
Reduced Protein Intake Associated With Reduced Cardiovascular Risks, New Study Suggests

If you are someone who eats meat like their life depends on it, chances are that the high protein intake could end up elevating...

Obese Or Overweight Individuals Can Eat Avocado To Improve Attention

Avocados are often considered trendy and while some people like the taste, some don’t. But, with the high content of healthy fats in it,...

Heightened Risks Of Back Pain For Diabetics, New Study Suggests

Staying away from sweets is what is mainly the warning and precaution majority of the diabetics are provided with. If you are someone who...

Covid-19 and inflammatory disease in children

With the new developments in the prospect of Covid-19, the researchers have found some of the infected children who have developed the symptoms of...

New Parents Experience 6 Years Of Disrupted Sleep Quality, New Study...

Parenthood is a roller coaster. None of it is easy and while it has its highs, it has its lows as well. If you...

This Woman In Scotland Doesn’t Feel Any Pain, New Study Found

How would you feel if you had the power of not feeling any kind of pain whatsoever? Sound riveting, doesn’t it? A woman from...

Ketone Monoester Drinks Could Help Regular Blood Sugar, New Study Suggests

With the consistent rise in the rate of diabetes and prediabetes in people across the globe, new and improved strategies need to be implemented...

Lack Of Sleep In Women Enhance Risks Of Obesity And Heart...

With the impending stress and constant setbacks that we experience in life, the same does end up taking a toll on our mental health...

New Study Shows Intermittent Fasting As A Possible Cure For Type-II...

Type-II Diabetes can be very taxing on one’s health. From increasing death risks to disrupting one’s quality of life, the possibilities are actually endless....
Learning while sleeping

New study highlights the limitations behind learning while sleeping

You must have heard, or at least, come across stances explaining the possibility of being able to learn while being in deep sleep. While...

Anti-Obesity Drug Derived From Capsaicin Found in Chilli Peppers To Aid...

A new research reveals that the fat-burning compound in the chilli peppers might be the answer to effective weight loss without the infliction of...

Vitamin Deficiencies Could Be A Reason Behind Migraine, Study Suggests

The term migraine is often very loosely used whenever someone contracts an unbearable headache. What many people fail to understand is the fact that...
Cervical Cancer

New Study finds IUD As A Potent Protector Against Cervical Cancer

IUD, also known as Intra-Uterine devices are often a very handy dandy method of preventing the risks of pregnancy. But will you even stir...

New Study Spots Link between Allergies and Appendicitis

Appendicitis is not a new term but quite a common one. It is a condition in which the appendix gets inflamed because of excess...

Occasional Drinking During Pregnancy Inflicts Harm To The Foetus

If you had the notion that a few sips and a glass or two or alcohol during pregnancy was completely safe, new study suggests...

New Study Finds A New Metabolism Regulator In A Natural Protein...

Obesity has been an alarming problem faced by millions of people worldwide. With the growing levels of stress, sedentary lifestyle and the overall lack...

Having A “Type” In A Relationship Is A Thing, Even Studies...

We often have our friends telling us that “So, what type of girls or guys you like?” But, have you ever wondered that having...

Dim-Light Exposure At Night Could Make Breast Cancer Spread To Bones,...

We often have a dim light in our bedrooms during the night to not plunge the room into complete darkness. While you are fighting...

Coronavirus Imaging Features Unveiled By Radiologists, New Study Suggests

While the outbreak of Coronavirus is almost taking shape of an epidemic, especially in China, and spreading across globally, the radiologists have transcribed a...

New Study Finds The Possible Reason Behind Pessimism

Pessimism or the consistent negative perspective towards life is definitely something that’s not a “habit” but can be influenced by the neural activity of...

New Study Finds Mechanisms By Which Pancreatic Cancer Cells Avoid Starvation

Cancer is becoming a predominant reason behind deaths across the world and our lifestyle is to blame, for the most part. While new studies...

Arousal And Its Impacts On Physiological Synchrony, New Study Reports

The science behind arousal and the impacts of it in a relationship doesn’t necessarily require a separate introduction. Attaining physiological synchrony was known but...

Improper Sleep Quality Can Affect Gut Microbiome

Sleep quality is a problem that majority of us struggle with in today’s date. With the imbibed use of technology and the uncertain bout...

Understanding The Difference In Emotion Processing Over The Lifespan

We tend to become more positive and well affirmed with our decisions as we grow older. Ever wondered how emotion processing occurs as we...

Study Suggests Therapeutic Benefits Of Cilantro

We often consume a wide variety of herbs, be it in the dried form or even in the fresh form. Cilantro, out of the...

New Study Correlates the Impact of Lack of Sleep with Weight...

Sleep plays a quintessential role in impacting our overall well being. Lack of a proper night’s sleep has the ability to not just affect...

Fasting Is Beneficial For Our Metabolism, New Study Suggests

Fasting is often done every now and then, right? While some do it to honour their religious beliefs, some do it to...

Stimulation Of Brain Can Reduce Chronic Pain, New Study Suggests

Complaints about subsequently suffering from chronic pain in the lower back region are quite common. But, have you ever wondered why the same happens?...

Eating Walnuts Can Improve Heart And Gut Health, New Study Suggests

Given that we have a very hectic and unhealthy lifestyle in our day to day lives now; it isn’t surprising that the risks of...

Broccoli Sprouts As A Possible Cure For Schizophrenia, New Study Suggests

If the statistics from are to be considered, it is believed that 1% of the world’s total population has been diagnosed with schizophrenia....