
Lack Of Fruits And Vegetables In The Diet Can Impose Risks...

How many fruits and vegetables do you include in your diet on a daily basis? If the answer is a bare minimum, chances are...

Prenatal Parental Stress Can Cause Behavioural Problems In Toddlers

Stress has already become an inevitable part in our lives. A new study suggests that excess prenatal parental stress can have impacts on the...

Male Contraception? New Study Focuses Around a New Developed Drug That...

Contraception in men is not a very common happenstance, now, is it? While shots and injections have been in predominance till now, a new...

Suicide Attempts With Self Poisoning In Teens And Young Adults Doubled,...

The rate of teen suicide is on a rampant rise. While mental health disorders are often considered to be the primary cause behind the...

Avoiding Your Cellphone Is Important To Catch A Mental Break, New...

How many hours of the day are you on your phone? Chances are that its way too many and if you want to catch...
Stem cell therapy and gene editing

Same Sex Mice Can Have Pups Using Stem Cell Therapy And...

A new breakthrough has recently made its way through the realms of science. Scientists from China have successfully established ways to induce pregnancy in...

New Study Has Found The Origins Of The Neural Circuitry Of...

Pain is that inevitable part of our life that we try and avert at all costs. While prior studies have blamed the...
Self touch

New Study Finds How Brain Distinguishes Self Touch From Others

It is not uncommon for you to recognize and distinguish your own touch with that from others. But, have you ever wondered...

Understanding The Difference In Emotion Processing Over The Lifespan

We tend to become more positive and well affirmed with our decisions as we grow older. Ever wondered how emotion processing occurs as we...

New Study Finds Cellular Pathways That Extended Lifespan By 500%

It isn’t a new concept that there are a number of cellular pathways in our body that are responsible for varying body functions. But,...

Links between brain circuit and food impulsivity found, new study suggests

If you have a tendency to overeat, chances are that the same will end up affecting your overall well being in the long haul....

Study Suggests Mood Neurons Mature During Adolescence

We often see a drastic change in our personalities during our stage of adolescence. While the same is often blamed on the prospect of...

Accompanying Laughter During Brain Surgery Could Be The Best Medicine, New...

“Laughter is the best medicine.” This is not necessarily a new topic of discussion, right? Majority of the experts and doctors have...

New Study shows that both abstinence and excess consumption of alcohol...

Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease have become quite a common phenomenon in current date, primarily because of the higher risks imposed by the kind of...

New Study Finds Possible Therapy For Hearing Loss

Hearing loss can root from a number of reason, be it exposure to noise damage or even because of any form of hereditary problem....

Gut Brain Connection Might Explain Why Obesity Occurs

Obesity is an alarming problem that is behind a huge percentage of death every single year that not many are even aware of. While...

Cellular Process As A Potent Cancer Cure, New Study Suggests

Cancer has been a prevailing problem in the current time now, one that is affecting every 2 people out of 10. While...

HIV Drug As A Potent Treatment For Alzheimer’s, New Study Suggests

Alzheimer’s or even any other form of age related diseases in humans tend to take a toll on them. But, would you...

Losing Tongue Fat Might Improve The Condition Of Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a type of sleeping disorder that causes sudden stoppage in the breathing during sleep for a few seconds and then starts...

Chemical Pollutants In Home Can Alter Fertility In Men And Dogs,...

In a world with so much pollution, it is not surprising that every single object we come in contact with might have potent contaminants...

Cutting Back Red Meat And Processed Meat Have Little Effect On...

Prior studies have shown that the impacts of the red meat and processed food to be bad on one’s body, thus needed proper ways...

10-Hour Time Restricted Eating Can Help Prevent Chronic Diseases

It is not something new that our eating habits predominantly have direct impacts on the kind of diseases that affect our body. But, a...

Petting Dogs And Cats Can Reduce Stress, Study Suggests

Stress has become an integral part of our life, infiltrating our minds all through. It goes without saying that the condition is bound to...

Musically Unexpected Activates The Reward Centre, New Study Suggests

How often has it happened with you that you feel accomplished and so happy when a musician hits an unexpected chord perfectly?...

Brain Cell Manipulation Using Smartphone, New Study Suggests

We all use smartphones, well, for the most part. What if I told you that scientists have worked a way to manipulation your brain...

Depth Of Sleep Does Have Impacts On Brain’s Cleaning, New Study...

Sleep is crucial for our overall wellbeing. It goes without saying that lack of sleep of even people suffering from insomnia tend to have...

Inhalable form of mRNA to treat lung diseases, new study suggests

Lung diseases are diverse and have the potency to risk one’s life too. But, if you are here wondering one can mRNA...

Teens Who Don’t Date Are Less Likely To Be Depressed, New...

Relationships, the romantic kind, have been associated with happiness and the giddy feeling that you have but the same can also be the reason...

New Parents Experience 6 Years Of Disrupted Sleep Quality, New Study...

Parenthood is a roller coaster. None of it is easy and while it has its highs, it has its lows as well. If you...

Effective Sleeping Patterns Mitigate Risks Of Heart Disease

When it comes to the risks of heart disease, the risks surrounding the same has been consistently increasing. But, the constant studies have been...