mental tricks to lose weight

12 Mental Tricks To Lose Weight – Ways To Think Thin

More than a process, weight loss is a journey. There are a number of factors that go into the process and it is very...
Ways to boost metabolism

15 Ways To Boost Metabolism – Science Backed Hacks

Metabolism comprises of all the possible chemical reactions occurring inside the body. While this is most definitely one of the most important physiological processes...
foods to increase stamina

13 Foods To Increase Stamina And Energy In The Body

We often hear people saying, “Eat foods that will help boost your stamina.” But, it is quite common to have this doubt thinking about...
Healthy natural sweeteners

10 Healthy Natural Sweeteners You Should Be Switching To

All of us have a sweet tooth, don’t we? Diabetic or not, it is important to ensure that you never consume artificial sweeteners and...

10 Foods High in Unsaturated Fats That One Needs to Stay...

Ever heard of unsaturated fats? Well, animal fats, cheese, butter – does it sound a bit familiar now? All of these prior mentioned items...

12 Reasons Why You Are Not Losing Weight Despite Trying –...

Just as putting on weight is tough. Likewise, losing weight is not a doddle either. All of us do what not when...
healthiest seeds to eat

9 Healthiest Seeds To Eat For Better Nutrition

We are often so rushed in our life that we do forget to attain the necessary amount of nutrition which is required for the...

10 Exercises To Reduce Back Fat Faster

Back fat is always that hurdle in life that prevents you from wearing body hugging clothes. Nobody wants to showcase flabs of fat on...
Foods with electrolytes

23 Foods With Electrolytes You Must Include In Your Diet TODAY

“Make sure to get your electrolytes.” How many times have you had a doctor say that to you? Quite often, isn’t it? Foods with...

16 Extraordinary Benefits Of Soursop (Graviola) For Well Being

Have you ever heard about the fruit Soursop? No? Graviola? Does it ring a bell yet? I am hoping the answer is yes because...
How to get rid of muffin top

How To Get Rid Of Muffin Top? 10 Exercises To Reduce...

You can definitely blame those extra muffins for the muffin top that is bulging out of your jeans. Also sometimes confused for love handles,...
Symptoms of Gluten Intolerance

15 Less Talked About Symptoms of Gluten Intolerance That You Might...

Gluten Intolerance is often a very common problem. The only problem is the fact that many people are often times unable to detect the...
Turmeric for brain memory

Did You Know About The Efficacy Of Turmeric For Brain Memory?

Turmeric’s potency and efficacy in boosting the physical health of an individual doesn’t necessarily require an introduction. But, were you aware of...
unexplained weight loss

12 Reasons Behind Unexplained Weight Loss And How to Handle It

Majority of the people around would be happy when losing weight, right? Not quite though. When the levels are drastic and imposes negative impacts...
Healthy Fats to Eat

18 Healthy Fats To Eat For A Healthier Well Being

People all around the globe have this common notion that eating fats is only bad for one’s health. What we fail to...
ways to reduce carbohydrate intake

15 Ways To Reduce Carbohydrate Intake For Effective Weight Loss

Carbohydrates do play a very crucial role in our diet. But, if you are on a weight loss journey, it is important...

15 Weight Loss Mistakes Majority Of People Commit Without Knowing

Weight loss is not a linear process. So, if you are finding the scale stuck to the same weight, it’s not always...
Ginger Tea for Weight Loss

Ginger Tea For Weight Loss – Does It Work?

With the winter holiday season just ending, it is not surprising that more and more people are filtering their search results with...
Homemade protein shakes for weight loss

15 Homemade Protein Shakes For Weight Loss You Should Try

When it comes to discussing about weight loss, it is not surprising that majority of the nutritionists and doctors suggest including more...
How to choose a diet plan

How To Choose A Diet Plan? Ask Yourselves These 12 Questions...

We are often so stuck in the quagmire of getting the best diet plan aligned for our weight loss journey that we...
Stick to a healthy diet

20 Effective Ways To Stick To A Healthy Diet For Weight...

“Just one more bite of that donut.” “Just a cheat day won’t hurt”. “Let’s us have one unhealthy piece and I’ll eat...
Realistic Weight Loss Goals

Setting Realistic Weight Loss Goals – the HOWs, WHYs and WHATs!

I had this friend who was desperately looking for ways to lose weight and she was aiming to lose 25 pounds in...
High Protein Diet for Weight Loss

High Protein Diet For Weight Loss – 18 Protein Rich Foods...

Low carb diets like Ketogenic diets are everywhere around on our social media handles and suggestions. Did you ever wonder how can...
How to start a weight loss journey

How To Start A Weight Loss Journey? 12 Ways To Choose...

Losing weight means giving up all the things you love in life? This is often one of the most common reasons behind...
Fruits for Weight Loss

Fruits For Weight Loss: 18 Fruits That Shed Off Unwanted Fats

Do you like eating fruits? Wondering how can these help in weight loss, right? Well, fruits for weight loss aren’t a myth...
How to get rid of loose skin

How To Get Rid Of Loose Skin? 11 Fool Proof Methods

Weight loss does have its positive impacts on our lives but the same has also been associated with some downsides too. Loose...
Genomic Mechanism

Researchers Find The Genomic Mechanism Responsible For The Differentiation Of Scents

We smell a lot of things every single day, some good and some bad. But, has it ever struck your mind how...
Black Coffee, Weight Loss

Black Coffee For Weight Loss – is it Effective?

Black Coffee is often an acquired taste, one that is not liked by many. Even with the differences and the dislikes, you...
Black Seed Oil for Weight Loss

Black Seed Oil for Weight Loss – Is it effective?

With the holiday season just finishing, the very first thing people are looking for is ways to lose those excess pounds they...
How to motivate yourself to lose weight

How to Motivate Yourself to Lose Weight? 15 Science Backed Ways

You planned your meals. You cut down the carbohydrates. You are running 5 miles every day. And with everything done, the routine...