Ways to stop juuling

10 Ways To Stop Juuling – Get Your Health Back In...

Contrary to popular beliefs, even juuling isn’t the best for your health. For the best impacts on your health, it is important that you...
brain fog

Brain Fog – Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

How often do you find your mind reeling around in accessory things and not focusing on one? Happens quite often, doesn’t it? Brain fog...
water intake

10 Ultimate Ways to Increase Water Intake for Healthier Well Being

Let’s recall something. What was your water intake yesterday? How many glasses of water did you drink yesterday? Did you even keep track of...
How to Stop Food Cravings

15 Easy Tips on How to Stop Food Cravings for a...

Did you just get done with your meal a few hours back? Suddenly started craving food, especially unhealthy food yet again? When it comes...
ways to stop nightfall

10 Ways to Stop Nightfall – Control Your Wet Dreams!

Do you encounter sudden mishaps during your sleep that you realize after waking up? Wet dreams are common in men and the impacts of...
natural ways to get rid of oxidative stress

11 Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Oxidative Stress – Boost...

Have you been feeling signs of stress and tiredness on a regular basis nowadays? If so, chances are that your body is not just...
Health benefits of spring

10 Health Benefits Of Spring Cleaning – Work Your Way Up

Cleaning is not everyone’s favourite thing to do and that is completely okay, if you do come to think of it. When you do...
Health benefits of cucumber water

13 Health Benefits Of Cucumber Water – Know Why Detox Is...

With the scorching heat from the sun pelting down, it is of no surprise that more and more people are looking for cool drinks...
Drinking water after meals

Have You Been Drinking Water After Meals? Science Says it Might...

It is not an unknown fact 60-65% of our body is made up of water and it is sometimes the bane of our existence....
benefits of quitting caffeine

15 Benefits Of Quitting Caffeine – Live Life Caffeine-Free!

Making healthier choices is the basis of a healthier life. If you think the benefits of quitting caffeine is farfetched, it is not. Leaving...
treat food addiction

10 Effective Ways To Treat Food Addiction to Regain Back Your...

We all love to indulge in junk food from time to time, right? But, what if you can’t live without it much...
Body Parts You Are Not Washing

10 Body Parts You Are Not Washing Properly On A Daily...

Do you tend to stand under the shower and finish everything in under 5 minutes? Really? 5 minutes? Well, it is most likely that...
benefits of sunlight

10 Health Benefits Of Sunlight You Definitely Need To Know

Sunshine – just the mere mention of it has a happy and positive connotation to it, doesn’t it? But could you have ever thought...
blanching skin

Blanching Skin – Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Often times, we witness the sudden paleness in our skin tone in comparison to the rest of our body. Are you someone who has...
Benefits of Almond Oil

23 Benefits of Almond Oil For Health, Skin and Hair You...

Almond is that one nut that more or less every person around the globe is in love with, isn’t it? While the consumption of...
suppress appetite

25 Easy and Effective Ways to Suppress Appetite For a Healthy...

How many times has it happened to you that you ended up eating more than you should have? Quiet frequently, isn’t it? Well, there’s...
blood cleansing

19 Natural Methods Of Blood Cleansing That You Didn’t Know You...

Have you had the doctor say to you that your blood needs a cleansing, the lack of which is causing you the wide array...
infused water

17 Infused Water Combinations and Their Benefits That You Can’t Miss...

So, what if I tell you that the combination of fruits and water can help you lose weight and aid in a number of...
making yourself throw up

How To Make Yourself Throw Up? 11 Effective Ways to Induce...

Have you ever faced yourself in a situation with a dire urge to empty what you just ate or just an urge of throwing...
E-Coli Infection

E-Coli Infection – Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

Several useful bacteria reside on and inside the human body. Such bacteria are called resident bacteria and are beneficial in numerous ways by aiding...
excessive sweating

Everything You Want to Know About Excessive Sweating

If you feel that you are sweating more than others and if you need to wipe your hand before every handshake, then it might...

Fasting – Risks & Health Benefits

Fasting is a usual practice during the month of Ramadan, during many Hindu festivals and other auspicious occasions. Several studies have revealed that fasting...
Parasite Cleanse

Have You Heard About The Parasite Cleanse Diet Yet?

A parasitic infection or parasitosis is caused and transmitted by parasites in our system. These parasitic diseases affect almost all living beings including plants...

Ulcerative Colitis Causes, Symptoms and Treatment & Medication

Ulcerative colitis is the condition of inflammation of the large intestines or colon, in which all the water from the waste material is eliminated...
how to cure jaundice

How To Cure Jaundice: Effective Treatment

Jaundice is basically a term for the skin and the whites of the eyes becoming yellowish. In the condition, your body fluid may also...
How to Cure Vertigo

Vertigo: Causes, Symptoms & Home Remedies

Have you ever felt the environment around you is spinning? It can be a sign that you are suffering with the problem of vertigo....
wasp sting

Wasp Stings Treatment: Home Remedies to Get Rid of Wasp Stings

Wasp stings is a common health issue appears especially in warmer months as well as during people stay outside for a prolonged period. Even...
OCD treatment

OCD Treatment: What You Should Know?

OCD or obsessive compulsive disorder triggers a pattern of thoughts and fears which leads to the appearance of repetitive behaviors, which then starts to...

What is Bronchitis?: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Bronchitis is known as the condition of swelling as well as inflammation of the bronchial tubes, which are present in the mouth, nose as...
World Heart Day

World Heart Day: Protect Your Heart to Live Longer

Today the whole world is celebrating the World Heart Day, which is organized every year to spread awareness about the health of the heart...