
Study Suggests Some Types Of Stress Can Actually Enhance Lifespan

Stress is often seen in a negative light as it should always be. But, even with all the prospects of the kind of impacts...

Serotonin Could Be The Reason We Freeze When Startled, New Study...

So, you are standing idly and keeping up with your business and you have someone come up from behind you, startling you in the...

Scientists found new ways to diagnose infertility in men

Infertility is a major concern in men and while the condition does impose consistent issues on one’s health, it is quite important to find...

Illiterate people are at higher risks of developing dementia, new study...

The risks of dementia is on a constant rise with people of varying age being affected by the condition. With so many possibilities around,...

Scientists Find New Way To Demolish The Issues Of Kidney Stones

Kidney stones does have the possibility to impact one’s overall renal function and can even be fatal if the correct and on time treatment...

Skin Cancers May Start At Hair Follicles, New Study Suggests

While the science and medical field is constantly changing and evolving, things do seem to have been in constant impacts, especially in the treatments...

Here’s How Cancer Cells And The Immune Cells Communicate

When it comes to cancer cells, we know how deadly they are. Owing to the special kinds of characteristics that they have, it is...

Improper Sleep Quality Can Affect Gut Microbiome

Sleep quality is a problem that majority of us struggle with in today’s date. With the imbibed use of technology and the uncertain bout...

Impacts On Glucose In Circadian Clocks And Obesity Enhance Cardiovascular Risks

The issues of cardiovascular risks have been on the rise and a new study has found yet another breakthrough that could be influencing the...

Stress And Mother’s Abuse Can Affect An Infant’s Brain, New Study...

Abuse and constant stress never does any kind of good to one’s mental health. The same was proven out in a conducted animal study...

Fasting And Its Impacts On Age-Related Diseases

Aging has varying impacts on one’s health, impacts on the age related diseases like dementia and Alzheimer’s being the most predominant ones. But with...

Connected Brain Networks Can Spread Dementia, New Study Suggests

Dementia is one of the most common age related diseases that affects people. The lack of memory and heightened prospect of memory lapses have...

People Who Walk Slowly Have Aging Brains And Bodies At 45...

Do you tend to walk slow or fast on a normal basis? For the most part, the same is believed to be one of...

Occasional Drinking During Pregnancy Inflicts Harm To The Foetus

If you had the notion that a few sips and a glass or two or alcohol during pregnancy was completely safe, new study suggests...

Sudden Income Drops Can Affect One’s Brain Function, New Study Suggests

Income drops can drastically impact one’s overall style of living. But would anyone even think that the same could end up affecting one’s overall...

Cutting Back Red Meat And Processed Meat Have Little Effect On...

Prior studies have shown that the impacts of the red meat and processed food to be bad on one’s body, thus needed proper ways...

Red Wine Could Improve Gut Health, New Study Suggests

We have heard people saying that pairing red wine with food can further cleanse the palate and enhance the taste of the food, right?...

Heart Toxicity And Diabetes Drugs – The Correlation

Heart health is on a consistent degrade over the course of time. Heart issues are considered one of the most common reasons behind the...

People Gain Weight As They Get Older, Here’s Why

You will tend to notice that as you grow older, your body starts gaining weight even though you have been doing everything in your...

Napping Occasionally Can Reduce Risks Of Heart Attacks Or Stroke

Cardiovascular diseases account for the maximum deaths in a year around the world. That itself is enough to be alert why. The risks surrounding...

Teens Who Don’t Date Are Less Likely To Be Depressed, New...

Relationships, the romantic kind, have been associated with happiness and the giddy feeling that you have but the same can also be the reason...

Improper Diet Can Cause Blindness According To A Case Study

Maintaining a healthy diet is key for your overall health. If you have heard of possibilities around, it is believed that your vision and...

Earlier Detection Of Type-1 Diabetes, New Study Suggests

Statistics suggest that over 1.25 million people from across the entirety of the United States suffer from Type-1 Diabetes, which is expected to touch...

Teen’s Mental Health Isn’t Deteriorating Because Of Tech Time

Technology is at its newest height and while our lives more or less revolve around the same, a new study suggests that the mental...

Here’s How Your Brain Retains And Fades Memory, New Study Suggests

Your memory is an integral part of your life. From remembering the name of your first school teacher to the last lecture that you...

Owning A Pet Ensures A Healthy Heart, New Study Suggests

It is true that we know petting a pet has beneficial impacts on one’s health, especially in managing their stress levels in the body....

Stimulation Of Optic Nerve Can Help Blind People, New Study Suggests

The overall dysfunction optic nerve and the associated nervous connections around are often considered as one of the primary reason why people are blind....

Avoiding Your Cellphone Is Important To Catch A Mental Break, New...

How many hours of the day are you on your phone? Chances are that its way too many and if you want to catch...

New Brain Molecule Asserted As A Possible Key In Anxiety Model

According to the statistics (R) from the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, it is suggested that over 40 million people over 18 years...

Brain Cell Manipulation Using Smartphone, New Study Suggests

We all use smartphones, well, for the most part. What if I told you that scientists have worked a way to manipulation your brain...