Home remedies for PCOS

16 Home Remedies For PCOS – Know What You Can Do!

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a condition that affects 1 in every 10 women of childbearing age across the world. It is the leading...
remedies for tailbone pain

12 Home Remedies For Tailbone Pain – Get Faster Relief!

Pain in the body, wherever it is, is not a favorable feeling at all. If you have been struggling with the constant pain in...
10 Home Remedies For Burning Sensation In Throat That Work

10 Home Remedies For Burning Sensation In Throat That Work

Have you been feeling a burning and scratching pain around your throat? The constant burning sensation can often end up making your voice hoarse...
15 Effective Home Remedies For Underarm Odour That Works

15 Effective Home Remedies For Underarm Odour That Works

Underarm odour is quite necessarily enough to put you in an awkward situation altogether. There could be a wide range of reasons behind the...
18 Ways To Stay Healthy This Winter Align Your Focus

18 Ways To Stay Healthy This Winter – Align Your Focus!

With the winter season belting down upon us, it is important that we focus on ways to stay healthy this winter instead of struggling...
12 Home Remedies For Black Eye That Help Soothe The Pain

12 Home Remedies For Black Eye That Help Soothe The Pain

So, the sudden punch that you didn’t see coming ended up leaving you with soreness and numbing pain and above all, a black eye....
Home remedies for carpal tunnel

12 Home Remedies For Carpal Tunnel – Get Rid Of The...

Have you been experiencing a constant feeling of numbness around the palm of your hand? While it might not technically be the most pleasant...
home remedies for stomach flu

16 Home Remedies For Stomach Flu – Get Relief At Home

Have you been experiencing and unsettling feeling in your stomach? Stomach flu is a very common condition that affects an individual at multiple points...
12 Natural remedies for tendonitis

12 Natural remedies for tendonitis – Find relief the natural way!

Are you regretting the extra weights that you pulled? Possibly, right? Injury to the tendons, or tendonitis, as it is medically called is a...

12 Ways To Heal Cracked Corners Of Mouth – Recover From...

Do you wake up to cracked corners of your mouth? As painful as the condition is, there are a number of ways to heal...
home remedies for wisdom tooth infection

12 Home Remedies For Wisdom Tooth Infection – Say Goodbye To...

We often get told that the appearance of wisdom tooth brings along the wisdom we have been waiting for. But, the truth is that...
home remedies for dysentery

14 Home Remedies For Dysentery For Faster Recovery

Dysentery is not a pleasant experience at all. The constant loose motion paired with nausea and vomiting is something that not many...

12 Natural Remedies For Baker’s Cyst – Drain The Pain Away

Before you start getting any wrong ideas, Baker’s cyst has got nothing to do with the bakery that you get scones from in the...
Reduce edema naturally

12 Ways To Reduce Edema Naturally – Get Rid Of The...

Noticing a sudden inflammation around on the skin that wasn’t there a few days back? Chances are that the same could be because of...
home remedies for chickenpox

15 Home Remedies For Chickenpox For Faster Recovery

Have you suddenly been experiencing bumps and rashes on the skin? Are there possibilities it could be chickenpox? While medical help is...
get rid of bruises

25 Ways To Get Rid Of Bruises Naturally

Witnessing a sudden blue-black appearance on the skin? The lingering pain paired with the appearance of the bruise is definitely not something...
Home remedies for herpes

17 Home Remedies For Herpes That Works Wonders

Herpes is quite a common viral infection that can affect people of any age or gender. While the sexually transmitted form of this condition...
Sensitive Teeth

11 Home Remedies To Soothe Sensitive Teeth Effectively

Just wanted to bite into a stick of Popsicle? Did you fail to do so because of the sharp shooting pain in your teeth?...
Home remedies for hay fever

12 Home Remedies For Hay Fever – Get Them Sneezes Out

Do you find yourself sneezing your lungs out during a specific season? Hay fever is a very common condition that people who are prone...
Treat Pneumonia

22 Home Remedies to Treat Pneumonia Before it Gets Worse

Pneumonia has started accounting for one of the most vividly rising diseases as of now. Majority of the terminal hospital cases will tend to...
home remedies for dust allergy

15 Home Remedies For Dust Allergy – Stop Them Sneezes

How often do you end up sneezing your lungs out while you are out in a dusty area? If the answer is quite often,...
Natural remedies for pain

15 Natural Home Remedies For Pain For Effective Results

Pain can be one of those conditions that affect our quality of life on a daily basis. It becomes harder to go about a...
remedies for shoe bites

12 Miraculous Remedies For Shoe Bites That Work Wonders

Did you just buy a new pair of shoes? I bet just a day’s wear has left your feet screaming for help. Shoe bites,...
cure for dry eyes

16 Effective Cures For Dry Eyes That Work Like Magic

So, how many times has it happened that you are here sat in front of your working desk typing away when suddenly, you start...
Home remedies for Keratosis Pilaris

15 Effective Home Remedies For Keratosis Pilaris That Work

Given the fact that there are several forms of rashes and skin diseases, it often becomes hard to detect what one is suffering from....
Abscess Tooth

16 Home Remedies For Abscess Tooth Treatment Effectively

Ever experienced slight inflammation on the gums and in and around the teeth? Have you encountered similar painful situations? Chances are that you are...
Apple Cider Vinegar for Sore Throat

7 Effective Apple Cider Vinegar for Sore Throat Remedies to Get...

It is not wrong to assume that the majority of the people are well versed with the medicinal and therapeutic benefits of Apple Cider...
Remedies for Cold

20 Effective Home Remedies for Cold for Fast Recovery

Be it excessive sweating, seasonal changes or even being in the direct presence of an air conditioner, common cold doesn’t need a special invitation...
Malaria treatment

17 Potent Natural Remedies to Treat Malaria and its Associated Symptoms

Mosquito bites are quite common, now, aren’t they? Sometimes we pay heed to these and reach for an over the counter ointment while other...
Scabs on scalp

16 Natural Remedies To Say Goodbye To Scabs on Scalp (Without...

Scalp Scabs: Dryness in the body can rise due to several underlying reasons but what is astonishing to note is the fact that even...