diaper rash

Everything You Need to Know About Diaper Rash

Diaper rash causes due to irritation, redness due to wearing of diapers. This problem on your baby’s skin makes you cry as it causes...
Honey for Sore Throat

Raw Honey For Sore Throat | Get Rid of Sore Throat

Sore throat is a medical condition, also known as pharyngitis, can be faced by every person in some point in his or her life....

What is Bronchitis?: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Bronchitis is known as the condition of swelling as well as inflammation of the bronchial tubes, which are present in the mouth, nose as...
Health benefits of cucumber water

13 Health Benefits Of Cucumber Water – Know Why Detox Is...

With the scorching heat from the sun pelting down, it is of no surprise that more and more people are looking for cool drinks...
brain fog

Brain Fog – Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

How often do you find your mind reeling around in accessory things and not focusing on one? Happens quite often, doesn’t it? Brain fog...
How to reduce sugar level

How To Reduce Sugar Level In 12 Ways

Blood sugar levels must be in control. If they are not in control, they become high over time. This leads to kidney problems and...
How to Cure Vertigo

Vertigo: Causes, Symptoms & Home Remedies

Have you ever felt the environment around you is spinning? It can be a sign that you are suffering with the problem of vertigo....
How to Stop Food Cravings

15 Easy Tips on How to Stop Food Cravings for a...

Did you just get done with your meal a few hours back? Suddenly started craving food, especially unhealthy food yet again? When it comes...
benefits of quitting caffeine

15 Benefits Of Quitting Caffeine – Live Life Caffeine-Free!

Making healthier choices is the basis of a healthier life. If you think the benefits of quitting caffeine is farfetched, it is not. Leaving...
Remedies to Treat Skin Rashes

Home Remedies to Treat Skin Rashes

Skin rashes, often accompanied by superficial bumps, are characterized by redness and an itchy inflammation. The colour and the texture of the skin may...
Health benefits of spring

10 Health Benefits Of Spring Cleaning – Work Your Way Up

Cleaning is not everyone’s favourite thing to do and that is completely okay, if you do come to think of it. When you do...
Healthy Habits to Stay Forever Young

Healthy Habits to Stay Forever Young

What is age but a number. A number for our minds to play games with our body. The body and the mind no doubt...
benefits of myrtle essential oil

Important Benefits Of Myrtle Essential Oil

Various essential oils have been proven highly beneficial for your health. Myrtle oil is no different. It is made from the flowers, stem as...
13 Ways To Release Anger Harbor Healthy Outlets

13 Ways To Release Anger – Harbor Healthy Outlets!

“Anger is the easiest form of self destruction”. Whoever said this was onto something because of how true it is. Not only does it...
18 Things To Do Instead Of Drinking Embrace Sobriety

18 Things To Do Instead Of Drinking – Embrace Sobriety

The National Institute of Alcohol (R) suggests that 88,000 people die because of an alcohol induced cause. If you are an alcoholic or a...