
Further Understanding Of Irregular Heartbeat To Pave Way For Treatments

Heart diseases and chronic cardiovascular issues are on a constant rise. Out of them all, one of the most common occurrences is the irregular...

New Study Finds The Impact Of RNA Modification On Learning And...

Genetic Material of our body is the primary factor that influences the growth, functioning and development of our body. Both the RNA as well...

Reduced Consumption Of Methionine Reduces Inflammatory And Auto-Immune Disorders

With the constant changes in our diets, more and more people are either struggling with inflammatory diseases or the auto-immune disorders. If you have...

Here’s How Cancer Cells And The Immune Cells Communicate

When it comes to cancer cells, we know how deadly they are. Owing to the special kinds of characteristics that they have, it is...

New Born’s Exposure To Home Cleaning Products Can Induce Asthma, New...

Asthma is a very common disease in children. According to the statistics from 2017, it was suggested that 1 in every 12 kid had...

Stanford Psychologists Find A Brain Region For Pokémon Characters, New Study...

Pokémon is definitely one of those childhood nostalgia that you just can’t get over. All that being said, what if you got to know...

Tiny implantable device might be the key to weight loss, new...

Weight gain and obesity has become an alarming condition of concern. If you have been sailing along on a similar boat struggling...

Five Or More Hours Of Smartphone Usage Enhances Obesity, Study Suggests

We live in quite a progressive world which is driven by technology. Usage of smartphone is a daily deed which we spend majority of...
Manic depression

Consumption of Excessive Processed Food Can Lead to Manic Depression, Research...

Recent experiments showcase that the overconsumption of processed food and meats can adversely affect one’s psychological well being, probing the possibility of causing manic...

Genetic mutation of sperm could be because of cannabis exposure, new...

Cannabis and its usage has been quite frequented nowadays but did you know about the possible side effects it bestows on the...

Scientists Converted Protein Into Music, And Back Again

We are aware of the fact that proteins are the building blocks of your body. But, the one thing about this that stands out...

Novel Drug Developed That Reduces Risks Of Kidney Disease In Diabetics,...

The connection between kidney disease and diabetes is quite common and is often an alleged marker for the deteriorating condition of a diabetes patient....

Illiterate people are at higher risks of developing dementia, new study...

The risks of dementia is on a constant rise with people of varying age being affected by the condition. With so many possibilities around,...
Gene Therapy

Can Fetal Gene Therapy Put a Stop to Possible Diseases Even...

Gene therapy (R) is an evolving form of research technique in which the correct form of gene is injected into the body of an...

Losing A Close Friend Can Take A Toll Harder Than We...

Death is inevitable and so is the pain that a close friend feels on losing someone. Grief is very subjective, dependent on the person...
Mental Health

New Study claims that dreams could be the reflection of one’s...

Dreams, good or bad, are believed to be the sub-conscious rendition of what we think about throughout the entirety of the day. Dream researchers...

Flu Vaccines Can Prevent Early Death In Elderly ICU Patients

It isn’t new news that the flu vaccine doesn’t always work for the flu. You do get it anyhow at some point in your...

Brain Has Two Internal Clocks To Handle Different Activities, New Study...

It is not unknown that every mechanism of our body is controlled and maintained by our body’s internal clocks. While the suprachiasmatic nucleus was...

Molecular Mechanisms In Cell Nucleus Could Treat Aggressive Leukemia

Leukemia, or blood cancer, is often categorized as one of the most critical types of cancer, expected to be the reason behind 58,100 deaths...

Young Bone Marrow Reinstates Better Memory And Learning Skills In Mice,...

Bone marrow has been tested out for its potent benefits and if you are here wondering what it is that makes it a good...

Feeding 11 billion people and preventing infectious disease – is it...

With an overbearing population of 11 billion in the world, it is definitely become hard for people to keep up with the feeding, sustenance...

Links Between Pleasure Centre In Brain And Biological Clock Established

While we tend to have the habit of overeating when we have some good food in front of us, things could be wiring up...

Impacts On Glucose In Circadian Clocks And Obesity Enhance Cardiovascular Risks

The issues of cardiovascular risks have been on the rise and a new study has found yet another breakthrough that could be influencing the...
anti aging

Experiments on Humans To Test Out Anti-aging Cures To Shortly Commence

Nobody likes and enjoys the signs of aging – the brittle bones and the fine lines and wrinkles on the face, not to mention...

Cellular Process As A Potent Cancer Cure, New Study Suggests

Cancer has been a prevailing problem in the current time now, one that is affecting every 2 people out of 10. While...

People Gain Weight As They Get Older, Here’s Why

You will tend to notice that as you grow older, your body starts gaining weight even though you have been doing everything in your...

Artificial Intelligence Can Detect Premature Death, New Study Suggests

Artificial intelligence is taking the world over by a storm. This doesn’t necessarily require a separate introduction, now, does it? The impacts of these...

Your Choices In Life Were Done To Keep Your Options Open,...

We do make a number of choices in our lives, the normal prospects being in the jobs and even in the kind of normal...

Fried Food As A Potential Risk For Early Death Among Old...

Each one of us loves and eats fried food, don’t we? Don’t even try to lie now. At some point or the...

Suicide Attempts With Self Poisoning In Teens And Young Adults Doubled,...

The rate of teen suicide is on a rampant rise. While mental health disorders are often considered to be the primary cause behind the...