
Owning A Pet Ensures A Healthy Heart, New Study Suggests

It is true that we know petting a pet has beneficial impacts on one’s health, especially in managing their stress levels in the body....
Omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3 Fatty Acids For Cancer Treatment? Research Shows Signs of Possibility

The mere mention of Cancer is more than enough to make the hair in the back of the neck rise. Given the fact that...

Belly Fat Affects Your Immune System, New Study Suggests

When it comes to belly fat or the visceral fat around the abdomen, the same has been found to have negative impacts on the...

Proper Sleep Can Reduce Risks Of Cardiovascular Diseases, New Study Suggests

With the onslaught of stress that we struggle along with on a daily basis, it is not surprising that sleep has become...

Genetic mutation of sperm could be because of cannabis exposure, new...

Cannabis and its usage has been quite frequented nowadays but did you know about the possible side effects it bestows on the...

HIV Drug As A Potent Treatment For Alzheimer’s, New Study Suggests

Alzheimer’s or even any other form of age related diseases in humans tend to take a toll on them. But, would you...

Scientists Find New Way To Demolish The Issues Of Kidney Stones

Kidney stones does have the possibility to impact one’s overall renal function and can even be fatal if the correct and on time treatment...

New Study Finds Possible Therapy For Hearing Loss

Hearing loss can root from a number of reason, be it exposure to noise damage or even because of any form of hereditary problem....

New Materials Could Drive Wound Healing By Natural Means, New Study...

The science of wound healing is not as simple as it might seem or sound like. The process itself is quite extensive...

Coronavirus Imaging Features Unveiled By Radiologists, New Study Suggests

While the outbreak of Coronavirus is almost taking shape of an epidemic, especially in China, and spreading across globally, the radiologists have transcribed a...

Losing A Close Friend Can Take A Toll Harder Than We...

Death is inevitable and so is the pain that a close friend feels on losing someone. Grief is very subjective, dependent on the person...

Napping Occasionally Can Reduce Risks Of Heart Attacks Or Stroke

Cardiovascular diseases account for the maximum deaths in a year around the world. That itself is enough to be alert why. The risks surrounding...

Fasting Is Beneficial For Our Metabolism, New Study Suggests

Fasting is often done every now and then, right? While some do it to honour their religious beliefs, some do it to...

New Way Of Administration Of Insulin Via Small Pill, New Study...

The administration of insulin is predominantly done via intravenous ways to ensure the maximum bioavailability of the same in the body. While the process...

Is High Fructose Corn Syrup Directly Feeding Cancer? New Study Suggests...

Would you be surprised if you got to know that the corn syrup you are consuming is not doing you any good, maybe even...

Aspirin Doesn’t Have Any Influence On Healthy Life Span of Older...

The debate between the usages of aspirin on a daily basis has been in the talks since ages. Studies and researches have been conducted...

10-Hour Time Restricted Eating Can Help Prevent Chronic Diseases

It is not something new that our eating habits predominantly have direct impacts on the kind of diseases that affect our body. But, a...

‘Liquid Biopsy’ for Early Detection of Cancer, New Study Suggests

Cancer has become the deadly disease that has started infesting more and more people. The most common reason associated with the deaths behind cancer...
Cervical Cancer

New Study finds IUD As A Potent Protector Against Cervical Cancer

IUD, also known as Intra-Uterine devices are often a very handy dandy method of preventing the risks of pregnancy. But will you even stir...
Self touch

New Study Finds How Brain Distinguishes Self Touch From Others

It is not uncommon for you to recognize and distinguish your own touch with that from others. But, have you ever wondered...

Lactate Could Be A Reason Behind Cancer Formation, New Study Suggests

Not many realize this, but cancer is that one disease that is consistently rising with enhanced risks. While new studies and researches are being...

Stanford Psychologists Find A Brain Region For Pokémon Characters, New Study...

Pokémon is definitely one of those childhood nostalgia that you just can’t get over. All that being said, what if you got to know...

Are the Traits for Anxiety and Depression Heritable? Study Shows They...

Anxiety and depression are not alien terms for people. With the kind of influence that it has on one’s mental health, its impacts are...

Lack Of Sleep In Women Enhance Risks Of Obesity And Heart...

With the impending stress and constant setbacks that we experience in life, the same does end up taking a toll on our mental health...

Neuroimaging Finds That Brain Uses More Power To Remember Than Forget...

Memory does instill quite an important part in our life. If you delve deeper into this, you will realize that the process of recalling...

Young Bone Marrow Reinstates Better Memory And Learning Skills In Mice,...

Bone marrow has been tested out for its potent benefits and if you are here wondering what it is that makes it a good...

Diet And Sperm Quality Are Related, New Study Suggests

While lifestyle has been found to have profound impacts on the sperm quality in prior conducted studies, it has been found that the same...

The Act of Giving Can Make You Happy Longer, New Study...

We often hear that being kind to someone doesn’t cost you anything but can make you feel better about yourself. While the...

Your Choices In Life Were Done To Keep Your Options Open,...

We do make a number of choices in our lives, the normal prospects being in the jobs and even in the kind of normal...

Peppermint As A Potent Treatment For Oesophageal Disorders, Study Suggests

Peppermint reminds us of gums and the candies, doesn’t it? But, if you have been suffering from oesophageal disorders, this can definitely be of...