption is increasing everyday. Tobacco, which also increases the proportion of nicotine in...
home remedies for shaking teeth

Home Remedies for Shaking Teeth

Loosening of teeth can be caused by various reasons. The condition is known as periodontium, in which the organs surrounding teeth such as gingiva,...
yogurt benefits for skin

Top 9 Yogurt Benefits For Skin

Yogurt is a magical food with immense properties for health and beauty. It has the right balance of protein, fat and carbohydrates. Let us...

5 Health Effects Of Unhappy Marriage That One Should Know Of

Marriage is a beautiful alliance, one that is often considered the purest of them all. But, while it is rainbows and butterflies for some,...
Personal Development Goals

20 Personal Development Goals For A Happier And Successful Life

Development of an individual is predominantly dependant on their drive and motivation. You can’t expect to excel in your life if you don’t necessarily...
untreated diabetes

Implications And Complications Of Untreated Diabetes

We have already read that around 50% of the diabetes cases go un-diagnosed. And so these are the untreated diabetes cases which can have...
essential oils for urinary tract infection

13 Essential Oils for Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) for Faster Recovery

The efficacy of essential oils in the treatment of the varying amount of disease is not a new concept. You must have used essential...

Trichomonas Infection: Common Sexually Transmitted Infection

Trichomonas infection or trichomoniasis is one of the common sexually transmitted infection which is most commonly caused by a protozoan organism, known as Trichomonas...