22 Helpful Magnesium Benefits For Health That Will Blow Your Mind


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Magnesium Benefits
ImageSource: www.bebrainfit.com

Magnesium is a chemical element that doesn’t really need an introduction, now, does it? Placed in the second column of the periodic table with an atomic number of 18, this compound has an immense contribution to the overall well being of an individual as well.

If you are pondering the question of why, then this article is just the correct one for you to delve into.

In this article, we have tried to amalgamate the common points that highlight the various aspects of uses and benefits of magnesium in the physiological benefit of an individual.

What are the Benefits of Magnesium?

benefits of magnesiumWe all consume food that makes us feel healthy and good. What if I told you that magnesium holds a significant importance in making you feel good?

The list of benefits of magnesium on the well being is more enough of an evidence to showcase the fact that it’s true.

In order for you to have a comprehensive idea about the entire ordeal, we have tried to incorporate as many benefits as possible to help highlight the importance of magnesium in our day to day life.

1. Magnesium Can Relieve Constipation

ImageSource: www.thehealthsite.com

One of the most common remedies for constipation relief lies in magnesium. If you didn’t already know, magnesium citrate (available on the over the top counters of the medical stores) is an amazing treatment for treating the signs and symptoms that come with constipation.

It is an osmotic laxative which helps draw water into the bowel to help soften the stool for easier and less painful defecation.

When it comes to dosage, magnesium citrate is available in both fluid and tablet forms. As per safety guidelines, it is best to stick with 5 oz of the fluid for kids and infants and the same can be doubled for adults or anyone above the age of 12.

It is always best to dilute it with a little bit of water and then consume the solution for effective results. Because of the osmotic laxative property, it is always advised to never overdose because the same can result in adverse effects on the body. Stick to consumption of it once a day and not more than that.

2. Magnesium for Anxiety and Depression

Anxiety and DepressionWould you be surprised if you got to know that the lack of magnesium in the body is one of the primary reasons for anxiety and depression?

The benefits of magnesium are not just limited to the confines of one’s physical well being but the mental health as well.

Magnesium is considered as a calming mineral which is what contributes to the maintenance of the peace and harmony amongst the various connections of the nervous system in the body.

It is what helps one cope with stress and anxiety and any kind of disturbance in the balance of magnesium in the body can lead to symptoms of anxiety and depression easily.

As per dosage, according to the National Institutes of Health, the permissible dietary dosage of magnesium varies from 400-420 mg for adult males and 310-320 mg for adult females (the same changes during pregnancy). Since these kinds of doses are taken in supplements, it is always best to stick with once a day routine and never overdo the same.

3. Magnesium for Asthma Treatment

ImageSource: www.breathresearch.com

Magnesium benefits extend to the treatment of asthma in children in the more acute stages of the disease.

One of the derivatives of magnesium, magnesium sulfate, works wonders in treating the problems that come alongside asthma. But, the question comes down to one.

How does it do it? Magnesium sulfate has natural anti-inflammatory along with brochodilating properties which is what comes in handy. The dilated air passage helps the suffering individual breathe freely and a little better which is what helps in immediate remedy for asthma.

Magnesium for asthma is often times a situation of emergency when the patient is rushed to emergency with severe signs of trouble in breathing.

In such cases, the dosage of magnesium is injected intravenously for faster effect. For a routine consumption, it is always best to consult your physician before consuming it without a specific prescription.

4. Magnesium Can Cure Arthritis Pain

ImageSource: www.jointhealthmagazine.com

Have you been consistently experiencing unbearable joint pains, something that leaves you crying out in pain? Do the calcium supplements not help at all? There are chances that what you are experiencing is magnesium deficiency.

It is not just calcium that is responsible for the improving one’s bone health; magnesium is equally important.

According to one of the most popular health institutes, the National Institutes of Health concluded that the deficiency of magnesium is often responsible for a number of bone diseases, including osteoporosis and even arthritis.

It is thus very important to keep the body tacked with suitable levels of magnesium to keep arthritis away.

For normal dietary requirements, it is advised to consume 300-320 mg for females and 400-420 mg for males. Significant magnesium benefits are primarily visible right after the routine consumption of the mineral.

5. Magnesium to Lower Blood Pressure

Blood pressureSeveral researches and studies have shown that the routine consumption of magnesium supplements help in ensuring proper maintenance of blood pressure, keeping in mind, that there is no overdo of the consumption of this mineral more in the diet too because the same can inflict negative impacts on the body and physiological functions.

Studies have shown that correct magnesium balance in the body helps in bringing down the systolic pressure by 2 mm of Hg and by 1 mm of Hg for the diastolic pressure.

For normal supplement intake, it has been suggested to consume 368 mg of supplements in a day, ensuring that the same is not coincided with hefty intake of magnesium-rich food because higher magnesium levels in the blood have a tendency to significantly lower the blood pressure which can be ghastly.

6. Magnesium to Treat Back Pain

Back PainThe benefits of taking magnesium can help with a backache that you have been withstanding for quite some time now.

If you weren’t aware, the level of calcium and magnesium in our body maintains the rhythm between the proper contraction and relaxation of the muscles in our body.

Any kind of hindrance in the process often results in causing spasms and cramps in the back which causes the pain that you feel. Magnesium helps to relax the muscles which is the primary reason why you feel relieved from the back pain.

For the dosage, it is either best to get a prescription from your local physician or increase the consumption of magnesium-rich food so as to combat the decreasing concentration of magnesium in the body.

7. Magnesium for Bladder Control

Bladder control
ImageSource: www.collincountyurology.com

Magnesium benefits include the systemic contraction and relaxation of the muscles of the bladder, thereby ensuring the complete emptying of the bladder so as to ensure proper control of the bladder.

Magnesium is very beneficial is relieving the symptoms of continence which is what helps to maintain proper control of the bladder.

Although the common dietary supplement levels vary from 300-400 mg depending on the gender, it is always best to consult a doctor first to get the dosage requirement clarified.

8. Magnesium to Reduce Bloating and Improves Digestion

Bloating and DigestionAs mentioned under one of the benefits of magnesium, it regulates the muscle activity of the body.

When there are deterred levels of magnesium in the body, there are chances that the muscular lining of the small intestine may dysfunction which is exactly what causes indigestion and bloating.

Proper levels of magnesium in the body ensure proper digestion of the ingested food and help avoid bloating and sour stomach.

9. Magnesium Heals Sports Injuries

Sports injuriesMagnesium is a very important and quintessential mineral for the athletes and sportsmen. Not just for the regular build up and fitness, it is also helpful in fighting the various sports injuries that are severe and a lot painful than what one sees.

The transdermal magnesium chloride therapy treatment is one of the most effective magnesium benefits in the process of healing. It helps in reducing the pain and inflammation and helps regenerate the tissues faster than the other remedies.

As per experts, the permissible consumption of magnesium for sportsmen includes 3 mg of it per pound of the body weight but it is still best to consult a doctor first before proceeding with it.

10. Magnesium Cures Body Odors

Body Odors
ImageSource: www.organicfacts.net

Particularly, magnesium, when taken with zinc supplements can effectively reduce the disseminating body odors which can put you in a number of awkward situations.

Although the magnesium benefits have still not been confirmed or backed with studies and research, zinc is said to lessen the rate of perspiration which helps in combating body odor.

For the dosage, in generic terms, the dietary levels range from 200 – 500 mg per day depending on the body weight, gender, and a several other factors.

11. Magnesium Cures Migraines Problems

MigrainesStudies have insinuated that the magnesium benefits the symptoms of a migraine too. Magnesium oxide is one of the most common remedies for the treatment of the signs and symptoms of a migraine.

Experts, after conducting a number of studies, have concluded for a fact that the regular consumption of magnesium supplements or a magnesium-rich diet reduces the risks of a migraine by 41%.

Magnesium supplements are either consumed in the form of tablets or taken intravenously, the prior option being a more prevalent one. Permissible dietary dosage includes 400-500 mg of supplements daily.

12. Magnesium Aids in Weight loss

Weight lossAlthough there has been no significant evidence regarding the benefits of magnesium for weight loss, it has a significant effect on the regulation of cholesterol and insulin levels in the body.

This, paired with a good and healthy diet, helps in ensuring the weight loss in an individual.

The dosage of magnesium supplement varies from 310-320 mg for adult females and 400-420 mg for adult males. Take this once a day.

13. Magnesium Good for Diabetes

DiabetesIt is noticeable that diabetic patients have a tendency to have a lower level of magnesium in the body. This is primarily because of the fact high levels of blood glucose promote excretion of magnesium through the urine.

Consumption of magnesium helps in coping up with the lack of it in the blood and the subsequent levels ensure proper production of insulin which is yet one of the other magnesium benefits.

Instead of subsequently relying on the supplements, increase the levels of magnesium-rich food in your diet to naturally increase the levels of magnesium in your body and bloodstream.

If opting for supplements, consult a doctor first and then proceed with the same.

14. Magnesium for Leg Cramps

ImageSource: www.lifetimedaily.com

Magnesium plays a very significant role in the regulation of muscle activity in the body.

One of the primary activities of the same lies with the neuromuscular transmission which is aided with the presence of magnesium in the blood.

Lack of it is what hinders the process of muscular relaxation which, in turn, results in spasms and cramps.

For dosage, restrictions lie within the range of 300-400 mg for women and men respectively.

If you have other health ailments that you suffer from, it is always best to consult your doctor first and get the correct dosage prescribed based on your body dimensions and requirements.

Read More Home Remedies for Leg Cramps

15. Promotes Healthy Heart

Healthy HeartMagnesium plays a very critical role in the proper maintenance of heart health.

It aids in a regularized beating of the heartbeat and also helps maintain the blood pressures which play a significant role in ensuring a good heart health.

It helps to coordinate the functions of the heart with the nerves that help regulate the heartbeat.

Much like mentioned in most of the sections, the suitable dietary consumption of magnesium ranges from 300-320 mg for women and 400-420 mg for men.

It can either be consumed in the form of magnesium-rich food or sometimes even with the over the top counter supplements.

16. Magnesium Helps to Sleep

SleepMagnesium is a crucial element for a good night’s sleep. If you have been talking about magnesium benefits, then, sleep definitely accounts for one of the most important ones.

Magnesium helps to increase the release of GABA during sleep which provides with a very sound sleep. Magnesium also helps manage and regulate the body’s stress response system.

For dosage, it is either best to opt for the standard levels of dietary consumption (between 300-400 mg) or consult a professional for a much more accurate prescription based on your health records and body dimensions and requirements.

17. Decrease PMS Symptoms

Decrease PMS Symptoms
ImageSource: www.shutterstock.com

Magnesium benefits the various related signs and symptoms of PMS.

Regular consumption of sufficient levels of magnesium has been found to help deal with the severe cases of headaches, sugar cravings, dizziness or even the altered blood pressure in the body.

The dosage of consumption varies from 310-320 mg per day which can either be consumed with the magnesium rich foods or just with a supplement.

18. Helps with Pooping

Helps with pooping
ImageSource: www.123rf.com

Magnesium is a great compound that promotes smooth and regular defecation. If you have been struggling with constipation, consumption of magnesium is great for the body.

It helps in proper contraction of the muscles of the GI tract which aid in proper digestion and thereby, proper pooping too.

Include a wide range of magnesium rich foods in your diet for enjoying the magnesium benefits.

Or, you can even opt for magnesium citrate which is a lot helpful in aiding the process of defecation. Consume the prescribed about of magnesium citrate before bed and that should work its magic overnight.

Magnesium Skin Benefits

Much like with the overall health, magnesium is also very beneficial in the treatment of skin ailments too. Some of the primary magnesium benefits for skin include:

19. Removes Acne and Pimple

Acne and pimpleAlthough not directly but the benefits of taking magnesium expands to the treatment of acne and pimple as well.

It is responsible for the regulation of some of the most common yet important cellular pathways which aid in the maintenance of body health and hormonal balance which is indirectly related to the possible inception of the same.

Dietary consumption of magnesium should always stay between the ranges of 320-420 mg and not surpass those levels. For skin, magnesium-rich creams and ointments can also be used.

20. Ageing, Wrinkles and Fine Lines

Ageing, wrinkles and fine linesLack of magnesium has been evident in fastening the ageing process, thereby increasing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

This is primarily because of the fact that it is a very important contributing factor to a number of cellular pathways and also helps maintain a good hormonal balance in the body.

All of these work together to provide with the overall ageing process in an individual.

The dietary dosage has been mentioned all throughout the other sections but if you are opting for the natural way, go for the magnesium-rich foods that help replenish the levels of magnesium in the body naturally.

Magnesium Hair Benefits

Magnesium is an amazing mineral that helps treat a number of hair problems as well. Some of them include:

21. Magnesium can Stop Hair Loss

Hair lossMagnesium is a crucial element that contributes to hair growth. Any kind of magnesium deficiency of it in the body often results in the lack of ability of the hair follicles to strengthen themselves which results in the formation of weak hair strands and thus hair loss as well.

Magnesium helps strengthen the hair follicles which ensure to help grow strong and good quality hair.

22. Magnesium Removes Dandruff

Dandruff is primarily caused by an itchy and dry scalp and sometimes even because of excess secretion of oil and sebum.

Magnesium helps fight these and ensures a good and healthy scalp that’s free of such setbacks. It helps soothe the skin on the scalp to alleviate the issues of dandruff.

[Also Read: Best Natural Remedies For Dandruff]

Foods Rich in Magnesium

Foods richSome of the primary sources of dietary magnesium include:

    • Some of the green leafy vegetables like kale and spinach
    • Several fruits like banana, raspberries, avocado etc.
    • Various nuts and edible seeds
    • Peas, Pulses, and Legumes
    • Some vegetables like broccoli, artichokes, Brussels sprouts etc.
    • Brown rice
    • Oats
    • Dark Chocolate
    • Baked Beans
    • Soy product like Tofu

How Much Magnesium is Too Much Magnesium?

How much MagnesiumAs much as the benefits of magnesium impact one’s health and well being, it is also necessary to look after the fact that the dosage is never overdone because the same can have adverse effects on the body as well.

According to studies, dosage within the range of 320-420 mg is permissible for women and men respectively.

It is always best to consume less than more because consuming less doesn’t inflict ghastly impacts which consuming more definitely does.

Side Effects of Too Much Magnesium

Side effects of Too
ImageSource: www.drdavidwilliams.com

The primary side effects of magnesium include:

    • Reduced and irregular heartbeat
    • Lowered blood pressure
    • Ragged breathing
    • Diarrhea
    • Coma and sometimes even death

Magnesium is a very crucial and important mineral that has proved its benefits for the well being of an individual. It is very important to ensure that the dosage is always consulted with the doctor first to proclaim the best magnesium benefits.