Shigellosis treatment

Shigellosis Treatment – Everything You Need To Know

Have you been feeling a sharp and shooting pain by the side of your stomach accompanied by constant trips to the washroom? Chances are...
Ways to stop shaking hands

8 Ways To Stop Shaking Hands – Stop The Tremors

Do you often find yourself unable to keep your hands static? While you might forego the same as a slight nervous issue in the...
Reasons for not feeling hungry

15 Reasons For Not Feeling Hungry – Know The Causes

Food is a quintessential part of our life. Given that our body needs the necessary nutrients to function, the sudden bout of lack of...
health benefits of earthing

10 Health Benefits Of Earthing – Feel Connected To Nature

How often do you walk out of your house in the morning barefoot to walk out on the grass? Often known as the process...
Good drinks for teeth

7 Good Drinks For Teeth (6 Drinks That Are Bad)

Drinks are nice and important for your hydration. But, for the most part, not all of them will end up doing well for your...
How to lucid dream

How To Get Lucid Dream? 10 Health Benefits Why It Is...

How often do you dream and are your dream something you remember the next day when you wake up? Chances are that if you...
maintain good kidney health

12 Ways To Maintain Good Kidney Health – Know The Dos!

Our kidneys are responsible for filtering out 180 liters of fluids in our body every day. And, if you have not been taking them...
remedies for lip twitching

4 Remedies For Lip Twitching – Keep It In Control!

So, you woke up bright and early and then you suddenly experience a discomfort. A constant twitch in the lips. Even though it is...
16 Natural Treatment For Bipolar Disorder

16 Natural Treatment For Bipolar Disorder – Know The Ways!

Suffering from bipolar disorder is a struggle. The condition is so rarely diagnosed that people often tend to mistake it as mood swings and...
treatment of tongue problems

Treatment Of Tongue Problems – 14 Effective Ways That Work

We rely on our tongues to swallow or food and taste it as well. But, have you ever witnessed something off with your tongue?...
Natural remedies for old scars

15 Natural Remedies For Old Scars – Fasten The Healing!

While some people wear the scar like armour, there are some who don’t necessarily enjoy sporting a mark that serve as a reminder for...
Baking Soda for Constipation

Is Baking Soda for Constipation – Does it work?

Been suffering from constipation for quite some time now? Have you ever thought of baking soda as a possible remedy for the condition? Baking...
Spiritually Awakened

Are You Spiritually Awakened? Know All About Getting There – No...

Spiritual awakening is a huge transformation in one’s way of viewing and living life. That being said, one needs to be a silent spectator...
Home remedies for carpal tunnel

12 Home Remedies For Carpal Tunnel – Get Rid Of The...

Have you been experiencing a constant feeling of numbness around the palm of your hand? While it might not technically be the most pleasant...
health benefits of sparkling water

12 Health Benefits Of Sparkling Water – Sizzling Benefits

Sparkling water can be a very controversial topic to discuss on. While some do believe in its effectiveness, some tend to have second thoughts...
home remedies for stomach flu

16 Home Remedies For Stomach Flu – Get Relief At Home

Have you been experiencing and unsettling feeling in your stomach? Stomach flu is a very common condition that affects an individual at multiple points...
Fungal skin infection treatment

Fungal Skin Infection Treatment At Home – 10 Natural Remedies That...

Nobody likes a scratchy and irritated skin, especially when the same is caused because of an infection. Given that these kinds of infections are...

18 Best Exercises For Balance – Get Your Posture Fixed

How much of a clumsy Bambi are you? Do you find yourself tripping and falling around the space because of the lack of balance...
feeling tired after drinking coffee

Feeling Tired After Drinking Coffee – 7 Reasons Why!

We all love our caffeine kick in the morning, don’t we? But, have you ever wondered why you are suddenly feeling so mellow even...
what happens if you sleep on the floor

What Happens If You Sleep On The Floor? 11 Unsung Benefits...

When it comes to our sleeping patterns, chances are that nothing is set in stone. While some need firm pillows and a cozy mattress,...
what happens to your body when you cuddle

What Happens To Your Body When You Cuddle? 12 Amazing Benefits

All of us love affection and love to be felt wanted and cared for, right? One of the best ways to showcase that love...
foods to eat after wisdom teeth removal

15 Foods To Eat After Wisdom Teeth Removal (6 To Avoid)

Wisdom tooth extraction is not just painful but leaves a hollow behind (all the pun intended). Jokes aside, maintaining a soft food and liquid...
Home remedies for periodontitis

10 Home Remedies For Periodontitis – Get Rid Of Pyorrhea

Have you been constantly experiencing the accumulation of fluid pockets and pus around in your teeth and gums? If yes, chances are that you...
Treatment for eating disorder

Treatment For Eating Disorder – 10 Ways To Overcome It

Mental health and the struggles surrounding it are so less talked about that we often fail to recognize the internal struggles that we ourselves...
Foods to eat after running

12 Foods To Eat After Running (5 Foods That You Should...

We all like to lead a healthy and fit lifestyle and being active is one of the crucial points in that. If you want...
Mindful eating

Mindful Eating – Learn About The Tips, Strategies And Benefits

How often do you have your mobile phone or your laptop with you while you are eating? More often than what we would like,...
Health risks associated with obesity

12 Health Risks Associated With Obesity – Know The Risks!

Obesity and being overweight come with its fair share of issues, especially when it comes to one’s health. If you weren’t aware of the...
Hip bursitis treatment

Hip Bursitis Treatment – 8 Home Remedies That Work

Hip bursitis is often a very fancy term for a condition that’s causing pain near your hip region. While many people often tend to...
best ankle braces

12 Best Rated Ankle Braces For Enhanced Support

While the majority of the people tend to have the notion that ankle braces are only meant for athletes and players, that is a...
best posture corrector

12 Best Posture Corrector And Back Support For Better Health

When it comes round to the kind of lifestyle we lead, complaining about a bad back is quite common. The constant desk jobs and...