what happens to your body when you lose virginity

What Happens To Your Body When You Lose Virginity? 8 Possible...

In every society on the planet, the idea of losing one's virginity has a considerable amount of personal and cultural power. The profound transformation...

Trichomonas Infection: Common Sexually Transmitted Infection

Trichomonas infection or trichomoniasis is one of the common sexually transmitted infection which is most commonly caused by a protozoan organism, known as Trichomonas...

How to Mend a Broken Heart? 12 Tips for Surprising Results

Had a rough break up recently? Been surfing through pages and pages of Google on how to mend a broken heart? Love and relationships are...
estrogen dominance symptoms

All You Want to Know About Estrogen Dominance Symptoms

Estrogen is a female sex hormone which is essential in initiating sexual development. Estrogen is female is what testosterone in men. However, both the...
keep your sperm healthy

Important Ways To Keep Your Sperm Healthy

Having sex is an integral part of our lives. It is important, therefore, to take care of sexual health. It becomes even more necessary...
Risk factors of infertility

11 Risk Factors of Infertitlity

Infertility is the inability to get pregnant. It is the biological inability to conceive and carry a full term pregnancy. According to research, about...

Super foods for men to boost virility

We, as Indians, might be the pioneers in erotica, educating the world since the dawn of civilization. Our forefathers have been credited with the...
getting in the mood

13 Scientifically Proven Factors That Can Help You Getting In The...

S*x is nice but there are definitely going to be days when you wouldn’t just feel it in your bones even if your partner...

What is Gout?: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Gout is considered as a type of arthritis, which can cause intense pain, stiffness in joint as well as swelling. Traditionally, the problem of...
effects of regular sex

7 Unbelievable Health Benefits Of Having Sex

Sex is not just limited to physical pleasure, it does a lot to smooth over the rough parts of a relationship. On the top,...