7 Important Weight Loss Tips For Type 2 Diabetes


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Weight Loss Guide

Type 2 diabetes is one of the most dangerous health disease which needs to be handled very carefully. According to the experts, to control the dangerous effects of type 2 diabetes, weight loss can be a great tool. Experts say that only a 5 percent weight loss can be proven highly effective in improving blood sugar, cholesterol as well as blood pressure. It has been found that people who are on insulin, noticed weight gain during diabetes. Additionally, various other diabetic drugs can also trigger weight gain. Apart from that, your body goes through the period hormonal change in your late 30s as well as early 40s, which forms various insulin resistance materials in your body, which results in failing the capability of the body to use the insulin efficiently. However, following few important weight loss tips can increase your metabolism and can keep yourself away from the harmful effects of diabetes.

We have brought you a list of few important weight loss tips for type 2 diabetes, which you can consider to stop weight gain.

Weight Loss Tips For Type 2 Diabetes

1Exercise regularly

One of the best way to lose your excess fat is through exercise. Experts says that exercise also helps in improving metabolism, which triggers fat loss in the body. Many of the physicians even believe that doing exercises is highly effective than various medications to counter blood sugar. Even after finishing your workout session for the day, move your body as much as you can. Walk as possible as you can and don’t be seated for longer periods of time. Experts says that you should follow smart weight loss techniques to lose your weight such as getting down at one step early to go to home if you use public transport, avoiding use of the vehicle as much as you can and take a walk. Experts say that you should target for 30 minutes of intense workout every day.

2Increase muscle building

Doing cardio exercises or resistant training helps in increasing your muscle tone and triggers more calorie burn in your body. An Additional advantage of strengthening your muscle through intense workout is that you keep burning your calories for the entire day, even if you are resting. Adding resistance training into your aerobic exercises also helps you lowering down blood sugar and makes your body more sensitive to the insulin. Planning your workout session accordingly helps you in losing your weight.

3Measure calorie consumption

For the people suffering with type 2 diabetes, it is required that they watch out for every calorie they consume, especially carbohydrates and sugar. Measuring your calorie intake or writing it down regularly helps in minimizing your diet, which leads to weight loss, according to a study conducted by a prestigious university. Maintaining a diet journal or using a mobile app for noting down calorie intake can help you in managing your calorie consumption.

4Eat breakfast regularly

For successful weight loss as well as maintenance, eating breakfast regularly is one of the most effective. According to the experts, breakfast lowers down the hunger occurs in the morning and provides better blood glucose as well as helps in raising basal metabolic rate. According to a study it was also found that people suffering with type 2 diabetes, who eats a large breakfast of fat and protein showed greater results of lowering down their diabetic medications. Having breakfast also helps in getting fewer impulsive as well as imbalanced diet later in the day.

5Weigh yourself frequently

This is again an important way to be aware of your weight gain. Checking your weight on regular intervals helps in self-monitoring yourself about your weight. This self-monitoring leads to consistent weight loss, according to the experts, as you can then control your eating habits according to your weight. It is important to be consistent about the time and date of your weight gain.

6Plan your diet

Planning anything in prior will help in giving you larger benefits in the future. Planning your diet also helps in providing you lower number of calories. You can plan what food you want to eat and note down in your smartphone, especially when you are thinking of ordering food from outside. Always check nutritional values provided by the vendors on their food products so that you can have an idea about what you are going to eat.

7Know what you are eating

It is important to be aware of knowing the nutritional values of your snacks which you are going to be eating. Note down what snacks you are eating for more clarification. Additionally, note them down with their nutritional values, including the calorie content. Maintaining this list will help you in avoiding snacks which are high in carbohydrates as well as sugar. You will also have an idea about what you want to eat simultaneously leisure of choosing from various choices.