Important Tips to Use Epsom Salt for Boils


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epsom salt for boils

Skin boils are formed due to releasing of toxins as well as infection to the clogged hair follicles as well sweat glands. This bacterial infection can occur at any openings in the body caused by cuts or bruises. People with weak immune system and suffering with diabetes are prone to boils. Although antibiotics are available to cure this bacterial infection, they may cause various side effects. Natural ways such as Epsom salt for boils treatment is therefore always recommended.

We have tried to provide all the information to you on the topic of Epsom salt for skin boil treatment as well as various other aspects of it. Read on to get some important information about this technique to get rid of painful boils.

But first, we need to get all information about what boils actually means and how do they develop on the body.

[Related Article: Epsom Salt for Constipation]

What are Boils?

What are boils

As mentioned earlier, boils are hard and painful lumps which form on the body due to bacterial infection. These bacteria can enter in the skin through sweat glands as well as hair follicles. Various studies have now show that the problems of ingrown hairs may also cause skin boils.

People with the weak immune system, improper hygiene, diabetes may experience boils on their skin. Apart from this, cancer patients who are on certain medications may also face the problem of heat boil.

What are the Causes of Boils on the Body?

The major causes of boils are bacteria known as Staphylococcus. These bacteria cause skin abscess, which are present on normal skin. These germs can enter into the skin through any body opening.

These openings can be a few cuts, shaving, ingrown hairs, insect bites or various skin diseases. Certain risk factors of boils include,

  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Weak immune system
  • Poor hygiene
  • Improper diet
  • Intravenous drug use
  • Exposure to harmful chemicals

This disease may also occur due to the direct contact with the person suffering with skin boils.

Is Epsom Salt Helpful in Treating Boils?

salt helpful in treating boils

Yes, indeed. Epsom salt, which is also known as Magnesium Sulfate contains some important health-friendly properties given below which helps in treating boils.

  • Epsom salt acts as drying agent which helps in drawing out all the toxins from the body and helps in reducing pain.
  • It is rich with natural antiseptic as well as antibacterial properties which helps in fighting against bacteria.
  • Epsom salt helps in strengthening immune system which prevents skin abscess from recurrence.
  • Its antibacterial properties also help in treating various other skin infections.
  • Epsom salt also helps in generating heat in the body which improves blood circulation and releases all the pus from the body.
  • Epsom salt bath increases perspiration and releases all the toxins as well as metabolic waste from the body.

How to Get Rid of Boils?

get rid of boils

You can get rid of boil problems naturally at home with the help of turmeric, castor oil as well as tea tree oil.

  • Apply few drops of tea tree oil on the affected area of boils directly. This will kill all the inflammation. Do this on every morning after taking shower.
  • Consume a teaspoonful of turmeric every day for boil treatment. You can also use it with lukewarm water. Various turmeric supplements can also be used to treat boils.
  • Use some castor oil with cotton balls and apply it on the boils to treat boils as well as various health problems caused by them.

How to use Epsom Salt for Boils?

use epsom salt for boils

Using Epsom salt for boils is another useful method to treat this health emergency. We have provided some of the major preparations to use Epsom salt to treat the problem of boils.

1. Epsom Salt

Using Epsom salt directly on boils can be highly useful considering its important health-friendly properties.

  • In a small tub filled with water add 2-3 cup of Epsom salt and stir it well.
  • Soak the boils into it and leave it for 10-15 minutes.
  • Let the area dry it naturally.
  • Repeat this process 2-3 times daily.
  • You can use dead salt instead of Epsom salt for more benefits.

2. Epsom Salt Bath

Epsom salt bath is helpful in treating boils on body parts which are out of your rich such as thighs, buttocks as well as cysts.

  • Add around 2-3 cups of Epsom salt in a bathtub filled with hot water.
  • Soak your whole body in this bathtub for around 10-15 minutes.
  • Have a cold shower after taking the Epsom salt bath.
  • Use this method 2-3 times per week and avoid the use of soap.

3. Epsom Salt Scrub

  • Add a cup of Epsom salt in water. Ensure that the salt doesn’t get dissolved in it.
  • Apply this Epsom salt past on boils and gently scrub it for 2-3 minutes.
  • Leave it for another 2-3 minute before washing it off with water.
  • Use this process at least twice every day.

4. Epsom Salt with Baking Soda

  • In a bowl, add some baking soda and Epsom salt.
  • Apply this mixture on the affected area.
  • Let it soak on the boils. You can secure it with a bandage.
  • Follow this method every day.

5. Epsom salt with apple cider vinegar

The combination of apple cider vinegar along with Epsom salt helps in treating all the infection develops in your scalp.

  • Take a cotton ball and deep it into apple cider vinegar and Epsom salt.
  • By placing this cotton ball on boils secure it with the help of bandage.
  • Leave it for a night.○ Use this method to every day to get rid of boils.

6. Epsom Salt with Vaseline

  • Make a smooth ointment by adding a cup of vaseline into Epsom salt.
  • Apply it on the affected area and secure it with the help of medical plaster. ○ Leave it for overnight.
  • Wash it off with the help of lukewarm water.
  • Follow this process regularly.

Tips to Prevent Boils on Skin

prevent boils on skin

Follow these important tips to stay away from boils and precautions while using Epsom salt for boils treatment.

  • Properly cover all the wounds as harmful bacteria can enter into the body through cuts, bruises, bug bites as well as sores.
  • Use antibiotics carefully as MRSA bacteria are considered resistant to antibiotics. Using powerful antibiotics may cause severe side effects.
  • It is important to consult with your doctor immediately if you are suffering with swelling, redness along with bacterial infection.
  • Eat healthy foods, stay hydrated and exercise regularly to keep yourself away from skin boils as well as skin abscess.

Precautions to take while using Epsom salt for boils

  • Do not use Epsom salt if you are having high blood pressure.
  • If regular usage of Epsom salt does not show any improvement, consult with your doctor immediately for further treatment.