making yourself throw up

How To Make Yourself Throw Up? 11 Effective Ways to Induce...

Have you ever faced yourself in a situation with a dire urge to empty what you just ate or just an urge of throwing...
applying oil on belly button

Benefits of Applying Oil on Belly Button

Natural oils are considered highly helpful in Ayurveda. Various oils such as essential as well as carrier oils done a great job in providing...
E-Coli Infection

E-Coli Infection – Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

Several useful bacteria reside on and inside the human body. Such bacteria are called resident bacteria and are beneficial in numerous ways by aiding...
natural ways to get rid of oxidative stress

11 Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Oxidative Stress – Boost...

Have you been feeling signs of stress and tiredness on a regular basis nowadays? If so, chances are that your body is not just...
upper abdominal pain

Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention of Upper Abdominal Pain

Upper abdominal pain makes you uncomfortable and usually linked to bad eating habits. However, there can be various other reasons behind the eruption of...
suppress appetite

25 Easy and Effective Ways to Suppress Appetite For a Healthy...

How many times has it happened to you that you ended up eating more than you should have? Quiet frequently, isn’t it? Well, there’s...
Benefits of Almond Oil

23 Benefits of Almond Oil For Health, Skin and Hair You...

Almond is that one nut that more or less every person around the globe is in love with, isn’t it? While the consumption of...
gingivitis cure

Thing How to Get Rid Of Gingivitis | Gingivitis Cure

The inflammation of the tissues in gum is known as gingivitis. It has been considered as one of the most common diseases which can...
skin benefits of castor oil

Usage And Skin Benefits Of Castor Oil

Since ancient time castor oil has been used as a first food for the newborn babies in various cultures all across the globe. In...
benefits of sunlight

10 Health Benefits Of Sunlight You Definitely Need To Know

Sunshine – just the mere mention of it has a happy and positive connotation to it, doesn’t it? But could you have ever thought...
benefits of fennel tea

Usage and Benefits Of Fennel Tea

Fennel Tea is a natural herb which has been used to get various health benefits since the long time. According to the experts, fennel...
side effects of drinking water

10 Side Effects of Drinking Too Much Water in Excess

It is a well-known fact that more than half of your body is made up of water and drinking enough water is extremely important...
pineapple benefits

7 Important Health Benefits Of Pineapple Juice

Pineapple juice is highly beneficial for getting various health benefits. It is filled with various beneficial enzymes, vitamins and minerals which are required for...

Fasting – Risks & Health Benefits

Fasting is a usual practice during the month of Ramadan, during many Hindu festivals and other auspicious occasions. Several studies have revealed that fasting...
Honey for Sore Throat

Raw Honey For Sore Throat | Get Rid of Sore Throat

Sore throat is a medical condition, also known as pharyngitis, can be faced by every person in some point in his or her life....
side effects of neem

Worse Side Effects of Neem You Should Be Aware

Neem, or known its botanical name Azadirachtaindica, has considered one of the great trees which provides various important health benefits, according to the experts....
excessive sweating

Everything You Want to Know About Excessive Sweating

If you feel that you are sweating more than others and if you need to wipe your hand before every handshake, then it might...
heart healthy foods

12 Heart Healthy Foods To Include In Your Diet

Cardiac health is very important since heart is a major organ in the human body. If the heart is healthy, it can pump blood...
essential oils for allergies

Best Essential Oils for Allergies

Large number of people across the globe are suffering from various allergies. Although these allergies can be cured with medicines, various natural essential oils...
benefits of Eucalyptus essential oil

Top Functions of Eucalyptus Essential Oil

Every essential oil that you may ever come across will find its own set of uses in your daily life. Some may induce sleep,...
benefits of olive leaves

Usage And Benefits Of Olive Leaves

While olive oil is becoming very much familiar with the people about its various health benefits, the importance of olive leaves is still not...
benefits of quitting caffeine

15 Benefits Of Quitting Caffeine – Live Life Caffeine-Free!

Making healthier choices is the basis of a healthier life. If you think the benefits of quitting caffeine is farfetched, it is not. Leaving...
water intake

10 Ultimate Ways to Increase Water Intake for Healthier Well Being

Let’s recall something. What was your water intake yesterday? How many glasses of water did you drink yesterday? Did you even keep track of...
treat food addiction

10 Effective Ways To Treat Food Addiction to Regain Back Your...

We all love to indulge in junk food from time to time, right? But, what if you can’t live without it much...
Drinking water after meals

Have You Been Drinking Water After Meals? Science Says it Might...

It is not an unknown fact 60-65% of our body is made up of water and it is sometimes the bane of our existence....
Body Parts You Are Not Washing

10 Body Parts You Are Not Washing Properly On A Daily...

Do you tend to stand under the shower and finish everything in under 5 minutes? Really? 5 minutes? Well, it is most likely that...
Ways to stop juuling

10 Ways To Stop Juuling – Get Your Health Back In...

Contrary to popular beliefs, even juuling isn’t the best for your health. For the best impacts on your health, it is important that you...
13 Ways To Release Anger Harbor Healthy Outlets

13 Ways To Release Anger – Harbor Healthy Outlets!

“Anger is the easiest form of self destruction”. Whoever said this was onto something because of how true it is. Not only does it...
10 Common Problems With Glasses That Can Affect Your Health And Wellness Find the Solutions

10 Common Problems With Glasses That Can Affect Health & Wellness-...

Glass wearers face many annoying problems but still ought to wear them for a clear vision. If your vision is impaired but glasses are...
How to Stop Food Cravings

15 Easy Tips on How to Stop Food Cravings for a...

Did you just get done with your meal a few hours back? Suddenly started craving food, especially unhealthy food yet again? When it comes...