Healthy Habits to Stay Forever Young

Healthy Habits to Stay Forever Young

What is age but a number. A number for our minds to play games with our body. The body and the mind no doubt...
side effects of detox

Understanding Detox: 7 Common Side Effects and How to Manage Them

You have a concern that you will get side effects when you are on a detox cleanse. It is important to know that there...
excessive sweating

Everything You Want to Know About Excessive Sweating

If you feel that you are sweating more than others and if you need to wipe your hand before every handshake, then it might...
Remedies to Treat Skin Rashes

Home Remedies to Treat Skin Rashes

Skin rashes, often accompanied by superficial bumps, are characterized by redness and an itchy inflammation. The colour and the texture of the skin may...
heart healthy foods

12 Heart Healthy Foods To Include In Your Diet

Cardiac health is very important since heart is a major organ in the human body. If the heart is healthy, it can pump blood...

Ulcerative Colitis Causes, Symptoms and Treatment & Medication

Ulcerative colitis is the condition of inflammation of the large intestines or colon, in which all the water from the waste material is eliminated...
How to Cure Vertigo

Vertigo: Causes, Symptoms & Home Remedies

Have you ever felt the environment around you is spinning? It can be a sign that you are suffering with the problem of vertigo....
OCD treatment

OCD Treatment: What You Should Know?

OCD or obsessive compulsive disorder triggers a pattern of thoughts and fears which leads to the appearance of repetitive behaviors, which then starts to...
hypertension causes

A Detailed List Of Hypertension Causes

Hypertension which is also known as high blood pressure is a medical condition which stays for a longer run and is subjected to the...
Herbs for weight loss

15 Amazing Herbs For Weight Loss

When you plan for a meal with chicken or fish with a salad or brown rice you are no doubt missing the benefits of...
Remedies For Arthritis

7 Best Remedies For Arthritis And Treatment At Home

There are treatment and remedies for arthritis at home. But before that, let us know what arthritis means. Arthritis is an inflammation of the...
Colon health diet

Colon Health Diet For A Healthy Colon

Your colon health is quite important. Colon health diet is important for a healthy colon.Just as diet can have a negative or positive impact...
essential oils for allergies

Best Essential Oils for Allergies

Large number of people across the globe are suffering from various allergies. Although these allergies can be cured with medicines, various natural essential oils...
benefits of Eucalyptus essential oil

Top Functions of Eucalyptus Essential Oil

Every essential oil that you may ever come across will find its own set of uses in your daily life. Some may induce sleep,...
World Heart Day

World Heart Day: Protect Your Heart to Live Longer

Today the whole world is celebrating the World Heart Day, which is organized every year to spread awareness about the health of the heart...
benefits of olive leaves

Usage And Benefits Of Olive Leaves

While olive oil is becoming very much familiar with the people about its various health benefits, the importance of olive leaves is still not...
juices to fight aging

Revitalize Your Skin: 4 Juices That Fight Aging Naturally

Every person in the world has to age sometime in his life. Many also have a feeling of worry when they start aging. When...
when do babies start teething

When Do Babies Start Teething?

Every stage in the development of your baby is indeed a different kind of happiness. However, the same cannot be told in teething process....

What is Bronchitis?: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Bronchitis is known as the condition of swelling as well as inflammation of the bronchial tubes, which are present in the mouth, nose as...

Tendonitis: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Tendonitis, which is also known as Tendinitis is a disease which occurs due to the inflammation of the tendon. Most commonly the injury takes...
naturally cleanse your liver

7 Foods To Naturally Cleanse Your Liver

As we live on planet earth, the whole world around us is highly toxic. It not only harms our outer body, but it also...
15 Signs Youre Not Taking Care Of Yourself Its The Small Things

15 Signs You’re Not Taking Care Of Yourself – It’s The...

How often do you prioritize self care? “That headache can wait.” “I didn’t need that extra piece of bread anyway.” “I will manage without...
benefits of quitting caffeine

15 Benefits Of Quitting Caffeine – Live Life Caffeine-Free!

Making healthier choices is the basis of a healthier life. If you think the benefits of quitting caffeine is farfetched, it is not. Leaving...
water intake

10 Ultimate Ways to Increase Water Intake for Healthier Well Being

Let’s recall something. What was your water intake yesterday? How many glasses of water did you drink yesterday? Did you even keep track of...
foods for summer energy

Top 10 Foods For Summer Energy

As the summer season has arrived, temperature has started to soar day by day. It is essential to keep yourself away from various hazards...

5 Foods that Will Naturally Cleanse your Liver

Many may look at detoxing, as a mean to lose weight and clear the skin. A healthy liver is another reason why you should...
detox drinks for summer

7 Best Detox Drinks For Summer

Detox has ever known to be the best way to eliminate toxins out of the body and get you clear with any impurities lingering...
treat food addiction

10 Effective Ways To Treat Food Addiction to Regain Back Your...

We all love to indulge in junk food from time to time, right? But, what if you can’t live without it much...
Drinking water after meals

Have You Been Drinking Water After Meals? Science Says it Might...

It is not an unknown fact 60-65% of our body is made up of water and it is sometimes the bane of our existence....
Body Parts You Are Not Washing

10 Body Parts You Are Not Washing Properly On A Daily...

Do you tend to stand under the shower and finish everything in under 5 minutes? Really? 5 minutes? Well, it is most likely that...