
Fasting Is Beneficial For Our Metabolism, New Study Suggests

Fasting is often done every now and then, right? While some do it to honour their religious beliefs, some do it to...

New Study Finds Factors That Make Us More Prone To Anxiety

With the constant stress that we are often subjected to, it isn’t surprising that anxiety makes up for a very big part of the...

People Gain Weight As They Get Older, Here’s Why

You will tend to notice that as you grow older, your body starts gaining weight even though you have been doing everything in your...
benefits of Green tea

New Study Emphasizes The Potent Benefits of Green Tea On Cognitive...

The benefits of Green tea has been a booming trend since the last few years because of the amazing influence it has on one’s...

Peppermint As A Potent Treatment For Oesophageal Disorders, Study Suggests

Peppermint reminds us of gums and the candies, doesn’t it? But, if you have been suffering from oesophageal disorders, this can definitely be of...

Obese Or Overweight Individuals Can Eat Avocado To Improve Attention

Avocados are often considered trendy and while some people like the taste, some don’t. But, with the high content of healthy fats in it,...

Gratefulness Doesn’t Deter Signs Of Depression Or Anxiety, New Study Suggests

There have been prior studies that have suggested saying that looking into things that you have and appreciating what you have is one of...
Colon Cancer

New Study Finds Preventive Measures Of Colon Cancer In Vegetables

Vegetables are not something that many people adhere to in their diet. That being said, new study finds amazing components in certain vegetables that...

Diet And Sperm Quality Are Related, New Study Suggests

While lifestyle has been found to have profound impacts on the sperm quality in prior conducted studies, it has been found that the same...
anti aging

Experiments on Humans To Test Out Anti-aging Cures To Shortly Commence

Nobody likes and enjoys the signs of aging – the brittle bones and the fine lines and wrinkles on the face, not to mention...

This Woman In Scotland Doesn’t Feel Any Pain, New Study Found

How would you feel if you had the power of not feeling any kind of pain whatsoever? Sound riveting, doesn’t it? A woman from...

New Study Spots Link between Allergies and Appendicitis

Appendicitis is not a new term but quite a common one. It is a condition in which the appendix gets inflamed because of excess...

Sucking The Baby’s Pacifier By A Parent May Prevent Allergies, New...

Pacifier is an ultimate must have for every toddler. While losing the pacifiers is quite a common scenario faced by every new parent, new...

Heightened Risks Of Back Pain For Diabetics, New Study Suggests

Staying away from sweets is what is mainly the warning and precaution majority of the diabetics are provided with. If you are someone who...
Mental Health

New Study claims that dreams could be the reflection of one’s...

Dreams, good or bad, are believed to be the sub-conscious rendition of what we think about throughout the entirety of the day. Dream researchers...

Keto Diets Suitable For Short Term Only, New Study Suggests

Weight loss has been a drive that majority of the people are indulging in. More and more people are looking into ways to help...

The Act of Giving Can Make You Happy Longer, New Study...

We often hear that being kind to someone doesn’t cost you anything but can make you feel better about yourself. While the...

Here’s Why Birth Control Could Fail, New Study Suggests

If you are sexually active and are not ready for pregnancy, birth control pills are the next best option at hand. But, there are...

New Study Finds Mechanisms By Which Pancreatic Cancer Cells Avoid Starvation

Cancer is becoming a predominant reason behind deaths across the world and our lifestyle is to blame, for the most part. While new studies...

Here’s How Cancer Cells And The Immune Cells Communicate

When it comes to cancer cells, we know how deadly they are. Owing to the special kinds of characteristics that they have, it is...

New Study Claims That Better Cardiorespiratory Fitness Can Improve Life Expectancy

Cardiovascular and the respiratory system of our body sure do play a crucial role in the overall functioning of the body. This is the...

New Study Find Evidence Concerning Restored Vision In Blind Rats Following...

Vision is that one sense whose impairment can actually impact the overall functioning of the body. A new study states a possible ability of...
Heart Health

Improved Physical Activity in Old Age Can Improve Heart Health, Study...

Sedentary lifestyle, whatever the age is, heftily affects one’s well being, especially affecting their overall heart health. But, a recent study has claimed that...

New Study Shows a New Approach to Cancer Treatment

Cancer is a disease that has never found its one novel form of treatment for it to be cured completely. While recurrence and relapsing...

Stanford Psychologists Find A Brain Region For Pokémon Characters, New Study...

Pokémon is definitely one of those childhood nostalgia that you just can’t get over. All that being said, what if you got to know...

New Study Finds How Postpartum Depression Worsens Over The Course Of...

Postpartum Depression is quite a common happenstance that happens in every other new mother following their childbirth. Studies have further probed into...

Broccoli Sprouts As A Possible Cure For Schizophrenia, New Study Suggests

If the statistics from are to be considered, it is believed that 1% of the world’s total population has been diagnosed with schizophrenia....

Heart Toxicity And Diabetes Drugs – The Correlation

Heart health is on a consistent degrade over the course of time. Heart issues are considered one of the most common reasons behind the...

Going “Cold Turkey” With Red Meats Isn’t Necessary, New Study Suggests

While the consumption of red meats have always been frowned upon, stating that their impacts are bad for one’s health, the same might be...

Connected Brain Networks Can Spread Dementia, New Study Suggests

Dementia is one of the most common age related diseases that affects people. The lack of memory and heightened prospect of memory lapses have...