
Heightened Estrogen Levels In The Womb A Possible Marker For Autism,...

Autism is one of those genetic disorders that are affecting more and more children with each passing day. With so many possibilities and the...

Scientists found new ways to diagnose infertility in men

Infertility is a major concern in men and while the condition does impose consistent issues on one’s health, it is quite important to find...

New Evidence Finds Why Women Are More Prone To Autoimmune Diseases...

Women are subjected to quite a lot in their lifetime, the risks of autoimmune diseases being more in comparison to men. While the statistics...

Community Factors Can Influence Your Lifespan, New Study Suggests

Lifestyle choices and what you eat matters quite a lot when we are trying to predict our lifespan. If you have compromised health, it...

Proper Sleep Can Reduce Risks Of Cardiovascular Diseases, New Study Suggests

With the onslaught of stress that we struggle along with on a daily basis, it is not surprising that sleep has become...

Less Sexual Intimacy With Partner Linked With Early Menopause

Menopause is that phase of life in a woman’s life that comes along with a lot of complications, be it on the physical health...

New Materials Could Drive Wound Healing By Natural Means, New Study...

The science of wound healing is not as simple as it might seem or sound like. The process itself is quite extensive...

Optimism Induce Better Quality Of Sleep, New Study Suggests

We live in a world where being optimistic about something isn’t the easiest thing to do. With the constant negativity and the stress that...

Blue Zones Diet Can Help Improve Your Life Span

Eating healthy has been associated with better health. But, let’s be real, how many of us even follow that? Not many, right? But, what...