
U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Fast Tracks a ‘One Dose...

With the flu season beating around the corner, there is good news for the United States residents. Recent reports suggest that the United States Food...
Weight Loss

Preliminary Study Emphasizes the Importance of Gut Bacteria in Weight Loss

Would you have thought that the gut bacteria could be the decisive factor behind your possible weight loss? No, right? There are probably instances...
Heart Health

New Study Showcases the Average Consumption of Salt Might Improve Heart...

Salt Consumption and its possible effects on heart and overall health isn’t something much unknown to us at this point. With the over piling...

Cerebellum Controls Higher Brain Functions Too, New Study Suggests

Cerebellum, which has till now, been known for its contribution to balance and posture has been revealed to do more than just that. While...
fatty liver disease

Prolonged Exposure To Antioxidant Proteins Might Cause Fatty Liver Disease, New...

30% of the world population is affected with the fatty liver disease. The numbers are constantly rising and are leading to the causes behind...
Rosehip neurons

‘Rosehip Neurons’ – New Study Shows Existence of a New Kind...

While majority of researchers might have foreseen and taken the mouse model as the perfect model for the research related to several human neurological...

New Study Accuses the Household Cleaning Products as a Possible Cause...

Making your children do the household cleaning and other chores is definitely nothing uncommon, right? And neither is obesity in children. What is I...

Are the Traits for Anxiety and Depression Heritable? Study Shows They...

Anxiety and depression are not alien terms for people. With the kind of influence that it has on one’s mental health, its impacts are...

Ketone Monoester Drinks Could Help Regular Blood Sugar, New Study Suggests

With the consistent rise in the rate of diabetes and prediabetes in people across the globe, new and improved strategies need to be implemented...
Cervical Cancer

New Study finds IUD As A Potent Protector Against Cervical Cancer

IUD, also known as Intra-Uterine devices are often a very handy dandy method of preventing the risks of pregnancy. But will you even stir...
Omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3 Fatty Acids For Cancer Treatment? Research Shows Signs of Possibility

The mere mention of Cancer is more than enough to make the hair in the back of the neck rise. Given the fact that...

Reduced Consumption Of Methionine Reduces Inflammatory And Auto-Immune Disorders

With the constant changes in our diets, more and more people are either struggling with inflammatory diseases or the auto-immune disorders. If you have...

Prenatal Testosterone To Be A Degrading Factor For The Female Twin,...

Twins are always a blessing, isn’t it? And while it is definitely nice to have a boy and a girl, the implications of the...

Study Showcases Possible Risks of Cancer in Diabetic Patients (especially in...

Diabetes and the associated risks it brings to a person’s health doesn’t really need a separate introduction, now, does it? A new study strings...

Estrogen and Progesterone a Possible Cause of Early Signs of Alzheimer’s...

If statistics are anything to go by, it is believed that out of all the people suffering from Alzheimer’s disease in the United States,...

Vitamin Deficiencies Could Be A Reason Behind Migraine, Study Suggests

The term migraine is often very loosely used whenever someone contracts an unbearable headache. What many people fail to understand is the fact that...

Vitamin C Is Crucial For Metabolic Syndrome Patients, New Study Suggests

Metabolic syndrome is quite a hazardous condition characterized by the clustering of various of the cardiovascular risk factors which has an underlying...

Passive Smoking And Hypertension – What Study Suggests?

Are you a smoker? What if I told you that even when you aren’t one, chances are that you are going to suffer health...

New Study Finds A New Metabolism Regulator In A Natural Protein...

Obesity has been an alarming problem faced by millions of people worldwide. With the growing levels of stress, sedentary lifestyle and the overall lack...

Eating Walnuts Can Improve Heart And Gut Health, New Study Suggests

Given that we have a very hectic and unhealthy lifestyle in our day to day lives now; it isn’t surprising that the risks of...

Lactate Could Be A Reason Behind Cancer Formation, New Study Suggests

Not many realize this, but cancer is that one disease that is consistently rising with enhanced risks. While new studies and researches are being...

New Study Correlates the Impact of Lack of Sleep with Weight...

Sleep plays a quintessential role in impacting our overall well being. Lack of a proper night’s sleep has the ability to not just affect...
Mental health

New study claims that “transmitted stress” from other people is just...

With the kind of hectic and fast paced life that we lead, it is not surprise that we stay stressed and depressed majority of...

Scientists Find Possible Vaccines For COVID-19

With the SOS alert across the world with the spreading pandemic of the COVID-19, scientists and researchers from across the world are working to...
maternal deprivation

New Study claims that maternal deprivation in infancy can affect adult...

Even when we become an adult, not talking to one’s mom can make a day feel incomplete, right? Well, maternal deprivation during infancy can...
Manic depression

Consumption of Excessive Processed Food Can Lead to Manic Depression, Research...

Recent experiments showcase that the overconsumption of processed food and meats can adversely affect one’s psychological well being, probing the possibility of causing manic...

Scientists Have Discovered A New Sensory Organ On Skin That Detects...

We know from prior research that our skin is the primary sensory organ responsible for identifying pain and producing reflexes for better self defence....

We Shouldn’t Like Coffee But We Do, New Study Suggests Why

There are often times when we stick to drinking coffee more even when we are not that well acquitted to the taste of the...

Brain Stimulation As A Possible Cure For Depression, New Study Suggests

Depression and the lack of awareness concerning mental health have imposed an impending stigma that not many people have been able to overcome. While...
Learning while sleeping

New study highlights the limitations behind learning while sleeping

You must have heard, or at least, come across stances explaining the possibility of being able to learn while being in deep sleep. While...