10 Benefits of Silva Method of Meditation

10 Benefits of Silva Method of Meditation

One of the best ways to achieve mental tranquility, feel relaxed, and have positive thoughts is through meditation. There are several ways...
14 Secret Traits Of A Happy Person That You Can Adopt Effortlessly

14 Secret Traits Of A Happy Person That You Can Adopt...

Are you trying to find the happy version of yourself? The worldly matters, personal and work stress are the culprits that suppress your happiness....
Practice Radical Acceptance || healthholistich

Top 10 Steps To Practice Radical Acceptance For Better Version

We don’t always feel like we have the strength to fight the battles that have caused so much anxiety within us anymore. Simple things...
Techniques For A Good Massage At Home

Techniques For A Good Massage At Home – Everyone Must Try!!

Often we try to find the solutions at home for health and well being which is quite sensible. It is good to give a...
12 Best Ways To Practice Empathy And Make It Your Real Trait

12 Best Ways To Practice Empathy And Make It Your Real...

A person is made up of many qualities that marks an individual identity. A few qualities are a must to inculcate to live a...
5 Types of Loneliness and The Ways To Overcome Every Type

5 Types of Loneliness and The Ways To Overcome Every Type

We all see loneliness as a mental pain but least of us know there are types of it. Knowing the types of loneliness can...
15 Best Things To Do When You Feel Lonely

15 Best Things To Do When You Feel Lonely

Are you searching for the best activities to do every weekend? The boredom runs your hands to browse for fun activities. The lonely feelings...
Spirituality For Stress Relief

Spirituality For Stress Relief ! What’s The Tie-In? Awaken Your Mind!

Spirituality is a deep subject, which can also give it is almost like you would feel like you have explored it all but there...
11 Kind Ways To Show Gratitude At Work

11 Kind Ways To Show Gratitude At Work – Spread Goodness!

“Hey, thank you for the coffee, I feel so much better.” How would you feel if you received this statement from your co-worker? You’d...
20 Practical Ways to Stay Relaxed Through Out The Day

20 Practical Ways to Stay Relaxed Through Out The Day

There must be times when you are not able to focus on yourself or your work. Your mind is more occupied with stressful thoughts...
25 Amazing Self Care Tips To Love Yourself Better

25 Amazing Self Care Tips To Love Yourself Better!

Stay at peace with a sound mind and body! When you can take care of the people around you, why not give importance to...
Maladaptive Daydreaming Treatment

Maladaptive Daydreaming Treatment – 14 Effective Ways For Better Recovery

Daydreaming is a quintessential part of our daily life, isn’t it? Being stuck thinking about the events that happened through is often a very...
Coping with short term memory loss

15 Ways For Coping With Short Term Memory Loss – Get...

We have often heard and read about the short term memory loss but do you know someone who is actually suffering from it? If...
Ways to stop ruminating thoughts

12 Ways To Stop Ruminating Thoughts – Freshen Your Mind!

How often do you have repetitive thoughts that you have no control over? Getting lost around is quite easy, isn’t it? If that is...
Why Do I Feel Guilty All The Time

Why Do I Feel Guilty All The Time? (5 Ways To...

“The feeling of guilt eats away at you – little by little”. This is a phrase that every single one of us knows or...
11 Reasons You Should Be Kind To Yourself Treat Yourself Right

11 Reasons You Should Be Kind To Yourself – Treat Yourself...

We are so wired up in being kind to everyone else that we forget to do the same to our own self. There are...

15 Steps To Forgive Yourself – You Deserve A Fresh Start

We often talk about forgiving others because “Be the bigger person”, right? But, why is it that the same doesn’t apply to one’s own...
Positive self talk

12 Positive Self Talk Practices – Know The Details And The...

How often in a day do you tell yourself that you can’t do it? Happens to us quite often, doesn’t it? While the negative...
Spiritually Awakened

Are You Spiritually Awakened? Know All About Getting There – No...

Spiritual awakening is a huge transformation in one’s way of viewing and living life. That being said, one needs to be a silent spectator...

10 Ways To Stop Emotional Manipulation – Prevent Getting Controlled

Do you think that you are stuck in a relationship with someone who has been consistently manipulating you emotionally? With so much going around,...

12 Ways To Deal With Abandonment Issues – Fight Back The...

Being abandoned by parents or even your partner or anyone close to you is always taxing on one’s mental health. If you have experienced...
ways to get your mojo back

16 Ways To Get Your Mojo Back – Liven Your Spirit!

Reminiscing your vibrant younger self can be a lot bittersweet. Now that you are in your late twenties trying to balance work and life,...
Benefits Of Hugging

14 Effective Health Benefits Of Hugging – Healthy Happiness!

Hugging a day keeps pain away! Right after you get back home after a hectic day or when you are worried, How would it feel...
how to remind yourself that you are worthy

How To Remind Yourself That You Are Worthy? 17 Effective Tips...

We are so busy pleasing others that we fail to remind ourselves of our own worth. If you are someone who has been consistently...

15 Effective Ways To Be Fearless In Everything You Do

Fear is something that’s ingrained within our minds and we experience little to big doses of it every single day. For the most part,...

What Does it Mean When You Dream About Someone – 11...

Dreams are sometimes a beautiful escape and sometimes a horrid nightmare. Whatever your dreams are made of, chances are that you might be thinking...
Anxious Thoughts

All That You Need To Know About Anxious Thoughts – Attempt...

Talking of anxious thoughts, has anything ever scared the living daylights out of you? Have you ever felt jitters or a bad shock or...
Box Breathing

Box Breathing Technique – A Beneficial Requisite For Stress Management

Stress is aligning itself into our daily life and digging its way deeper into our lives, isn’t it? You’d be surprised to know that...

CBD Oil for Anxiety – Is It Effective?

Anxiety Disorders are often the primary factors that affect your quality of life. Do you suffer anxiety and constant panic attacks and that consuming...

14 Easy and Effective Ways to Boost Mood Instantly

Have you been feeling depressed lately? Been thriving for ways to just lift you up or looking up ways to boost mood effectively and...