15 Natural Remedies For Old Scars – Fasten The Healing!


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Natural remedies for old scars

While some people wear the scar like armour, there are some who don’t necessarily enjoy sporting a mark that serve as a reminder for a trauma or bad memory. With so many possible natural remedies for old scars, we do have some insights that we think are worth sharing.

If you are tired of sporting the old and fading scars, there are some natural ingredients lying around in your home which help fasten the healing process and get rid of the same by leaving no marks behind.

In here, we are going to share some of the best natural remedies for getting rid of scars that you don’t need as a reminder of a trauma on your body.

Different types of old scars

Different types of old scars

When it comes to the scar removal, you need to know what kind of scar you are struggling with. There are a few types of old scars that can cause bumps and elevation on the skin with the typical appearance like no other.

Some of the most common ones include:

1. Keloid scars

Keloid scars

When it comes to describing the types of scars, keloids scars are the most prominent and common ones. It is believed to be formed because of the overaggressive healing process. The same happens when there is overproduction of the tissues around the injury.

The scars under this category have a swelled and elevated appearance with a soft and pudgy feeling. The scar region is also a lot darker in comparison to the rest of the skin tone.

2. Atrophic scars

Atrophic scars

The atrophic scars are characterized by the formation of dents on the skin that is caused by the loss of tissue from that area. These kinds of scars often appear as serrated on the flat surface of the skin. It also does have dark skin pigmentation around the area, making them look darker in comparison to the rest of the skin.

3. Contracture scars

Contracture scars

The contracture scars are just what the name suggests. It is caused because of the tightening of the skin, causing the skin around the injury to constrict and can even make it tougher for movements. These kinds of scars are often left when you experience severe burns. These kinds of injuries and scarring can seep and affect the muscles and nerves as well.

4. Acne scars

Acne scarsLastly, acne scars are yet another one of the common scar type that can leave behind long lasting impacts on the skin. They can range from a wide range of options, including the deep crevices to the red and wavelike scarring on the skin. These are the scars left behind on the skin and chest region because of the acne.

How to get rid of old scars at home?

How to get rid of old scars at homeIf you are constantly worried about the old scars on your body and want to get rid of that for good, there are some amazing natural ways for getting rid of old scars that you can try at home.

To help you with the basic prevention and healing, we have sorted through some of the best natural remedies for old scars.

Let us take a look at some of the best ones, shall we?

1. Aloe vera

Aloe veraThe use of aloe vera has been found potent in the old scar treatment. Owing to the skin healing (R) properties, the topical application of aloe vera has been found fruitful in getting rid of the appearance of the old scars.

Not just that, aloe vera also has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory (R) properties that further reduce inflammation and the chances of infection.

It is important that you use natural aloe vera gel or if possible, opt for the leaf directly for application to not worsen the scar further.

What to do?

  • Clean and cut open an aloe vera leaf
  • Rub the pulp side of the aloe vera on the scar
  • Leave it on for 30 minutes
  • Rinse it off with some water

How often?

  • Multiple times throughout the day

2. Lemon Juice

Lemon JuiceNext on the list of the ways of getting rid of old scars is with lemon juice. It isn’t known for sure what could be facilitating the healing and the disappearance of the scarring but it is believed that the mild acidic properties could be the ones to be praised.

In addition, lemon juice also has mild bleaching properties which further helps with the same. It is also enriched with antioxidant (R) properties which further fasten the process of healing of the scars for good.

Read: 15 Ways To Use Lemon For Dark Spots And Their Fast Removal

What to do?

  • Roll the lemon on the chopping board to loosen it a bit
  • Cut the lemon in half
  • Take one half and rub the same on the scar
  • Leave the juice to seep into the skin for sometime
  • Rinse off under cold water

How often?

  • 2-3 times daily

3. Honey

HoneyRaw honey is yet another one of the remedies for getting rid of scars that does have beneficial impacts in the long run. It has been in use since ages because of its potent results that you get.

The reason why honey is so effective is because of the fact that it promotes better tissue regeneration (R) which further help in treating the wounds for good. Majority of the people also often tend to make a combination of baking soda with honey for better impacts.

Read: Honey For Glowing Skin – 11 Tricks To Bring Out The Inner Glow

What to do?

  • Take a bowl
  • Add 1 tsp of honey and 1 tsp of baking soda to it
  • Make a smooth paste out of it
  • Apply on the scar
  • Soak a towel in some warm water
  • Apply the towel on the scar
  • Leave it on for a few minutes till the towel has cooled down
  • Rinse off the remnants after that

How often?

  • Twice daily

4. Onion extracts

Onion extractsNot many would realize this but if you have been looking up ways for scar prevention at home, onion extracts have potent benefits.

There have been conducted studies which have found that the application of onion extracts helped soften the scars following 4 weeks of the injury.

Not just the same, the application of the onion extracts (R) has also been found to improve the texture of the skin and reducing the appearance of the redness and the stiffness as well.

But, the lack of studies on this is still leaving behind a question mark on things. The results for a few studies are still inconclusive.

Read: Top 13 Health Benefits of Onion

What to do?

  • Peel and onion and extract the juice
  • Apply the same on the scar with some cotton pads
  • Leave it on for 30 minutes
  • Rinse off with some cold water

How often?

  • 1-2 times daily

5. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegarThe combination of apple cider vinegar with honey has been found fruitful in getting rid of old scars in no time.

It is believed that the combination of the antimicrobial (R), antioxidant (R) and anti-inflammatory (R) properties, the application of apple cider vinegar helps in reducing the appearance of the scars in no time. It is one of the reasons it is used as an astringent and disinfectant as well.

This specific remedy is predominantly amazing for the acne scars and has been found potent in reducing the appearance of them in no time. Combined with honey, it also helps in reducing the redness and the inflamed appearance.

What to do?

  • In a bowl, add 1 tsp of apple cider vinegar and 1 tsp of honey
  • Mix the both together and form a liquid solution
  • Apply it on the scar with a cotton pad
  • Leave it on for 30 minutes
  • Rinse it off with some cold water after that

How often?

  • 1-2 times daily

6. Coconut Oil

Coconut OilCoconut oil has amazing benefits on the old scar treatment and getting rid of it in the long run. Apart from improving the texture and the appearance of the site of injury, it also promotes healing from within.

Not just that, the combination of the antimicrobial (R), antioxidant (R) and the anti-inflammatory (R) properties of the coconut oil further speeds up the process of recovery.

Coconut oil also does have beneficial skin healing properties (R) which further help improve the quality of the skin and prevents the appearance of the old scars in the long run.

Read: 7 Ways To Heal Burns With Coconut Oil Easily

What to do?

  • Take some natural coconut oil on your palms
  • Apply the same on the site of the scar
  • Massage the oil to let it seep into the skin
  • Leave it on overnight

How often?

  • Every night

7. Gooseberry

GooseberryGooseberry extracts or the gooseberry oil is yet another one of the amazing natural remedies for old scars to get rid that you possibly didn’t know of.

The Indian gooseberry does have potent benefits in speeding up the recovery and the healing (R) process and even working to reduce the appearance of the scars.

Studies suggest that gooseberry is loaded with Vitamin C which is what helps in preventing the appearance of the scars and even prevents further deteriorating appearance of the scars in the long run.

Further studies need to be conducted to further find a conclusive reason as to how it has such amazing benefits.

What to do?

  • Deseed the gooseberry and blend in a mixer
  • Blend till it forms a smooth paste
  • Apply the paste on the scar
  • Leave it on for around 30 minutes
  • Rinse it off under cold water

How often?

  • 1-2 times daily

8. Vitamin E

Vitamin EThe mention of Vitamin E for the scar prevention (R) at home doesn’t necessarily require an introduction. The reason why it has such potent benefits is all because of the amazing range of healing properties it had.

The application of Vitamin E on the scar helps in reducing the textured appearance (R) and even helps in improving the healing.

It is also believed that the application of the Vitamin E helps in propelling the collagen production in the skin, further helping improve the appearance of the scar further.

What to do?

  • Start by cutting open a Vitamin E capsule
  • Take the contents out on your palm and apply on the scar
  • Massage the vitamin E oil on the scar for 10 minutes
  • Once done, leave it on for 30 minutes
  • Rinse off if needed

How often?

  • 2-3 times daily

9. Rosehip Seed Oil

Rosehip Seed OilYet another one of the amazing natural remedies for old scars is the rosehip seed oil which has potent benefits in reducing the appearance of the scar in the long run.

The potent skin healing (R) and the antioxidant (R) properties in this has been found fruitful in helping reduce the scars in the long run.

The impacts of this natural ingredient are so effective that it is also integrated in some of the common scar healing medications as well.

What to do?

  • Pour a few drops of the rosehip oil on your palm
  • Apply the same on the scar with your fingers
  • Gently massage it into the skin
  • Leave it on

How often?

  • 2-3 times daily

10. Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil

Yet another one of the best ways to get rid of old scar is with the application of tea tree oil.

This is enriched with antioxidant rich phytochemicals which have been found to have potent impacts in helping improve the appearance of the scars in the long run.

This remedy is predominantly very effective for the surgical scars (R) and helps reduce its appearance on frequent application.

The application of tea tree oil has also been reported to help boost the blood circulation around the area, further helping with the healing process even further. It also prevents infections because of the antimicrobial properties that it has.

What to do?

  • Mix 1 tbsp of coconut oil and a few drops of tea tree oil
  • Apply the same on the affected region of the scar
  • Massage gently for a few minutes
  • Leave it on

How often?

  • 1-2 times daily

11. Sunblock

SunblockIt is true that the application of the sun screen won’t have any kind of impacts in helping reduce the appearance of the scar but it has potent benefits in preventing the scar from getting worse.

Make sure that you are opting for the medicated sunscreen as it has been found to have potent benefits on the skin as it helps with the fading process of the scar.

If you suffer from the scars caused because of the glycolic acid and the other issues, application of the sunscreen is an absolute must for a faster recovery.

Read: Important Benefits of Tea Tree Oil for Hair Oil

What to do?

  • Apply sunscreen irrespective of whether you are going out or not

How often?

  • 2-3 times daily

12. Olive Oil

Olive OilMuch like coconut oil, even olive oil has amazing impacts in getting rid of old scars without inflicting negative impacts.

It has therapeutic impacts on the skin and even helps promote the repair of the damaged skin, further helping promote better healing in no time. Studies have also found that olive oil helps promote the collagen production in the body further helping with the recovery.

The topical application of the olive oil has been found to have amazing benefits in getting rid of the acne scars that you could be struggling with.

Read : Home Remedies to Treat Skin Rashes

What to do?

  • Take some olive oil in a bowl
  • Using your fingers, apply the oil on the scar
  • Massage for a few minutes to let the oil seep into the skin
  • Leave it on

How often?

  • 1-2 times daily

13. Shea butter

Shea butterAnother one of the best natural remedies for old scars to get rid is with shea butter which has moisturizing and skin healing properties on the skin.

This has potent benefits in reducing stretch marks which is one of the reasons why it is considered effective for the scars as well. It helps promote better healing (R) and recovery and even gets rid of the possible dryness and the textured appearance around the scar.

It is best to use the unfiltered version of the shea butter available in the stores and avoid using the extremely chemical infused variants.

Read : Petroleum Jelly – Everything You Need To Know

What to do?

  • Take some shea butter on your fingers
  • Apply the same on the scar
  • Massage on for a few minutes
  • Let it seep into the skin
  • Leave it on

How often?

  • 1-2 times daily

14. Potato

PotatoThe use of potato juice for the skin healing is a concept that requires further studies to get a better understanding.

At this point, the results are quite inconclusive. If you have been struggling with the appearance of the old scars, the best way to overcome that is by applying the potato juice.

It is believed that the mild bleaching properties because of the starch are what help with the healing and the reduced appearance of the scars on the skin.

The combination of the phytochemicals present in it also helps in brightening the skin and reducing the appearance of the scars.

Read: 28 Health Benefits Of Potato Juice for Better Well Being, Skin and Hair

What to do?

  • Peel one potato and extract the juice from the potato
  • Using a cotton pad, apply some of the juice on the site of the scar
  • Leave it on for 30 minutes
  • Rinse off after that with some cold water

How often?

  • 1-2 times daily

15. Lavender Oil

Lavender OilYet another one of the potent natural remedies for old scars is with the application of the lavender oil. The reason why it has such potent remedies is because of the antimicrobial and the anti-inflammatory properties.

Lavender oil also does have soothing properties on the skin, thus helping prevent the unnecessary redness and the irritation around the scar that you could be experiencing.

It also prevents the risks of infections and betters the appearance of the scars over time.

Read: Best Essential Oils for Allergies

What to do?

  • Combine a few drops of lavender oil with some coconut oil
  • Apply the same on the affected site of the scar
  • Massage it into the skin
  • Leave it on

How often?

  • 1-2 times daily

How to prevent scarring?

How to prevent scarring

Scars are pretty common and will happen if you sustain any kind of injury. If you want to get rid of the risks around, it is best suggested that you do opt for natural remedies for old scars that we have mentioned around.

It is common for you to get answers to how to get old scars to fade but knowing the preventive tips can further help improve the condition of the skin over time.

Some of the best preventive measures include:

  • Don’t poke and prod at the site of the injury or the scar
  • Avoid using fingers to touch the scar or the site of the injury when it’s new
  • Sterilize the site of injury pretty quick into the process

If you have been looking for the natural remedies for old scars, we hope these above mentioned pointers come in handy for you. Make sure that you always consult a doctor if you witness any kind of changes for the worse.