Causes of Blood Blister in Mouth and Treatment


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Blood blisters have suddenly become one of the biggest mouth problems across the globe, and one should know everything about the disease, according to the experts. It feels quite irritated having a blister in you mouth filled with the blood. It becomes even more dangerous when you don’t know about the cause of it, and it suddenly appears in your mouth.

To provide you more information about blood blister in the mouth, we have elaborated the major causes as well as the treatment of blood blister so that you can keep yourself away from it.

What is Blood Blister?


Blood blister occurs in your mouth when the blood vessel beneath the skin layers gets torn or ruptured. As these blisters tend to absorb blood or other fluid which has trapped inside, blood blister looks same as a pimple. When the blister gets infected, they can be highly painful. You can feel the pain of it while chewing the food.

Experts say that your overall oral activity somehow gets limited if you are suffering from the disease and you will also find difficulties in your teeth as well as mouth movement. Experts also suggest that blood blister inside your mouth are quite different than the normal blister.

These blisters contain various other liquids, as mentioned earlier, other than blood. There are various causes behind the appearance of blood blister in your mouth. Experts say that even a trauma is enough to create blood blister in your mouth.

Additionally, blood blister can also be one of the signs of oral cancer. Therefore, it is important to find the cause behind your blood blister, if you are suffering with it to get it treated as soon as possible.

7 Major Causes of Blood Blister in Mouth


There are numerous causes of formation of blood blister in your mouth. We have made a list of major causes of blood blister,

    1. Oral Ulcers
    2. Allergies
    3. Blood blister in mouth cancer
    4. Vitamin deficiency
    5. Low platelet count
    6. Smoking or alcohol consumption
    7. Angina Bullosa Haemorrhagic or ABH

1. Oral Ulcers

Experts say that mouth or cheek ulcers can be one of the major causes of blood blister inside the mouth. These ulcers occur in the mouth due to the continuous invasion of microorganisms into the oral cavity. A blood blister can also appear if you suffer from any side effects due to the medication you are consuming. The two important categories of the mouth ulcers include canker sores as well as cold sores.

Most of the blister occur normally due to any physical trauma such as biting the inside of the mouth or on the cheek while eating food. Your mouth ulcer should be healed within a week, according to the experts. However, you should contact your doctor immediately if the things get out of your hand as it might be might of something serious.

2. Allergies

A blood blister can also occur due to various allergies. Experts say that if you are allergic to certain foods or drinks, consumption these foods can cause blood blister inside the mouth. If you eat foods which are rich in citrus or acidic in nature, the risk of forming blood blister is high.

Additional various foods can also trigger an allergic reaction which can promote the formation of blisters in the mouth.

3. Blood blister in mouth cancer

A blood blister can also develop in the mouth which can lead to the formation of cancer, according to the experts. It is important to consult with your doctor for evaluation and assessment to check whether it is in the initial stage. Usually, it has been found that cancer develops in the cell lining of the mouth.

This usually affects lips, tongue as well as the floor of the mouth. Other areas which can get affected includes, gums, tonsils, cheeks, palates as well as the salivary gland. The symptoms include

  • A lump in the mouse
  • Unhealable ulcer
  • Persistent blood blister

Cancer affects the people of 45 years of age or more. The risk of the mouth cancer gets increased due to regular smoking as well as heavy consumption of alcohol. Early treatment of the mouth cancer can be highly useful.

 4. Vitamin deficiency

Blood blisters can also occur due to the lack of vitamin in your body. Vitamin deficiency, such as lack of vitamin B12 and C, can trigger blood blister in the mouth study says. Consuming foods rich in Vitamin C as well as B12 can help you in countering the condition.

Eating fresh vegetables, berries, milk, poultry, eggs as well as meat. Providing vitamin C as well as B12 in enough amounts not only will keep you away from blood blisters but also decreases the risk of oral ulcers and cancer.

5. Low platelet count

Low level of blood count in the body can also be a cause of blistering in the mouth as well as cheek. Your blood clotting system gets inefficient due to the low blood count in the bloodstream. This causes the blood flowing into the mucous membrane and the blood beneath the surface of the skin.

6. Smoking or alcohol consumption

Due to regular smoking and uncontrolled alcohol consumption can cause blood blister inside the mouth as well as cheek. Oral ulceration in the mouth as well as on the lips occurs due to excessive alcohol consumption and smoking.

Smoking also promotes infectious reactions due to chemicals as well as poisonous substances in tobacco. This can lead to the creation of blistering in cheek as well as mouth. One of the major treatment of removing blood blisters includes quitting smoking as well as alcohol consumption. This leads to the reduction of the severity of the formation of blood blister inside mouth and cheek.

7. Angina Bullosa Haemorrhagic or ABH

Blood blister inside your mouth and cheek caused by ABH or Angina Bullosa Haemorrhagica, a situation when an unprovoked appearance of a blood blister on oral mucosa in the mouth in middle ages.

Blood blisters caused by ABH appear without any identifiable reasons. These blisters can also spread to other parts in the mouth such as tongue-soft palate. ABH is usually caused by trauma such as eating hot foods as well as incorrect dental procedures.

Home Remedies to Get Rid of Blood Blister in Mouth


You can get rid of blood blister inside your mouth and cheek with the help of some important home remedies. We have made a list of some of the effective home remedies to remove blood blisters.

  1. Ice
  2. Turmeric
  3. Cucumber
  4. Aloe Vera
  5. Sandalwood
  6. Tea tree oil

1. Ice


Ice has been considered as one of the best remedy for curing blood blisters in the mouth. The colder temperature of the ice helps in constricting the blood vessels. This also helps in reducing the swelling and cures the blood flow from the tissues beneath the surface of the skin. It will be more helpful if you apply this method just after getting the blood blister, according to the experts.

2. Turmeric

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Apart from providing various important health benefits, turmeric is also reliable remedy to cure blood blister. Turmeric is highly useful due to its therapeutic as well as medicinal properties. Due to its antiseptic properties, turmeric is highly helpful in preventing various skin infections.

3.  Cucumber


Cucumber contains silica which is helpful in strengthening skin tissues, according to the experts. This makes cucumber a best remedy to cure skin problems. It also helps in soothing important inflammation, swelling as well as pain linked to blood blister.

4. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera, too, is considered a great home remedy for various important health problems. It is even more effective on skin problems and relieves the inflammation caused by blood blister as well as pain.

5. Sandalwood


Another important and effective home remedy is sandalwood. When it is applied on the affected area, it relieves the inflammation as well as pain caused by blood blister.

6. Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil also considered as a great remedy to counter blood blister. Tea tree oil contains important antifungal as well as antiseptic properties which prevents infection. Additionally, it also helps in removing inflammation and pain linked to blood blister.

These are few important natural treatments which you can consider to remove all types blood blisters from your body.