12 Home Remedies To Treat Tongue Burn – Get Better Relief Faster


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home remedies to treat tongue burn
src: factdr.com

Burnt tongue isn’t the best feeling, especially when it comes round to the taste buds that help you relish the food that you have been eating. Often times, it also does end up numbing the normal sensation of the taste, thus the home remedies to treat tongue burn is a necessity, more than anything else.

Tongue burning can occur because of a number of reasons, especially when it comes round to the prospect of suddenly drinking or eating something too hot. Sore tongue is often caused by a number of reasons.

To help you recover better, we are going to suggest you with some of the natural ways to treat burning tongue that does come in handy without further confusion whatsoever.

Why Is My Tongue Burning?

Why Is My Tongue Burning
src: buzzfeed.com

To answer you, the condition of the burning tongue can be because of two primal conditions. For the most part, it is caused because of drinking something too hot without realizing.

What this does is end up numbing the sensory nerves on the taste buds and the tongue, in general. This makes it tougher for you to have a sensation of taste or sometimes even end up propelling a very uncomfortable feeling.

If you didn’t realize while drinking the hot milk or any beverage for that matter, chances are that the same will end up making it hard for you to understand the prospects of why it is happening and help you get a better way to relieve tongue burning extensively.

Causes Of Tongue Burning Sensation

Causes Of Tongue Burning Sensation
src: linkonlineworld.com

If you have been consistently suffering from the condition of burning tongue, there could very well be two reasons behind the same.

1. Hot food or beverage

Hot food or beverageHot foods and beverage and seem soothing and appetizing as well but if you are careless about the food and just gobble it down the way it is, chances are that you are going to end up burning your tongue.

The best way to check whether the temperature is optimal or not is to ensure that you take a small sip or a small bite and not just big gulps.

Additionally, if such happenstances are very frequent for you, chances are that the same can end up making it worse for you in the long run.

2. Burning mouth syndrome

home remedies to treat tongue burn
src: factdr.com

Burning mouth syndrome is yet another possible cause behind the condition of the burning and sore tongue that you have been experiencing.

Additionally, the same has been found to have negative impacts on the taste buds too. This syndrome is characterized by the condition of a burning sensation on the tongue without any apparent reason at all.

Apart from the accessory symptoms of the burning, one can even experience the condition of the numbness or a very tingling sensation that you didn’t have account of otherwise.

If the condition is persistent and doesn’t seem to wither down, it is best suggested that you do focus on the condition of consulting a doctor before it is too late.

These are the two primary causes but there can be some accessory secondary causes that can come in handy for you if you know about the same.

Some of them include:

  • Dry mouth
  • Allergic reactions
  • Oral lichen planus
  • Injuries
  • Dentures
  • Lack of optimal levels of vitamins in the body
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease
  • Hypothyroidism or some other chronic disease
  • Menopause
  • Grinding of teeth

Symptoms of tongue burn

Symptoms of tongue burnWhen it comes round to the symptoms of tongue burn, it is important that you keep an eye out on the common prospects that you have been experiencing.

The condition is just what it is being referred to as. For the best results, it is best suggested that you do focus on the symptoms because that is exactly what will help in boosting the overall prospects of health and overall well being.

Some of the common symptoms of the burnt tongue include:

  • Redness and pain on the tongue
  • Inflammation
  • Formation of sores and blisters
  • Numbness
  • Severe pain
  • Difficulty eating food
  • Metallic or bitter taste
  • Dry mouth

How to Get Rid of Tongue Burn?

How to get rid of tongue burnWith the basic ideas out of the way, the next thing that we would definitely like to discuss around is how one can use the home remedies to treat tongue burn.

It is very important and best suggested to ensure that you look out for the effective treatment options because only that does help in bettering the condition in a record time.

To help you relieve tongue burning, we are going to list out the best home remedies. Scroll down.

1. Maintain proper oral hygiene

Maintain proper oral hygieneYour oral hygiene is one of the most important factors when it comes to managing the condition of the tongue burn.

It is likely that you won’t realize what the problem is but, for the most part, it is because of the lack of proper hygiene that one suffers from the condition of burning tongue because of the dry mouth or even because of the burning mouth syndrome.

The best way to avoid that is by ensuring that you maintain proper oral hygiene without any kind of compromise to the same.

What to do?

  • Brush and floss your teeth
  • Keep your tongue clean at all times
  • Use mouthwash for better mitigation

How often?

  • Every single day

2. Suck on a ice cube

Suck on a ice cubeIf you have ended up burning your tongue by eating or drinking something very hot, one of the best natural ways to treat burning tongue is to suck on ice cubes.

Apart from ice cubes, the ice popsicles help too.

You need to be very efficient with finding one though. You need to soothe the burning sensation before it starts numbing the area and causing pain and inflammation as well.

If the ice isn’t available, just grab some cold drink and gulp it down. It is best suggested to just stick with water, if that is the case.

3. Use some saltwater

Use some salt waterWhile this might seem like a very crazy idea to adapt to because who even puts salt on the burn, right?

But, the United States National Library of Medicine (R) suggests that saltwater can be an amazing remedy to keep the condition of the burning tongue in check.

The only thing to ensure is that you cool down the initial burst of the burning and then use the saltwater and not do it directly after you have burnt your tongue. You need to cool it down first.

The saltwater has beneficial antiseptic properties which have been found to impose beneficial impacts in helping with the pain and the inflammation.

What to do?

  • Take a glass and fill it with 8 ounces of water
  • Add 1/8th tsp of salt
  • Mix till it has completely dissolved
  • Swish this liquid around your mouth till you run out of the glass of water
  • At last, rinse your mouth with some normal water

How often?

  • Once every other day till it recovers

4. Aloe Vera

Aloe VeraAloe vera is yet another one of the beneficial home remedies to treat tongue burn that actually does work.

If you have been struggling to know why and how it works, it is mainly because of the antiseptic (R), healing (R) as well as the anti-inflammatory (R) properties of the aloe vera.

It is important that you apply the actual pulp of the aloe vera and not rely on the cosmetic gel because the consumption of the same might not be ideal for the body and overall well being.

What to do?

  • Cut open an aloe vera leaf and scoop out the pulp
  • Blend till it becomes a smooth paste
  • Freeze them into small ice cubes
  • Apply the frozen cubes on the tongue

How often?

  • 2-3 times daily

5. Breathe through the mouth

Breathe through the mouth
src: www.berkeleywellness.com

Yet another one of the amazing tongue burn home remedies is by breathing through the mouth.

Are you confused?

It is more of a reflex in several people. Once you realize that you have gulped down something too hot, the best way to combat that is by spitting it out immediately and putting your tongue out and breathing through the mouth.

The air surrounding helps in getting rid of the burning sensation and helps soothe the condition effectively.

6. Baking soda

Baking soda
src: jamaicancookery.typepad.com

Yet another one of the ways to get rid of tongue burn is by opting for baking soda.

If the condition of the burning and the discomfort is caused because of the condition of the allergic reactions or even because of a mouth infection (R), the best way to disinfect the mouth is by swirling the baking soda solution to help alleviate the condition and even boosting the overall recovery like never before.

What to do?

  • Take ½ cup of water
  • Add ½ tsp of baking soda to it and mix well
  • Swish your mouth with this solution till you run out

How often?

  • Once daily

7.Consume yogurt

Consume yogurtIf you want to relieve tongue burning with the natural remedies, eating yogurt is considered one of the best ones in the lot.

The primary reason why yogurt helps is because of its soothing and cooling properties that it has. It is best to opt for the normal yogurt without any additive sugar or flavouring. This can help in the best kind of recovery. Natural greek yogurt is often the best option.

What to do?

  • Take a spoonful of the yogurt
  • Put it on your tongue and hold it for a few seconds
  • Swallow it and do it for 3-4 times more

How often?

  • 1-2 times daily

8.Put some sugar on it

Put some sugar on itSugar is yet another one of the home remedies to treat tongue burn that works amazingly.

Don’t go ham with the amount because the same won’t do you any good for the most part. Additionally, it is best to use the finely granulated sugar instead of the coarse one.

The primary reason why this is recommended is because of the fact that the same doesn’t cause further friction on the tongue and rather helps in the recovery and even dulling the pain that you have been experiencing.

Additionally, if sugar isn’t providing with the necessary results, you can even opt for honey and apply a thin layer of the same on the tongue and leave it on. This is especially effective if you have any kind of infection or allergies (R) affecting the tongue, causing sores and blisters.

9.Black tea

Black teaYet another one of the amazing home remedies to treat tongue burn is to opt for cold black tea.

Don’t drink it hot because the same can further aggravate the condition of the burnt tongue. The tannic acid in the tea is what helps in soothing the condition.

For the best results, it is best suggested that you use the teabags instead of the tea directly. The catechins and the tannic acid help in soothing the burn and then cooling it down for the best impacts as well.

What to do?

  • Boil some water and throw in a few black tea teabags in the water
  • Let it boil for 10 minutes
  • Once done, bring them out of the pot and keep them in the fridge
  • Let it cool down for 20 minutes
  • Apply the teabags on the tongue
  • Leave it on for 10-15 minutes

How often?

  • 1-2 times daily


MintPeppermint is yet another one of the beneficial ways to get rid of tongue burn and without imposing any kind of negative impacts on the tongue.

The active compound in the peppermint, menthol, has been found to help with numbing the pain and the inflammation that could be caused because of the condition of the burnt tongue.

Additionally, the same has also been found to have beneficial antibacterial (R) properties in it which further helps prevent the risks of infection altogether.

What to do?

  • Get some mint based toothpaste
  • Apply a generous amount of the same on the tongue
  • Leave it on for 10 minutes
  • Keep your tongue stretched out of the mouth so it dries out
  • Rinse it off with some water once done

How often?

  • 1-2 times daily

11.Coconut Oil

Coconut OilCoconut oil is yet another one of the beneficial tongue burn home remedies that work amazingly without you having to fret about the same.

Irrespective of what has caused the tongue sore, the same can help in keeping one’s tongue and oral health in check.

If the condition is caused because of the condition of the infection (R) or even because of the associated problems with allergies or drinking something too hot, the coconut oil (R) can most definitely come a lot in handy.

What to do?

  • Apply some coconut oil directly on the tongue
  • Rub it gently on the affected area
  • Leave it on

How often?

  • 2-3 times daily

12.Vitamin E

Vitamin EYet another one of the best home remedies to treat tongue burn is to opt for Vitamin E.

Not only does it have better impacts in soothing the burnt tongue, it has also been found to have beneficial impacts on soothing the burnt area by speeding up the healing process as well. It helps fasten up the tissue regeneration which further helps with the process of recovery altogether.

What to do?

  • Take a Vitamin E capsule
  • Take the contents of the capsule out of it
  • Apply it on the tongue directly
  • Leave it on

How often?

  • 1-2 times daily

How to prevent tongue burn?

How to prevent tongue burnWhen it comes round to the ways in which you can prevent the tongue burning, the process is quite easy to adhere to.

For the most part, all that you need to do is follow the preventive measures that we state below.

  • Keep your oral health in the best condition
  • Take your time with eating or even drinking something hot
  • Prevent the allergies or even infections from getting worse
  • Consult a doctor every once in a while to get everything checked up

The home remedies to treat tongue burn aren’t that easy as you might seem it might be. For the best results, it is important that you prevent the condition rather than ending up making it worse than what it has to be. For the best results, it is best suggested to ensure that you do take the time out to assess things meant for your well being first.