
10 Best Night Guard for Teeth Grinding You Didn’t Know About

Teeth grinding is common among children and adults who suffer from too much stress or anxiety. In that case, you must visit...
8 Best Head Massagers to Buy in 2021 Buying Guidance and Product Reviews

8 Best Head Massagers to Buy – Reviews & Buying Guide

Stress and tension are common issues that we all face as a part of life. But at least we realize that all...
8 Top Selling Massage Chair Pads In 2021

8 Top Selling Massage Chair Pads In 2021- For Added Support

Are you planning a salon visit to get a soothing back massage? Laying on a cozy massage bed to relax throughout the spa treatment...
8 Simple Exercises To Relieve Constipation

8 Simple Exercises To Relieve Constipation

Constipation is an extremely common stomach condition. It is treatable with proper diet, home remedies and a healthy lifestyle. But do not skip exercising...
9 Best Bath Chairs for Disabled Adults

9 Best Bath Chairs for Disabled Adults- Helpful Bathroom Accessory

Personal hygiene is a priority of health and well being for everyone. Adults with disabilities find it difficult while bathing. Disability by birth, injuries...

healthholistich Magazine October 2020

Inside magazine: Our health spectra edition for this month has covered useful studies conducted by researchers from renowned Universities on mental health. Sounds interesting, isn’t...
12 Best Knee Scooters To Support Your Fractured Leg

12 Best Knee Scooters To Support Your Fractured Leg

So, you fell down and sustained a bad injury in your foot and now you are here, lying on your bed, immobile. Does it...
16 Everyday Habits That Are Bad For Your Health

16 Everyday Habits That Are Bad For Your Health – What...

We often times do a number of things on a daily basis that impose little to no good to our body. On the contrary,...
ways to deal with crippling anxiety

15 Ways To Deal With Crippling Anxiety – Fight Back!

That throat constricting feeling of being anxious all the time isn’t something that anyone likes to experience. It is important to ensure that you...
Deal with personalization

10 Ways To Deal With Depersonalization – Handle Your Mental Health

We have often used the term of “out of the body” experiences and while it is most definitely true, many people actually face the...
what fingernails tell about your health

What Fingernails Tell About Your Health? 12 Possible Facts

Ever noticed something off about your fingernails? Maybe a splotchy white colour or a fading pale mark on the nail? If these are something...
what your foot shape says about your personality

What Your Foot Shape Says About Your Personality? 9 Interesting Answers!

Before you proceed, I want you to extend your legs out and analyze the shape of your foot. What kind do you have? Is the second...
what happens to the body when you live a sedentary lifestyle

What Happens To The Body When You Live A Sedentary Lifestyle?...

There is a difference between taking a break from work and relaxing and being lazy all the time. If you are being lazy and leading...
health gadgets

12 Best Health Gadgets – See How Fitness And Innovation Collaborates

Innovation is stepping and infiltrating every other sphere, even health. Health gadgets are definitely gaining rapid momentum and it is not surprising that some...
ways to maintain a healthy lifestyle

14 Ways To Main A Healthy Lifestyle For A Rejuvenated Mind...

In one of the studies published by the Archives of Internal Medicine, it was found that only 3% of the Americans checked off the...

5 Effects Of Procrastination On Health – Know The Hazards!

Question yourself this, how many of you like to finish your work in a panic induced deadline? Majority of us, aren’t we? But, the...
Form A Habit

Ideas On How Long Does it Take To Form A Habit...

Habits are a part of our behavioral cycle. The cycle of habits begins from a term called ”habit loop”. As the name suggests, a loop...

13 Ways To Wake Up With Motivation – Tackle What The...

Not every day is the same and not every day can you wake up with the same kind of enthusiasm and that is understandable....
sickness while travelling

14 Possible Cures For Motion Sickness While Travelling

How often do you find yourself feel dizzy and nauseous when you are inside the car and the car is in motion? Probably a...
Mineral Water at home

Can We Make Mineral Water At Home?

Yes, preparing mineral water at home involves pretty simple process. But why mineral water It is because it is considered as the healthiest kind...
Finger Shape

Finger Shape Linked To Health Personality

Do you know that the shapes of your fingers can speak a lot about your personality? This may seem stupid or silly, but definitely...
snake eye piercing

Everything You Need to Know About Snake Eye Piercing

Body piercing has become the newest fashion trend and currently, snake eye piercing which is also known as tongue piercing has become another fashion...

Tips to Remove Armpit Rash

Armpit rashes cause a lot of irritation as well itching in your armpits. Although it can be invisible, this can cause lot problem many...
Gadgets for diabetes

Top 8 Gadgets For Diabetes That Can Come In Handy

Diabetes can affect people of all ages. Diabetes is closely associated with the blood sugar levels. It is necessary from time to time to...
Android workout apps

7 Android Workout Apps For Fitness Lovers

As the era of smartphones and modern technology has taken all the fields under its grip, the story of fitness and workout sector is...
Tips for Stronger Nails

Health Tips for Stronger Nails

Nails are a very important aspect of a woman’s existence. They personify the grace and character that she desires to carry at every step...