yoga for sciatica pain relief

Yoga for Sciatica Pain Relief

Sciatica is considered as one of the painful diseases. The experts are trying since a long time to search for a strong cure on...
Flat Tummy Water

Flat Tummy Water- Does It Actually Work for Weight Loss?

Every person, irrespective of their gender wish for a flat tummy that would help them flaunts their body. Are you one of those people...

10 Step Pilates for beginners

Strengthen your core with amazing 10 step Pilates for beginners. As it gets tougher and tougher to lose weight once you cross 30. The...
Jackfruit Health

17 Lesser Known Benefits Of Jackfruit

Fruits are the easiest foods to eat and as they do not require much processing. Many of them can be easily grown and readily...
Foods high in selenium

20 Selenium Rich Foods That You Should Include in Your Diet

Would you agree when I say that minerals are an important constituent in our daily diet? Its right, isn’t it? Talking about minerals, have...
Knee Strengthening Exercises

5 Effective Knee Strengthening Exercises

“Can I ever strengthen my knees and gain knee flexibility like before?” This one question haunts people with knee pain. Yes, of course! You can...
benefits of coconut water

Important Benefits Of Coconut Water

Coconut water has been considered as one of the best thirst quenchers all across the globe. Various athletes recommend drinking of coconut water after...
Anti-aging Foods

33 Best Anti-aging Foods To Add To Your Diet

Every one of us desire to look and feel young. We add several creams and lotions to our shopping cart as an attempt to...
Yoga poses to burn stubborn belly fat

Top 8 Yoga Poses To Burn Stubborn Belly Fat

Belly fat can be displeasing and upsetting as it makes our entire fitness and diet routine go for a toss. Despite our efforts with...
Improve your Body Posture

Amazing Ways to Improve your Body Posture

Need of a good posture is of the utmost of importance for the process of our healthy sustenance. As important for the sake, as...
health benefits of raw honey

5 Major Health Benefits Of Raw Honey

Although all forms of raw honey contain various nutrients which are required for the proper health development, raw honey comes with few additional health...
10 health benefits of ginger

10 Health Benefits of Ginger That You Wouldn’t Have Imagined

Ginger is one of the blessed spices that you will find on our planet. It is stuffed with a number of medicinal properties. It...
Best stretching exercise

Best Stretching Exercise For Your Body

Stretching exercises helpful in refreshing yourself after a night’s sleep or flushing out that sleepiness at your workplace as well. According to various experts,...
Apple diet plan

7 Days Apple Diet Plan And How it Aids in Weight...

We are all in a rush and are looking for cheats and easy ways to lose those extra pounds of fat that has been...
Lunges exercise

Workout of the day: The Lunges

Lunges may not be the easiest of leg workouts. Whosoever, ever said, that leg strengthening was easy. The lunges, even among leg exercises, fall...

Best Yoga Poses For Thyroid Treatment

Thyroid disorder can really happen to anyone. Thyroid is a disease that is a medical condition which affects the thyroid gland. Although it is...
estrogen rich foods

Best Estrogen Rich Foods For Menopause

In menopausal women, the problem of estrogen deficiency is known as hypoestrogenism. This problem may also occur in younger women who are suffering from...
Flaxseed benefits

23 Important Flaxseed Benefits That is Important to Be Aware Of

Seeds and multi-grains are the new raving trend in the world of fitness and healthy lifestyle. Flaxseed is not an alien term to this...
Best foods to eat during periods

20 Best Foods to Eat During Periods and 11 Foods to...

Periods are those days during the month that the majority of the girls dread. The last thing that one thinks about is the food...
yoga asanas for neck pain

6 Best Yoga Asanas For Neck Pain

Neck pain, soreness in muscles are the problems which may cause various major diseases at one stage of your life. According to various experts,...
exercises to get rid of hip dips

12 Exercises To Get Rid Of Hip Dips – Proven Methods...

Do you feel some inward depressions towards the side of your hips? If that is something that you have been noticing, we would suggest...
Benefits Of Camel Milk

13 Benefits Of Camel Milk That Will Leave You Surprised

For the most part of our life, we are either dependant on human milk, cow milk and the packaged milk powder. But, did you...
vitamin B12 benefits

Vitamin B12 Benefits And Side Effects

Vitamin B12 is considered as one of the most required vitamins for the body. Vitamin B12 benefits your energy level, mood, heart, hair, digestion....
Yoga for anxiety

10 Yoga Poses To Cure Anxiety And Provide Stress Relief

Yoga and meditation are the two art forms that have effectively wormed their way in the life of several people dealing with heightened stress...

Everything You Need To Know About Virabhadrasana 1 or The Warrior...

Ever heard of the name Virabhadra, named after the mythological character by the great Lord Shiva himself? This is exactly where this asana gets...
Stronger Legs

How to get a stronger legs

If you are lifting a weight regularly, but you are ignoring your lower body parts, then do you have an idea how it will...

Lesser Known Health Benefits Of Rambutan

Rambutan! Have you ever heard of this? It is a tree that thrives in tropical regions, mostly in Asia. The Rambutan season occurs twice...
Avocado for Weight Loss

Avocado for Weight loss – a Myth or A Scientific Fact?

Guacamole!! Sounds riveting, doesn’t it? The green and creamy condiment perfectly complements the crispiness of the nachos and is also amazing in tacos and...
Benefits of Avocado

Proven Health and Nutritional Benefits of Avocado

Avocado you may consider to be a very unique fruit. Most of the common fruits that you may come across would be composed of...
Forward Lunges

Try Doing Forward Lunges For an Effective Difference In Your Weight

Lunges are one of the most common forms of workouts that get its first mention in every weight loss regime. There are a few...