Mental Agility Exercises

Mental Agility Exercises: Keeping Your Mind Sharp as You Grow Older

In the ever-changing field of cognitive wellness, developing mental agility becomes critical for maintaining cognitive acuity at one age. Cognitive resilience greatly benefits from...
Healthy Aging Tips and Habits

Healthy Aging: Tips and Habits for a Vibrant Life After 50

The need to preserve our health and vigor grows increasingly apparent as we move through life, especially as we age gracefully. Although having a...
Should you wash your Face Wash in Shower

Should You Wash Your Face in Shower? Know the Facts!!

Firstly, let’s be clear about one thing, that this question is not only for those who are conscious about “beauty”. It is about skin...
20 Foods To Help Relieve You From Stress, Benefits

20 Stress Relieving Foods Help You Reduce It Instantly- Must Know!

Hungry fitness freaks out there discussing “Stress Relieving Foods”! The best foods that relieve you of stress is if you are panicking about what...
10 Common Problems With Glasses That Can Affect Your Health And Wellness Find the Solutions

10 Common Problems With Glasses That Can Affect Health & Wellness-...

Glass wearers face many annoying problems but still ought to wear them for a clear vision. If your vision is impaired but glasses are...
8 Benefits of Hot Stone M

8 Benefits of Hot Stone Massage Therapy & Everything One should...

At times, after a long bus or train ride, when your whole body aches from sitting in one place for too long. Or, your...
Do I Have Sleep Anxiety or Anxiety Disorder How To Not Give Up In Difficult Times

Sleep Anxiety: Causes, Risks, Prevention – Everything you need to Know!

Every one in seven person in the world is diagnosed with sleep anxiety. Sleep anxiety falls under the classification of psychosis according to National...
15 Common Tooth Brushing Mistakes We Arent Aware Of

15 Common Tooth Brushing Mistakes We Aren’t Aware Of

If you brush your teeth a certain way, chances are that there could be a number of things that you could be doing wrong....
Top 10 Popular Myths About Hydration Busted

Top 10 Popular Myths About Hydration Busted!!

The misconceptions about hydration are smaller but the impact of it is bigger on health. Believing the myths about hydration can affect your health...
best blue light blocking glasses

10 Best Blue Light Blocking Glasses

According to a report, it suggests that an average American spends around 8-9 hours on a computer. Believe it or not, the persistent exposure...
Treat computer vision syndrome

12 Ways To Treat Computer Vision Syndrome – Pay Attention!

In such a technology-driven world where we are tied to some sort of device one time or the other, it is not surprising that...
13 Ways To Release Anger Harbor Healthy Outlets

13 Ways To Release Anger – Harbor Healthy Outlets!

“Anger is the easiest form of self destruction”. Whoever said this was onto something because of how true it is. Not only does it...
18 Things To Do Instead Of Drinking Embrace Sobriety

18 Things To Do Instead Of Drinking – Embrace Sobriety

The National Institute of Alcohol (R) suggests that 88,000 people die because of an alcohol induced cause. If you are an alcoholic or a...
12 Health benefits of Vacation Know Why You Need One

12 Health benefits of Vacation – Know Why You Need One!

How many travel miles have you saved up since last year? When was the last time you planned a vacation? We are so wired...
10 Things To Say When Someone Is Sick

10 Things To Say When Someone Is Sick (5 Things You...

If you have been sick or you are witnessing someone not feeling their best, there are some people who don’t know what are the...
most addictive foods

10 Most Addictive Foods According To Science You Didn’t Know Of!

When it comes to food, all of us have our guilty pleasures, don’t we? But, what if you came to know that there are...
how to wake up without coffee

How To Wake Up Without Coffee? 20 Amazing Non-Caffeinated Ways!

If you are someone who needs a cup of coffee to “wake” them up in the morning, it is time to make changes to...
ways to reduce visceral fat

12 Ways To Reduce Visceral Fat – Cut The Flab Away!

Weight gain is that one factor that majority of us struggle with. While there could very well be a number of reasons behind the...
Mindful eating

Mindful Eating – Learn About The Tips, Strategies And Benefits

How often do you have your mobile phone or your laptop with you while you are eating? More often than what we would like,...
Ways to stop juuling

10 Ways To Stop Juuling – Get Your Health Back In...

Contrary to popular beliefs, even juuling isn’t the best for your health. For the best impacts on your health, it is important that you...
brain fog

Brain Fog – Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

How often do you find your mind reeling around in accessory things and not focusing on one? Happens quite often, doesn’t it? Brain fog...
water intake

10 Ultimate Ways to Increase Water Intake for Healthier Well Being

Let’s recall something. What was your water intake yesterday? How many glasses of water did you drink yesterday? Did you even keep track of...
How to Stop Food Cravings

15 Easy Tips on How to Stop Food Cravings for a...

Did you just get done with your meal a few hours back? Suddenly started craving food, especially unhealthy food yet again? When it comes...
natural ways to get rid of oxidative stress

11 Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Oxidative Stress – Boost...

Have you been feeling signs of stress and tiredness on a regular basis nowadays? If so, chances are that your body is not just...
Drinking water after meals

Have You Been Drinking Water After Meals? Science Says it Might...

It is not an unknown fact 60-65% of our body is made up of water and it is sometimes the bane of our existence....
benefits of quitting caffeine

15 Benefits Of Quitting Caffeine – Live Life Caffeine-Free!

Making healthier choices is the basis of a healthier life. If you think the benefits of quitting caffeine is farfetched, it is not. Leaving...
treat food addiction

10 Effective Ways To Treat Food Addiction to Regain Back Your...

We all love to indulge in junk food from time to time, right? But, what if you can’t live without it much...
Body Parts You Are Not Washing

10 Body Parts You Are Not Washing Properly On A Daily...

Do you tend to stand under the shower and finish everything in under 5 minutes? Really? 5 minutes? Well, it is most likely that...
benefits of sunlight

10 Health Benefits Of Sunlight You Definitely Need To Know

Sunshine – just the mere mention of it has a happy and positive connotation to it, doesn’t it? But could you have ever thought...
Benefits of Almond Oil

23 Benefits of Almond Oil For Health, Skin and Hair You...

Almond is that one nut that more or less every person around the globe is in love with, isn’t it? While the consumption of...